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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Just finished a speed run in Factorio, finishing the game in less than 7 hours to get the last achievement for finishing under 8 hours. There's certainly room for improvement on that if I want to do all or part of it again. Followed a speedrun guide, but it was still tricky first rolling a useable map and still having to fit the factory beside a lake.
  2. You have to either find the image on the web, or upload it to an image hosting site like imgur. Then paste the link to the image into your post and it should auto-embed
  3. Perhaps they were waiting for it to be manufactured, assembled, and shipped, while hampered by COVID delays
  4. I read somewhere awhile back that refurbing the steel SRB casings after fishing it out of the ocean didn’t really save any money and may have cost more than making new ones. At least they won’t try that with SLS, if only because a Five-segment SRB ends up with the nozzle so deep it needs highly specialized divers to plug it
  5. The scary part is that the pad is only the beginning. There's also the crane-catcher-tower to go with it. I fear it will be a Falcon Heavy type of thing: seems simple, but devilishly complicated actually get figured out.
  6. I'd say so. I don't think the entire world has ever had a launch cadence of operational missions to match what just SpaceX is doing now. ** And apparently this is the sixth flight for this booster ** Maybe in the testing phases of the 50s and early 60's they lit candles that often, but IDK
  7. Much as the Space Shuttle was its own recoverable space station
  8. So launching Megamaid is out then.... (on mobile or I’d post the pic, but I think most ppl here know what I’m talking about...
  9. Have you seen the movie Poltergeist ? Good movie from the early 80s, but not sure how well the effects held up
  10. Reseated the RAM and power cables with no joy. Now researching RAM compatibility, as I just noticed that the RAM my daughter and her bf bought him for Christmas is not what was on the newegg pc builder wish list. I don't know what this is, but it's not the Corsair RAM that was on the list... Found this page: https://pangoly.com/en/review/gigabyte-z390-aorus-pro-wifi/compatibility/ram which lists this RAM: TEAM TLZGD48G3000HC16C01 Not quite a perfect match, all but the last three characters... Things that make me go hmmmm... E: And off it goes to the shop for diagnostics. A week wait for its turn. At least it's only $35...
  11. Thanks for the suggestions. I tried two different thumb drives in a bunch of different USB ports. I'll try reseating the cables and RAM. The annoying thing is having to move the water-cooler radiator out of the way, which would probably be a good thing anyways. I noticed the fans on that were sucking in; Wouldn't they be better off blowing out? The case (CoolerMaster MB511) has three big fans in the front sucking in already.... I hate remounting CPU coolers... Temps are good and I used a non-conductive paste...
  12. Okay, headache time. My son has been saving up his money and buying a desktop PC, piece by piece. That last piece arrived today (the water cooling assembly) and we put it together. It still needs a video card, but running on the onchip GPU will do for now to make sure everything is working. The moment of truth arrived: We powered it on and things started whirring, the screen came alive, and we were able to get into BIOS. Yay! It's aliiiiive! The POST LEDs show all systems go! But something is abby-normal. When I try to install Windoze from a thumb drive, it reads the drive for a few seconds, the windows logo comes up, and then it does one of three things: freezes up, throws the blue screen of death (thread exception not handled) or the screen glitches like a graphics problem. Temperatures are nice and low. I updated the BIOS, but no change. I'm at a loss, and am ready to take it to a local computer shop to figure out. And this is why I prefer a prebuilt.... System build: (anything else just ask) I haven't built a PC in ages. The RAM is in the A2 and B2 slots, that shouldn't matter? It shows up in the BIOS. What confused me was the power connections: The MOBO had a 2x4 12V ATX connector, which I connected to the PSU with the matching cable labelled "CPU." Beside it was another 2x2 12V ATX connector, for which I did not have a matching cable or spot on the PSU. So I left that open. Is that correct? It appeared to be set up as "use one or the other" situation; it shouldn't have booted otherwise, is my understanding. Only thing I've heard that makes sense is a bad CPU? Anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?
  13. I assume that was one of the tasks envisioned for Robonaut 2 and Fedor
  14. Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke was also quite good. The other Rama books were okay, but YMMV on that. I know Clarke was mentioned a few times already; just thought I'd mention that in particular.
  15. I think they’d get less drag by throwing a parachute out the back
  16. Oh wow, that is bogus. What if you wrote up an article and submitted it to her to be put in the newsletter? She may not have realized his importance, which I suppose is typical for the IT world. Only get noticed when it doesn’t work, right? So it might help to rub her nose in it educate her a little....
  17. I look at the solar panels as range extenders. Not going to do a lot, but allows it to do more on a single charge. Probably cheaper/lighter than adding more battery capacity
  18. That’s what insurance companies are for. Insurance companies are big believers in statistics. When (if) the statistics show that the AI is safer than a human operator, then human-operated machines will have higher insurance rates than autonomous. Or vice versa hi The miners in the Caterpillar video seem to like the system It’s electric, both base charging and onboard solar. And autonomous monitoring should reduce the need for pesticides.
  19. My apologies, that was not my intention. I merely wished to share something I had only recently heard about. Yes, I was short on details, but my time was limited and people are welcome to listen to the podcast and/or do their own research if they want to know more.
  20. Going off on a tangent, there is this interesting podcast about the Mercury 13 women who passed the same tests as the Mercury 7, but were ignored by NASA. https://www.theguardian.com/science/audio/2019/jul/19/mercury-13-the-forgotten-women-of-the-space-race-science-weekly-podcast
  21. I found that pretty funny, but have to wonder: if it doesn't have any effect on the universe, how did they discover/observe it? It must have some effect...
  22. Hey wait a minute, I just noticed something. I was performing arcane necromancy rituals posting in an old thread of mine when I noticed that that my post was tagged with "author" beside the "three-dot-menu." I never noticed that before. When did that become a thing? Or did it become a thing when the "three-dot-menu." became a thing and I never noticed that particular thing?
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