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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. It all depends on the cause. If the Net went down but computers were still running, it wouldn't be a catastrophe compared to what could happen: a massive CME that overwhelms everything electrical. Perhaps even the solar system passing into an interstellar cloud of charged gas that overwhelms even the Sun's magnetic field. The only thing not affected would be fiber optics and anything running completely on photonics. Back to the Dark ages!
  2. What? You want to some Kerbals in training? Feel free to watch some other KSP vids while you're there Welcome to the forums and this incredibly addictive game!
  3. Hey Bill, you put the wings on backwards!
  4. It's a delicate balance. People have to be willing to share without getting greedy about it. It's far too easy to destroy so that no one can have "it," whatever it is
  5. The "Red Mars / Green Mars / Blue Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson (IIRC) has an interesting take on how cultures could affect Mars colonization. Space is huge, and so is the amount of real estate on the Moon. There should be little need to fight over a rock. The South Pole craters are an exception, as the only known spot on the Moon with significant amounts of water.
  6. You're welcome, glad I could help. Was it one particular thing that did the trick or did you do all of the above?
  7. Presidential election day in the US of freakin' A (hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it)
  8. I'll second In-Flight Waypoints, another thing that should be stock
  9. It's a common glitch, I just had it happen yesterday. Give it a bang! Kick it! By which I mean, go back to the space center, switch to another ship, focus on another planet, quicksave then quickload, might even have to exit KSP and restart it. If timing isn't an issue, sometimes just warping around can help. I've had it happen on solar orbits where I couldn't make a node until I passed an An/Dn, or Ap/Pe. Keep jiggling it!
  10. A solar or lunar eclipse? Doesn't really fit...
  11. Yeah, my last trip to Moho seemed kind of expensive, dV-wise. Good thing I used a nuclear-powered transfer stage with plenty of dV
  12. It's the Nomex suit that protects from fire. Duct tape again, eh? I got something even better! RELEASE THE KRAGLE!
  13. I don't know how efficient this is, but this what I do: When KAC says I'm at the window, I'll plot my escape maneuver out to the target planet's orbit. Then I'll set another node at the An/Dn and plot the plane change and whatever other finetuning I need to get the intercept I want. This is all before I do a single burn (aside from getting to orbit, of course). After I do the final burn I'll use RCS while focused on my destination to put the approach exactly where I want it
  14. Movie? It was a TV series that managed 48 episodes from 1975-78. Then again, according to Epguides there were some compilation movies... Aw, lookit the cute little cubesat: 9/10 for smaller, better, cheaper!
  15. If you've already been to Moho, unfortunately it won't generate an 'Explore' contract for that. One way to make more funds is to stack contracts: Accept multiple satellite, station, and outpost contracts, then build a satellite or base that will satisfy the requirements of all the contracts. Then just move the base from place to place (Kerbin orbit --> Mun orbit ---> Solar orbit ---> Duna orbit --> Duna surface: 5 contracts for one station!). Same thing with satellites, and you can launch small sats attached to your station/base. Another way is with the Science Funding mod, it simply gives 2k funds for each science point you transmit or return to Kerbin (not including science rewards from contracts). I realize that's a little late for you as you don't need science anymore, but it's a big help in Hard mode. Last, solid boosters make for very cheap first stages. I have a heavy lifter consisting of 14 Jumbos and 7 mainsails, with a zillion 'chutes and heavy landing gear (plus probe core, power, etc), with an onion ring of 36 disposable S1 SRB's as the first stage. It costs 400k to launch but recovers for over 240k. The Trajectories mod helps with precision landing at KSC for max recovery rate. The core can make orbit with 160T payload and a little fuel left over so I can recover it whenever I want.
  16. Congrats! That first docking is always the hardest. It only gets easier after that. I can't tell from those pics if you have any RCS, which makes it even harder if you don't (I don't think I've ever pulled off a no-RCS docking). You could get one of these two mods to make it much easier: either 'Navball Docking Alignment Indicator' or 'NavyFish Docking Alignment Indicator.' The latter has more info but takes up some screen space.
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