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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Yeah, I’ve pondered what a biological bearing might look like, and the best I can come up with is a claw-like gripper (think bird feet) with a mucous/lubricant liner (think slugs and snails). It would have to be an evolved instinct to use that claw to grip a wheeled shaft. Even that is sub-optimal, as the really useful invention was not the wheel, but the stationary axle. Unless it could evolve a hoof/claw that grows around a mucous layer somehow…
  2. Layers. Lots and lots of layers, especially cover your head; you lose most of your body heat through your head and neck. Hats, blankets, scarves, whatever you have. Just don't wear so many shirts and pants that it restricts circulation. Good luck!
  3. Cover (roof) the freeways with PV panels. When conditions are good, they generate power for the charging tations. When conditions are bad (i.e. snow) and no power is being generated, at least they are still sheltering the road, keeping snow and rain off it.
  4. Well, aside from the requirements of Hollywood in making the movie Solo and the resulting dramatization/stand-up guyization of the Kessel Run, it made a lot of sense as explained in the novels: fast enough to pass dangerously close to a black hole cluster without getting sucked in, thereby shortening the length of the trip. But the movie just made pure fantasy of it, as usual. I would imagine a black hole cluster to just look like a seething cauldron of energy, generally invisible because it's all x-ray/gamma energies. You see very little, and then you melt from the radiation sleeting through you.
  5. Gawdam, I can already feel the vibrations in the ground from the hype engines spooling up. Who's got a seismograph to get a reading on this?
  6. I'm sure there are many formulas for failure, but that one is probably a 'gotcha' formula, that gets you when you think you're on to something.
  7. Which also the amount of time between when the light turns green, and the NY cabbie behind you honks their horn. I know, I know, that means they are honking long before the light even hits their retina! Must be a quantum entanglement thing. Spooky, huh?
  8. I'm sure this has been posted before, but a comment on todays Blondie cartoon got it stuck again...
  9. Beautiful launch of the rare White Falcon! I got to watch the stream live this time, woohoo!
  10. Okay, I’ll play along, I assume it’s a play on a brand/manufacturer name For use in a cryo lab?
  11. Two Falcons on their pads. It's just not the same as....
  12. Operational limits. An abort is a contingency scenario, where LoV is acceptable if it can save the crew. Who cares how hard it lands as long as it’s not smeared. Any landing you can crawl away from….
  13. Yeah, I remember that one, with whats-his-name and i think it also had whats-her-pickle. In the backcountry somewhere in the winter. Or was it summer at the lake? And that personthing.... Yeah, that's the one, yeah...
  14. I was thinking the same thing. Needs to be a sperm whale though
  15. How big was this cruise ship? Big enough to land on? lol, j/k I think someone should be losing their captaincy, or put it back in the Crackerjack box where they got it...
  16. And the hits just keep on coming. Howard Hesseman, aka Dr Johnny Fever of WKRP in Cincinnati, has died at 81
  17. Apparently Project Lyra has born fruit. A very small fruit, on a very long, high limb. Did they get some help form this thread?
  18. Sorry for double posting this here and in the FQTDMTOT thread in S&SF, but it’s both lounge-y and science-y and I wanted max exposure…
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