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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Had to make the decision to take our little old dog to the vet today so he could go to the clearing where the path ends. He had no quality of life left and it... was time.
  2. The first way I learned to solve a Rubik’s cubes was to pop a corner off and take it apart, then reassemble it solved. Cuz once a sticker is taken of... ick I used to know how to solve a cube, but haven’t in a long time.
  3. While the enemy is focused on all these Starships coming in hot, the SEAL team will sneaking in through the sewers and the Rangers are preparing to breach the back door... One Starship makes it through the hail of ack-ack and SAMs to land, and then out pops a flag that says “BOOM!” (Which is when the back door gets breached). More seriously, at the rate they will be able to crank out Starships, especially if they license out production, they’ll eventually be selling these things like airliners
  4. That looks great. I'm gonna stop trying to interest my son on KSP until KSP2 comes out.
  5. Last weekend, the local news was ablaze with news that will reopen a dark chapter in Canadian history. Privately funded efforts using ground-penetrating radar discovered an unmarked mass grave containing the remains of 215 children on the grounds of the former residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia. That's just one school, of thirty. While tales of the horrors of residential schools are old, now there is hard evidence that will launch what will probably be the largest investigation in Canadian history. It'll be interesting to see where all this comes to rest, considering the last residential school in Canada closed in 1996. Since this topic will naturally turn heavily political, religious, and other TOS-crossers, I will decline further comment or links on this. Anyone interested is free to perform their own research on the topic. Hopefully, these poor lost souls will soon be able to rest in peace.
  6. Nice catch, but if you’re referring to the gray jig marked ‘B’ under the right side of the flag, those don’t look like pallets under it to me. It looks like cribbing: four 6x6s or 8x8s (railway ties?) laid in alternating directions. A common way of semi-permanently supporting heavy loads. I’ve seen that used under school portables, houses being moved , etc. Now if they were pallets, if they were standardized pallets like the orange CPC or blue CHEP pallets, I wouldn’t be concerned. Those things are as strong as they are heavy, and they’re pretty heavy. Unlike the cheap skids of variable quality we get around here...
  7. But... but... it’s not in sea shanty form.... lol The whole universe was in a hot dense state....
  8. But if SpaceX offers and NASA agrees, Dragon XL could probably be replaced by Starship/LunaShip. Or XL will be delivered inside a Starship
  9. Ah yes. My thought tracked more towards the Infinite Improbability Drive Since such a device, if unshielded, can turn missiles into such things as sperm whales and bowls of petunias, the catastrophic improbabilities it could generate would be endless
  10. It needs some really hot tea inside... As to the OP, a scifi fave would be a relativistic planet killer: a large mass moving at a significant percentage of c
  11. Why waste margin on a dogleg when there are better options? Besides, it takes pressure off of the Florida range. I imagine they’ll probably use the same core for all the launches there
  12. Not kooky at all compared to trying to land directly on the launch clamps with centimeter precision. Nice Blaze of Glory sonic boom. When conditions are right nature can do some amazing (or amazingly beautiful) things. But yeah, I can imagine quite a few people thought the vehicle was toast when that happened. Too bad I missed it live (TCB). I wonder if anyone caught some less over-exposed shots of this event, or something that can be enhanced....
  13. More Canadian Artemis news... https://www.canada.ca/en/space-agency/news/2021/05/canada-moves-forward-with-plans-to-explore-the-moon.html Highlights: Canada to send develop and send a yet-to-be-designed rover to the Moon within the next five years. Also plans to develop and test other lunar science equipment. Sigh. And there’s the old-space contractor developing C3: $22.8 million to MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.(MDA) to establish the technical requirements to build Canadarm3. $23 million just to establish technical requirements. Must be related to AJR
  14. Interesting question. Try this: while driving (ideally stopped, of course), watch a pedestrian. Or another person in another car. Not one that’s going to or did cross your path, but one that will otherwise have no interaction with you or your vehicle at all. Ideally one not even looking in your direction. The number of people Ive observed that soon make eye contact with me is unnerving. With no motion or noise to draw their attention. It may be the psychic staring effect mentioned above, and the subconscious is good at picking important stuff out of the peripheral vision, but still...
  15. What? No Back to the Future? No Indians Jones? No Evil Dead (Army of Darkness was a classic)? Like hello, McFly...?
  16. That was .... wow! Need to pipe that into the factories and get some serious production done ! Yeah, the actual movie soundtrack, not just the album Mother do you think they’ll drop the Bomb...?
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