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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Of course, self driving isn't just for cities and highways... https://cleantechnica.com/2021/03/10/farming-construction-autonomous-is-going-to-be-more-than-vehicles/ I swear the intro to the tractor video is trying to evoke the Cylon theme from the BSG reboot.... A car? You want to make a measly little car autonomous?
  2. The Red Mars / Green Mars / Blue Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson was pretty good
  3. Huzzah! to SpaceX for another successful launch and landing.... ...and a bigger HUZZAH!! for making this seem routine and boring. Oh right, if we want groundbreaking excitement, keep an eye on Boca Chica.... Hopefully things there will eventually seem boring and routine. Huzzah
  4. But this part: Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me,For meee Is more like boiling water in the lap
  5. My name cannot be properly pronounced by human vocal equipment, but a reasonable approximation is “Kzanol;” Kiz-(rhymes with Liz)-an-all. But try not to pronounce the I at all., like in “Kzin” So I find it easier to go by my status here, StrandedonEarth. That should be straightforward to pronounce.
  6. How hot does it have to get for Bohemian Rhapsody?
  7. With those group and song names I was expecting a mangling of “Rock Lobster” and I was not disappointed. That was... different, but I bet Leo Morachiolli (spelling probably incorrect) would have done better....
  8. One of my favourites I’d be laughing if it wasn’t so close to the truth.
  9. Especially popular in remote communities which tend to have fewer passengers and more freight flown in.
  10. Well, as it happens, the easiest solution for the Duna MinerRefiner crew was to bail out and jetpack their way into a stable orbit. Fortunately this mission launched long before jetpacks were optional. Bill was aboard the Mars Base and got out to push before remembering his jetpack was still inside the lander can, but he was able to grab it and push the cans containing Valentina and Freddo into a stable orbit above the soup. Now all eight of them just have to hang out until the rescue fleet arrives. Next window leaves in about 600 kerbin days or so. I'll see what relics are still around, Duna has been kinda ignored over the Jool system
  11. I had to take my kid into Vancouver (a 90-minute drive each way) to see his specialist for some extractions, all part of growing up with a cleft palate repair. While we were there we stopped in at the Canucks team store at Rogers Place, where he picked up a limited run (222 of them) Daniel Sedin jersey-hat, allegedly made from an actual jersey. When we got to the dental office and mentioned his scoop, they mentioned that at least one of the Sedins' wives had been in that office. Cool that. We could have gone closer to home, but he's the guy that has done the work (bone graft) on my son so far, so he's the one that will do the heavy work period. Nobody but the best to work in my kid's mouth, and that the Sedins go there proves it
  12. Yeah, that was quite the glide, I remember noticing that too. Maybe he was catching updrafts from all that burning stuff... /s
  13. Nice factories there. But I must also say, that landscape is gorgeous!
  14. Any confirmation of intentionally allowing it to RUD? Oh, and, I couldn't resist. Hope someone picks up on it and retweets it....
  15. The father of The Great One has passed away at the age of 82 after a nine-year battle with Parkinson's disease. https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/walter-gretzky-obituary-1.5937764 grumble gripe:
  16. Geez dude, that is a bad one, sorry to hear that. Hope the cobwebs clear soon!
  17. The Dev Diaries were there, but not on the forums itself. You'll note at the bottom of each post there is a link to the full article (a much better read); that is where they were hiding. I assume that sub-forum was created to make them less hidden.
  18. So now we know what an astronaut’s time is worth. $130k/hr! And I thought the dealership shop rates were bad!
  19. Yeah, watching the replay, definitely saw a bounce on the landing there. Ouch!
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