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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. If it was safe it wouldn’t be fun, and vice versa
  2. Sadly, I don’t think there’s much of BO’s proprietary info that SpaceX would want right now…
  3. It still boggles my mind that there is no bus service at all to the industrial park where I work. Which is miles away from any residential area. I think that may be one of the reasons that workers seem to be hard to find.
  4. Legend has it that Von Braun once stood on the bullseye of the A4 (which became the V2) testing range while trying to troubleshoot the problem of rockets breaking up mid-flight, figuring that it was the safest spot (an A4 impacted 300ft away, IIRC)
  5. This has always been one of my concerns too. And adding MMOD protection is going to mess with everything, especially mass-wise
  6. Vader had hair at first, before he got cooked. Did Bezos ever have hair? That Reddit link was a good read
  7. I don’t know what they are trying to prove. Squeaky wheel much?
  8. I'm sure EM is hoping for and would love to see this scenario
  9. Lol, well, I am serious with that comparison. I believe Musk would like to crank out tens of thousands of these (in many different flavors) over time, just keeping that production line running, building and licensing others. He's building the machine that builds the machines, and then building more of those machines. Which is like comparing a custom coach building shop of traditional aerospace to the' Model T production line of SpaceX
  10. Primitive Offworld Spaceships Will Probably Be Made Of... Chewing gum, baling wire, and duct space tape
  11. Well, to be fair, Bezos’ wealth is tied up in Amazon. If he were to try to sell billions worth of stock at once, the price would drop, deflating the wealth of himself and others…
  12. "Courage is something you shouldn't be afraid to have" - Major Frank Burns
  13. “Gilligan!!!1!” - the Skipper
  14. That’s one ugly Child the Mandalorian is lugging around.
  15. “Horsehockey!” - Col. Sherman T. Potter
  16. All other arguments aside, they’re barking up the wrong tree by urging NASA to award a second provider. NASA doesn’t have the funding. If they’re serious about competition, they need to urge Congress to provide the funding NASA needs for a second contract award.
  17. I wonder how hard it would be to make prospector probes out of Starlink chassis’s. Because that’s the sort of fleet of inexpensive prospector probes that is needed for a proper survey. Nudging an NEO into HEO would certainly be bonus
  18. I haven’t played KSP in quite awhile actually, but this forum is my first stop when surfing (so easy to get addicted to seeing red dots in the top right corner)
  19. Cat funnies… (Link to Quora.com from mobile app, hope it works properly)
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