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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Okay, here's an upcoming dark comedy from Netflix that appears to capture the reality of today's world...
  2. How much of a heat shield is necessary for a stainless steel ship to aerobrake down to LEO? Heat tolerance was one of the reasons for the material, after all. Granted, it could aerobrake more aggressively with shielding, but it should still be able to take a fair bit, or so I would think.
  3. This was done for a challenge and executed within a career save. Jeb was later retreived from his spent space dragster and last time that career was loaded he was on his way back from Eeloo.
  4. Having always been interested in spaceflight, I've always had that feeling of being stranded on Earth, especially as the space program didn't advance as fast as orginally envisioned. For accounts where there this username was already taken, I'd use strandedonearthsince1970, a bit of a mouthful, going back to the early oughts As for the pfp, I use to use this friendly fellow: Niven readers might know he was stranded on Earth for billions of years. Then I decided to switch to a little wordplay.
  5. Huzzah to the release of Season 2! And that's all I have to say about that, since the show I'm referring to is soooo Not Safe For Kids, or work, or probably anyone with any sense of decency.
  6. I haven't been able to get to work for four days now due to the flooding. Actually, that's not really a negative thing.... yet.
  7. And how many more tankers to take the derelict back down to the base for salvage? As opposed to salvaging a crushed beer can stainless steel beer keg.
  8. No, it's 1920 again. Two levee breaches and Sumas Lake IS filling up again. 2km+ of levee needs to be built before the next rain system brings in another 80-100mm of rain starting Monday. https://globalnews.ca/video/rd/9d5694ea-48d8-11ec-81cc-0242ac110015/?jwsource=cl Homes are in the way and will have to be sacrificed...
  9. I should add that the plume of silt thrown by the Fraser is not much bigger than usual, but it is far heavier/thicker/more opaque (is 'opaquer' a word?) than usual. And the tendrils stretch farther. And then there's the Cowichan and other rivers on Vancouver Island
  10. Just heard on the news that the CC130J is heading to abbotsford with 60 soldiers to help build a new levee. Then it'll go back to Edmonton for more men...
  11. We have enough of those. Hopefully they're bringing something we can use. Oh right, we can use the politicians for hot air to dry things up...
  12. Latest news has the water level stabilized at the pumps, thanks to the tireless work of volunteers sandbagging the pumps. So the situation is holding. But evacuations on the Sumas Prairie continue… There are also a few towns in the Interior completely evacuated But the roads are a mess E: Oh, and there’s a large fire burning at an RV lot in the middle of the flood. All they can do is let it burn while hosing down what propane/NG infrastructure they can reach Now if only I could find the images from the news chopper, short of taking a picture of the TV lol
  13. Fortunately, while I wouldn’t quite say we’re well-stocked, our cupboards are far from bare, so we can eat for awhile. Thankfully we still have power or things would be getting uncomfortable.
  14. No, the pumps haven’t failed yet; that was misreported. But they could…
  15. Walmart grocery shelves are empty, unless you want margarine. I assume it's the same at other stores, when 70 people burst into Superstore after they shut the doors because they were at capacity... And apparently no more gas either...
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