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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. "Dead or alive, you're coming with me" - Robocop
  2. Of course, that video won't play north of the 49th. But with that clue, I was able to find the movie and a trailer that plays here. Looks interesting While researching Mr. Manley, I discovered he also consulted for Anne McCaffrey on a Pern novel. Also, "In recognition for his work as a popular science communicator, asteroid 33434 Scottmanley was named after him.[13"
  3. If you want to call it by its official name of STS, the full system is a rocket. And I agree, it was a big, beautiful, bird with capabilities unmatched before or since. It had its flaws, but it was an experimental vehicle thrust into operational status. I grew up on it. It was flying for the majority of my life.
  4. And why would it be stuck in your head for three days? Been researching haunted houses?
  5. Bah. I ain't afraid of no ghost. For anyone else not seeing that, here's the music video...
  6. Ah yes, the classic "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" by the ever-popular group, "Video Unavailable"
  7. LOL. But the memes it spawned will live forever! They for it freed sooner than I expected. But given the impact it was having, I’m sure all the King’s horses and all the King’s men were there by now...
  8. Apparently it did merit its own thread...
  9. Curious to know who else actually recognizes these guys... ?
  10. *performs another arcane necromancy ritual* (hopefully it lives a little longer this time...) I did this incomplete kerbalization over two years ago now. It just won't leave my head, so I decided it's time to finish it. Now I'm going to try and submit it to Weird Al Yankovic to see if he will make it. I just don't have the time or equipment to do it justice (but I think I have the ability if I had the first two). Plus he has the star power to cut through any licensing BS. I think anything that encourages interest in the STEM fields is worth a shot. E: Just went to weirdal.com and read the FAQs... Ah well. But I need to find a way to make this into a proper parody video. If anyone wants to do it, have at it (as long as I get credit Imagine Kerbals - Space ("Believer") (with apologies to the Space Oddity) ♪First things first♪ ♫you have to build your rocket in the Vab♫ ♫Check your staging, check your chutes♫ ♫then you take it to the pad, (Loadii-ing)♫ ♪You place it on the pad (physix easii-ing!)♫ ♫Second things second♫ ♪Now it's time to launch you up into the sky♫ ♪Commencing countdown, check ignition♪ ♫And now you kiss your S goodbye, (igni-tion)♫ ♫You kiss your S goodbye, (lift-awww-off!)♫ ♫There was rumbling, like a train♫ ♫There was smoke, and there was flame♫ ♫Rising from the plain, going♫ ♫Faster and faster and higher and higher♫ ♫dropping your boosters when they lose flame♫ ♫You gets the fame♫ ♫for making it, to, ♫ SPACE! ♫The world is round, Kerbin is round, I believe it, believe it♫ ♪Spaaace, Space! If you're in space, from space you can believe it, believe it♫ ♫Spaaace, Launch Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val all into Spaaace♫ ♫My life, my love, my drive, it came from...♫ SPACE! ♫You made me a, you made me a believer, believer♫ ♫Third things third♫ ♫Now it's time to leave your capsule if you dare♫ ♫Check your suit, check your helmet, then you step into the void (floati-ing)♫ ♫Your floating in the void (drifti-ing)♫ ♫You were floating, way up there♫ ♫There was blackness everywhere♫ ♫Minmus was up there♫ ♫The view you wanna share♫ ♫Floating and grinning and spinning and floating♫ ♫Trying to find your way back to the capsule♫ ♫So you're not lost, not lost in...♫ SPACE! ♫The world is round, Kerbin is round, I believe it, believe it♫ ♪Spaaace, Space! If you're in space, from space you can believe it, believe it♫ ♫Spaaace, Launch Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val all into Spaaace♫ ♫My life, my love, my drive, it came from...♫ SPACE! ♫You made me a, you made me a believer, believer♫ ♫Last things last,♫ ♫It's time to get you back onto the ground♫ ♫Through the fires, through the flames,♫ ♫At many times the speed of sound (falli-ing♫ ♫you plummet down and down..(falli-ing♫ ♫You deploy your chutes and they slow you down♫ ♫so it's a just a rough bump when you hit the ground♫ ♫and you're down from, you came down from...♫ SPACE! ♫The world is round, Kerbin is round, I believe it, believe it♫ ♪Spaaace, Space! If you're in space, from space you can believe it, believe it♫ ♫Spaaace, Launch Jeb, Bill, Bob and Val all into Spaaace♫ ♫My life, my love, my drive, it came from...♫ SPACE! ♫You made me a, you made me a believer, believer♫
  11. That sounds misguided to me... sorry, couldn't resist given your username
  12. When do they change the name from EVER GIVEN to EVER STUCK?
  13. This debate sorta reminds me of...
  14. My teenage son has gotten his learner's drivers license. Lord save us all....
  15. So Mikes Computer's figured it out, nailing it down to the to RAM channel B being dead. I could have figured that out myself and saved $35 if I had thought to try a single stick of RAM in each RAM slot. But hey, it works with the full 16GB of RAM, just in single-channel mode. Not sure how much of a performance hit that really makes, especially since it's running on integrated graphics for now. Now just waiting for the RMA to get authorized...
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