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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. I know translating is hard, and words can have similar but different meanings. I think the term you’re looking for is “high bypass ratio” A bypass is a way around something, and can take many forms (highway bypass around a city, bypass surgery around a blocked artery, bypassing air around a turbojet core, etc). I think of a culvert as a large pipe that allows a creek or trail to cross under a road, “bypassing” the road surface. Just trying to help!! And yeah, that’s a big loss to aviation. I hope it gets rebuilt or replaced sooner or later. I love those big, beautiful birds!
  2. Unfortunately any meaningful climate action is dependent on political will, making the most important parts of this discussion heavily political. So I shall limit myself to asking if there is a cartoon of world leaders fiddling while the planet burns? If not, I expect someone will create one soon.
  3. *mashes ‘like’ button into dust* Great tune, timeless sound, haven’t heard it in ages and that’s a shame.
  4. A Voyager-class RTG produced about 157W initially, halving every 87 years. So just replace the Pu-238 slug every forty years or so... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MHW-RTG
  5. I'm getting a message from an old friend here:
  6. At this point, true. By the time the tech is in place for such a retrieval to be seriously considered, Starlink will be basically complete. Having some in lower-inclination, higher altitude orbits seems plausible, to add capacity in the more populous tropical regions
  7. Some people have it, and some don't. If nothing else, it makes a perfect target for a tech demonstration mission. A Starship could launch with a partial load of Starlinks, along with a Mission Robotic Vehicle equipped with a Dextre robot. It releases the Starlinks and then makes rendezvous with Hubble. After releasing the MRV, the Starship either returns to the surface or loiters nearby. Dextre preps Hubble for stowing aboard the next available Starship, by removing solar panels and securing any loose bits. After stowing Hubble, the MRV could maneuver to the next assignment while Starship brings Hubble back to Terra Firma. Some trillionaire would help fund such a mission, if only to have the ultimate conversation piece in their private collection, loaned out to whichever museum.... Digressing down the rabbit hole....
  8. Kinda reminds me of : ”K, seriously?!!?” Siri: “What can I help you with?”
  9. Now imagine said unit doing drills and exercises in Benny Hill mode, complete with Yakety Sax!
  10. I think I’ll make this old measuring tool into a sword or dagger. I shall call it….
  11. Looks like someone is trying to get a job in the Mad Max movie set garages. But I don’t think it’s nearly spiky enough
  12. *insert Oprah meme* ”A Starship for you, and a Starship for you, and a Starship for you…”
  13. Mun landing is certainly up there, although comparing gaming moments across games is like apples and oranges. They all have their moments. in SoF, after ducking a slugthrower salvo, calmly popping up and picking them off with a single shot from a .44 Magnum. Or a well executed Hallucinated Arbiter feint: a knock on their choke point to distract, then an army appears in the middle of their resource patch. Famous last words: “hey, where’d my base go?”
  14. Jeb only wishes he could do this but... no wind...
  15. As I recently discovered, stainless is a special case. Some SS alloys are magnetic; others are not. It depends on the crystalline structure (simplification). The fun part is that working the metal can change the structure and make it magnetic. I recently tested that on my stainless steel kitchen sink. A magnet will not stick to the flat sections, but it will stick to the curved sections that were deformed by the stamping process. The tighter the curve, the more magnetic it ‘felt’ (subjective testing, not quantitative). So the hull of Starship at large is probably not magnetic, but those stiffening stringers look stamped. Some well-placed, well-stamped (or well-rolled, or otherwise worked) stringers may work well as rails for magnets stick to.
  16. A true spaceman’s feet would evolve to function more like another pair of hands, and might be genetically altered to grow a prehensile tail, too. Or, if we could train chimps to spacewalk, or create superchimps as in Rendezvous With Rama…
  17. Hypothesis: The first set of “flight” engines that should have been in qualification testing, failed qualification testing. Eventually, Bezos will be pleased to announce that they’re “shipping the first flight engines, serial numbers *coughthirteenfourteencough* to ULA for installation on Vulcan, which has now been proofed twenty times” Rocket engines are hard….
  18. That’s hilarious. Sounds like pulsejets? How did he not have a burnthrough?
  19. Unfortunately, you can't post an image directly to the KSP forums. You have to host it somewhere else and then copy/paste the link into your post. It usually embeds automatically (picture loads in) Imgur.com is a good, free pic hosting site that I use.
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