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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. "Ive got a bad feeling about this!" - approximately half the Star Wars characters.
  2. That wasn't the snow you were looking for. It was wet, heavy, sticky snow, followed by rain and cooling temps, resulting in everything covered in a layer of frozen Slurpee. Then we had the freezing rain @Stormpilot mentioned; forunately not a lot of it but enough to glaze the roads. But now... It was supposed to snow Christmas Eve, but the forecast kept pushing it back and it didn't arrive until Christmas morning. And wow did it arrive! The temp was about -4C when it started and it only got colder, resulting in the perfect dry, fine powder snow; prairie snow, with gusting winds blowing it sideways. We got almost a foot of it with drifts twice as deep before it stopped last night, and the temp is down to -11 now. This is the snow you're looking for. A rare White Christmas for the BC Lower Mainland / Fraser Valley region! Merry Christmas! Perfect weather for a Mountain Lab, btw...
  3. Will Hubble be able to get a useful image of JWST at L2? I’m thinking not…
  4. Awesome, good to hear! Even with just binoculars, the first time I looked at the Pleiades was “OMG it’s full of stars!!!”
  5. Well, then, Merry Birthday and Happy Christmas! You have the same bday as my sis-in-law! I received Chris Hadfield's The Apollo Murders. Read the prologue and a bit of the first chapter, and can't wait to have a chance to seriously dig in to more!
  6. My alarm woke me up, and the bird was already 20km off the ground. I watched it clear the soup and then went back to sleep before MECO.
  7. You know Christmas is imminent when this is on the radio... MERRY CHRISTMAS YOU HOSERS!!!!
  8. For the next holiday season (too late for this one) maybe Squad/T2 should market some "Ker-Ball" decorations...
  9. One mention of a witch doctor on a TV show and I get all 'OOO EEEE OOH AH AAH!"
  10. Ouch. I’d be tempted to tell this “friend” that if he wants this project done, then quit grousing and let you get what you need, but it sounds like you’re done now. I suppose you were doing it for free, but I bet his tune would change if you charged hourly, including these supply runs. It costs more in gas and especially time to go return something to save a couple bucks. Time is money, after all, so I understand when one has more time than money to spend. But driving around back and forth isn’t free either.
  11. That’s 420 Am my, I would have just left for work. But it’s also Christmas Morning, so I’ll be sawing logs instead. Hopefully that’ll be one more present in the morning
  12. Okay, so what’s the apogee of a max-range 16” shell trajectory?
  13. My wife just saw on the news that her ex has been arrested for a murder on the Highway of Tears in northern BC… Actually, from what I’ve heard about the guy, not that shocking.
  14. Thanks for that, I didn't know the name of the battle but that is definitely the battle described in the novel Space by James Michener (one of the ones I was referring to), right down to the quote "They're shooting at us in Technicolor!" Which makes me wonder if that wiki article was partly cribbed from the novel, lol, but it wouldn't surprise me if it is a real quote included in the novel..
  15. So if a battleship fired an AP shell at a modern destroyer, would it hit anything solid enough to trip/ignite the fuse? I have read a few novels that had AP shells go screaming through a lightly armoured target without exploding…
  16. A pink fog? Did you wander into a Stephen King novel? Or maybe a Koontz…
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