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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Why is it that cats always look annoyed when you try to take their picture…
  2. I would also suggest contacting your local Brain Injury Society (or your local equivalent) for support and suggestions. Even if it’s a support group that will allow you to share with a group that understands what you’re going through. My brother suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in a car crash twenty years ago. He refused to go because “he’s not like those people “ but he hasn’t really accomplished anything since either. And we could never convince him otherwise. Please don’t be like that, because a concussion IS a brain injury. I don’t know, but maybe there’s a society that leans more toward concussions than TBIs
  3. Adorable! We adopted Gilligan here to take Malibu's place tormenting Oreo, She seems to be catching on... But at first she was like
  4. Well, at least in the British Columbia secondary school system. But there were no A+ or A-, just A, B, C+, C, C- , and F as final grades (D and E were interim grades), so I assume an 86 would be an A-. I don't recall what the post-secondary grades were...
  5. Tough to discuss a politic-dependent topic on a non-political forum, so I shall attempt to stay on the outskirts... (proposes some policy, facepalm, hits del) SLS appears to survive on the enormous momentum of existing jobs. Supporting all those jobs makes it expensive. Nobody likes to lose their jobs, but the world moves on and there are far fewer farriers in the developed world today (at least per capita) than 120 years ago. If and when SSSH proves functional with economics within an order of magnitude of Musk's ambitions, then SLS will be as obsolete as a knife at a gunfight. All those congresscritters will be aghast at the prospect of all those jobs being lost, but they don't have to be. All of these skilled workers simply need to transition to building payloads (habs, power plants, ECLSS, resource extraction bots) for space exploration. Or setting up more licensed Starship production lines. So instead of funding these jobs to provide an overpriced vehicle for which there should soon be a commercial option, fund those jobs to build the infrastructure components for the utilization of deep space resources. That's what government programs are (supposed to be) for: to research, develop, and build the infrastructure for their population to build upon. Of course, there's that issue about teaching old dogs new tricks... I admit there's no reason to cancel SLS when there is no operational alternative. But the cost charged is obscene, although I suppose these contractors had no idea they were about to be undercut so badly by an upstart that would prove to be so capable. Time to roll with the changes instead of standing firm and getting squashed.
  6. On top, what is that, a tank for ants?
  7. Yeah, the sport will be to get Mass X from motionless at Point A to motionless at Point B as quickly as possible Zero-gee basketball would be interesting. Zero-gee Ice hockey, um, maybe not
  8. I could imagine that being a thing when they have a space the size of Skylab (or greater)
  9. Nah. Cheating is checking who’s online first. Uhhhh…. @adsii1970
  10. Oh hey, i got a ping! oh, I see... @cubinator?
  11. Depends on how they weather the tipover bodyslam. F9s have been known to survive that. Unless the CoM is low enough to float vertically.
  12. To be fair, it never occurred to me either. And it probably should have. And I guess I missed or forgot the snickering that went with the initial announcement.
  13. Hmm, haven’t posted my favourite ZZ Top video in tribute yet. Must fix that, I think this song is underrated
  14. I believe the official term for that is “autocowrecked “. Or should be. Appropriate though E: But yeah, BO lost and got spanked for fighting it. Now it just sounds like whining. Who put a six-year-old in charge of PR?
  15. True, but that helps with plausible deniability
  16. So is Russia trying to get out of its ISS obligations by wrecking the thing?
  17. I've often wondered about thorium reactors, because it all sounded fairly good, really. Almost to good to be true, actually. Is it all overblown? I don't really know. But the wariness around anything nuclear and the cost of new megaprojects makes it hard to gain traction. Although I seem to recall CANDU reactors (or maybe something else) could use thorium-based fuel rods, but I believe they're mostly fairly old by now
  18. Not to mention the major oil spills, which may not claim any lives directly but wreak economic devastation in affected areas. Or tailings pond collapses.
  19. Sorry, but that name is just tickles my funny bone
  20. I love seeing all this rapid progress. It was seeming a little quiet for awhile aside from deliveries, but now that all the engines have arrived and the launch table is stacked, it’s like they’ve gone to Plaid again.
  21. Why yes, I do, and then never heard much more... E: just read that link, and it seems that rotor sails are gaining traction as a means to significant fuel savings. Talk about throwing the shipping industry a curve ball.
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