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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Dang, missed it because I was out buying bigger hockey gear for my son. Love the mascot!
  2. He would get up to no good out of range of the spray bottle, so the artillery needed to come out. “Reach out, reach out and soak someone!”
  3. We need to increase the polarity of the negative phase tachyon conjunctor
  4. Seeing as I’m thinking I need to add a router to my tool collection, I’ll keep that in mind….
  5. The whole thing has been counter-intuitive all along, first the switch to stainless, and now this. It goes back to the best part is no part, and folding the grid fins requires extra mass, extra parts, and extra engineering efforts to save what is actually an insignificant amount of drag (compared to the effort to eliminate it).
  6. Needs a big butterfly net? Maybe left over from MS. Tree?
  7. Interesting. A quick google tells me that 32kft3 is about the pressurized volume of the ISS: 32,333 ft3 Finding the pressurized volume of a boomer is eluding me…
  8. By the way things are going, BO started drinking at 15….
  9. Lol, the back of that cement mixer’s cab does look like Artoo, but the paint job on those drums is more R5-D4. That said, those cement drums need an Artoo paint job. I always get a kick out of seeing kids on bikes (usually doubling behind parents) with Artoo helmets.
  10. Calvin and Howard seems pretty close to Calvin and Hobbes, and your story does sound rather like a Spaceman Spiff scene. Not saying that that’s a bad thing, but that’s my impression. Never stop writing; you never know when you might start channeling the greatest story that hasn’t been written yet.
  11. “Close only counts for horseshoes, hand grenades, nuclear warheads, and cauliflower “ - Food fight veteran
  12. Which is why I said VTOL, ie some sort of rocket powered hovercraft
  13. No air for actual flight, but I suppose one could try to fly a VTOL through the Tylo cave. And it’s always fun to rocket through a Mun Arch. Oh wait, isn’t there a catwalk at the KSC R&D complex to fly under?
  14. Pumpkin is good for pets, lots of fiber. Recommended for both cats and dogs! While our dearly departed cat didn't care for any human food except fish, our new kitty is all over any human food. Loves popcorn and steals it out of the bowl. We need more little squirt bottles around the house. Kitty is going to learn the meaning of NO! very quickly. A cat I had ages ago knew the sound of the squirt gun pumping up and left the area very quickly... And no, I haven't encountered any illness due to cats, but those teeth punctures need to be bled out to prevent infection...
  15. I found some steak buried in the deep freezer that was starting to get a little freezer-burnt, so I decided to try making beef jerky in the air fryer. It was like OHMYGAW!
  16. Favourite staging maneuver? A successful one! Although I must say that venting residual LOX ullage to push the Soyuz boosters away is an elegant solution.
  17. Hopefully after it sees first light. It’ll be a nailbiter until then for sure
  18. A certain Proton flight comes to mind…
  19. … And the Aspiratioal Elon Time Correction Factor will put it back to 2023, assuming nothing goes wrong.
  20. Get landlord permission for a permanent install. The next renters will thank you.
  21. Meh… HLS probably was an advanced concept. That is apparently still waiting to advance…
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