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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Unless what you like is sitting in your parent's basement playing video games
  2. Yup, definite symptom of a KSP overdose before sleeping. I remember having Tetris dreams when I was young and had nothing better to do.
  3. Oh fer.... Thanks pxi! Vexx: Coubs are those 10 second looping videos; I only heard of them when KSP had a Create-a-Coub contest. I have some in my sig.
  4. So it's well known that with the satellite, station, and base/outpost contracts you need to launch a new spacecraft after accepting the contract. It's also well-known that you can move said spacecraft from place to place to complete multiple contracts, as long as all the contracts were accepted before launch. I've read some posts where an old craft could have a new part docked to it to complete a new contract, although that seemed to be a hit-and-miss, case-by-case basis as to whether or not it would work. But I haven't seen any mention of this: I launched a 5-seat lander attached to a lab/transfer stage craft, with a small satellite attached, to Duna, completing various contracts along the way, including landing a small outpost on Duna. After all those contracts were complete, I accepted another slew of contracts for Duna and Ike bases and satellites, which would go up at the next launch window. In the meantime, I went back to my old 5-man outpost on Duna and launched it over to Ike to plant a flag and do EVA surveys there, docking at the lab to refuel on the way. I'm sure most players have noticed that the mission clock resets after docking and undocking a vessel, as it did this time. Imagine my surprise when after landing on Ike (ending up on its side; stupid EVA surveys were on a slope; see 'Like a Badass' in my sig) I noticed that I had completed a contract: for the 5-man outpost on Ike that I had just accepted! I checked this by taking the small sat that I had hauled along and left in the contracted orbit, and docking it to the lab. After undocking I saw that the "Launch a new..." line in the new contracts was checked. Too bad my sat and outpost only met the other requirements for one contract each. Has anyone else noticed this, or had this happen? I'll have to make sure future satellites have a full slate of science gear and a docking port!
  5. Well, you did order the Atlantic soup! Waiter, there's a LEM in my soup!
  6. Will be reopened when crushed rock is worth more than crude oil Mine closed due to being in hard vacuum
  7. That's great, thanks again Vexx! Hey, could you suggest to Sal making another thread tag in the Fan Works forum for Coubs?
  8. That was excellent, and a well done commentary too, sounds just like a regular launch commentary.
  9. I hate it when my lander ends up on its side, especially because I landed on a slope, but that's where the survey mission was. But Jeb knows how to get it off the regolith again, like a Badass! Suggestion: Hey Sal, can you make a thread tag for Coubs please?
  10. One fingerprint on that lens in the way of a high-power laser and it'll melt or shatter
  11. Cancelled projects, you say? The wiki says it was politcal, but I still think it was because the U.S. didn't like Canada making a better fighter than they did at the time http://www.thestar.com/news/2008/03/23/a_picture_and_a_thousand_words.html
  12. I think another reason why rocket engines run fuel rich is to prevent metal parts from oxidizing (burning) in the excess hot oxygen. After all, that's how a cutting torch works: First, the metal is heated to red-hot with a normal, neutral (neither oxygen-rich nor fuel-rich) flame, then a blast of oxygen does the actual cutting by burning the metal. It wouldn't take long to burn through an engine's combustion chamber if the mixture was too oxygen-rich
  13. Ok, so fake fullscreen works for me, but one other problem with this: That setting is found in the launcher settings, but it doesn't seem to stick. I just run the game straight from the ksp.exe, which runs it in windowed mode, and then I alt-enter into fullscreen and have the same old problem. I checked the setting file and only found the fullscreen true/false line. Where can I find (or what do I look for) the line I change so it always runs in fake-full-screen when I just run the ksp.exe?
  14. Around here the radio advertises a business called "Events and Adventures," which organizes events for singles, like evening cruises, hikes, etc. Even a trip to Hawaii! The idea being to just go out and have fun and if you meet someone you like, great! One can always see if there is a business like that in their area. The nerd group might be able to suggest they host a massive LAN/WiFi party. *Disclaimer* I was happily married before I ever heard them advertise (Thank you, Yahoo Chat, which has since been overrun by bots), so I myself never attended one of their events, nor do I know anyone who has.
  15. I recently sent a stack of 2 probe landers + 2 probe satellites to the Eve system to fulfill the 'Explore Eve' and 'Explore Gilly' contracts. The Eve portion went perfectly, with the two probes on the ground (on its side, but whatever) and in orbit respectively. Buoyed by success, I moved on to the Gilly portion of the mission. I set the stacked probes onto a flyby course with a Pe of about 7km (IIRC) which should be good enough for Gilly, I thought. The transfer stage burned out partway through the orbital insertion burn, no big deal, I separated it and continued the burn with the lander and made orbit. I then separated the probes and prepared for landing, noticing that VOID told me I was less than 500m above the surface. As I was burning for landing I swung the camera around just in time to see the satellite (no propulsion of any kind, just an Octo, some OX-STATS, batteries, SciJr and other science gear) crash into the surface. Ah well, I had already fulfilled the orbital part of the Gilly contract. The landing on Gilly went fine, and I started transmitting out all the science I could, until the batteries died. ?!?!? Oh right, I forgot that while the sats just used OX-STATS, the landers needed to have the solar panels deployed! I had remembered to do that on Eve, but not on Gilly. *facepalm* But I prepare for these things; I had locked out the probe's battery before launch, for all the good that did me. As soon as I connected the battery the antenna sucked out the the 10 EC of juice before I could deploy a panel! I need to remember to lock out a bigger battery. So while Eve was an almost total success, Gilly was a near total disaster. At least both contracts were completed, but I won't be getting any more science from the Gilly SOI.
  16. But, but, he can fall with style! Functional, I suppose. Where do the 'chutes come out? Almost 13 tons? Seems heavy for something that hopefully will never be used. 5/10
  17. That was awesome, and I agree the sound of it was pretty cool too. Regarding how it appeared to accelerate across the deck, I would hazard a guess that the engine section tore off and the tankage was accelerated by residual pressure and/or combustion of the remaining RP-1 as air got into the ruptured tank. I'd love to hear Elon say that they Kerbaled the landing
  18. The full legalization of cannabis in Colorado and Washington states!
  19. I wasn't aware it was used in hobby rocketry (doesn't surprise me), but I do know Mr Musk was using it as far back as the initial Merlin 1a testing.
  20. 10/10 Ah, the ultimate spaceship, carries 7 billion people around the galaxy
  21. 7/10 Cool Lego shuttle, but not sure what it burns. Kragle?
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