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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Thou shalt also useth more struts! (not one mention of struts in this thread? tsk tsk....
  2. I can't help but wonder what von Braun would think of such a scene. More so, what he would think of seeing it operational...
  3. I have a 30-min highway commute to work. I've seen plenty of stuff on flatbed/lowbeds: industrial machinery and tanks, race cars, disassembled airplanes and choppers, modulars, and so on. Too bad there 's no reason to see a rocket stage out here. But today was a first..... Can anyone name this beast from this crappy cropped dashcam image? The semi was done in camo colors, and the name on the door "Lumpy's Lowbed Service" was so fitting I had to chuckle.
  4. … and that’s what the giant sandworms evolved from
  5. Consensus in that Twitter thread is that the OP is a troll account
  6. Yeah, I remembered those sort of references when I noticed the effect. One sunny day next spring I’ll have to go look at some flowers, especially blue-y or violet ones. Something else I noticed with my new phone is that red text on black gives a 3D appearance, like the red text is “sunk in” to the black, relative to white text near it. It’s especially noticeable in arstechnica articles, or at least that’s where I occasionally run into occasional red words on a black background. I’m wondering if that effect is related to the fake lens in my eye too…
  7. I pulled out our fluoresecent blacklight for Halloween for the first time in two years, and noticed something interesting: the blacklight looks a lot brighter when viewed through my right eye, which is the eye that has had cataract surgery performed. The effect is.... interesting
  8. I was reminded of THe Dark Crystal, but that guy is downright handsome in comparison...
  9. So how long until they figure out a little solar roaster module? They'd have up to 45 minutes to roast something under direct concentrated sunlight. "Quick, get dinner in the solar oven! Orbital sunset in 30..."
  10. Try stagnant or at least standing water, instead of running water? Sounds like the creek was too clean for your purposes,
  11. So our kitchen reno has been done for months now, with just one thing missing: the beverage fridge. Delivery has been pushed back a month or so at a time, and is now expected mid-November. Cue the cargo ship that lost 100 or so containers off Vancouver Island, and now a container of appliances and other retail goods has washed up on a remote beach, spreading what is now garbage everywhere. Why do I have a sinking feeling that our beverage center is going to be pushed back several more months...?
  12. Probably around the same time metals are being extracted from asteroids, give or take a few decades….
  13. JW is infrared, the the ecliptic is polluted with zodiacal dust. So observations along the ecliptic won’t be as “clear” as other observations in other directions, but I don’t know how great an effect it will be
  14. That looks more like a beetle than the Beetle! Meanwhile, back at Ford, I think there are some kerbals in the skunkworks. As in.... MOAR BOOSTERZ MOTORZ!!!1!! As in seven of them. For 1400hp. Oh, and it's electric. Sounds like a UFO!
  15. Yes, but that had oxygen and fuel (wiring/insulation) to burn, and it was probably reasonably full happening on the outbound leg. But I didn't know about inerting the tanks on commercial aircraft; that's sensible. So yeah, rocket fuel tanks shouldn't have to worry about vapors igniting. Oxygen tanks, on the other hand, well, best not to have anything flammable in there. although pure oxygen will burn darn near anything if it gets hot enough... On the gripping hand, that damaged tank should have never been cleared for flight...
  16. To me, the tile/skin/tankspace arrangement isn't too concerning for the normal rocket operations of launch, re-entry, and landing, if one could consider the last two "normal" operations. For SpaceX it is, but re-entry from orbital speeds with a big (nearly) empty fuel tank on the other side of the heatshield is unprecedented, it is a known regime. The real risk I see with the single skin is for vehicles that spend an extended time in space exposed to the probability of MMOD strikes, like depot tankers or deep space (HLS) missions. The capability to repair and repressurize will be mandatory, I think. How big of a strike can Starship resist? At least the tiles offer some protection to half the vehicle, and could be replaced. The radiator panels on the ISS and two shuttle orbiters were perforated by MMOD, fortunately not puncturing any coolant lines. Is a tank full of homogenous vapors (all fuel or all oxidizer) that much more dangerous? I thought vapors were only really dangerous (from a flammable standpoint) when the two were mixed?
  17. Once we get this climate thing sorted out, we’ll be more concerned about keeping up with the Cardassians…
  18. HO-LEE-SMOKE!!!! That looks scorching epic!!!! How many video games is that gonna spawn? Never mind the mod packs…. I know some people complain about the lack of originality in doing pre/sequels and such, but there’s nothing wrong with telling a different story in the same universe. Wow
  19. It’s not the sea level rise that strengthens the storms. It’s the warmer water that adds more energy to the storms. It’s conceivable that if all the ice melted and the sea levels rose dramatically, the average water temperature could be the same or lower, so the storms may not be more powerful. I would think that animal life is less affected by severe weather than human pollution. Animals that survive storms will have plenty of windfall and victims to eat, but humans tend to destroy the habitat and poison the food and water supplies that animals need to survive. It’s the humans that find storms such a huge problem, interrupting our lives and all that. The nerve!
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