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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. I always end up going the wrong way when I go interplanetary, Arrows or something better than dots would be nice. More so if they applied to the orbit lines of planets and moons as well. Going the against the traffic in the Jool system is a pain in the BUTT http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75488-Orbit-direction-indicator
  2. I also like this. Consider the temperature difference on mars between day and night for example
  3. Have you ever considered PMing one of them? I mean thats usually not cool but jesus if you have spent 2 years of your life trying to get some game devs to respond to you then jeez
  4. I second this motion. All in favor say 'aye', all against say 'nay'.
  5. This. Can you really say you did a manned Eve return if you used the infiniglide cheat? things like that. "I beat half-life 2 on hard, but I enabled noclip and godmode".
  6. I do too, I've always been against ISRU as a gameplay mechanic.
  7. I maintain the following stance: "Falange: I wanted it sometimes, and I un-wanted it other times. In the end, it takes away a gameplay element because it takes some of the guesswork and some of the trial and error and figuring out for yourself what the delta-V is. It might take some of the magic away. One of the great things about KSP is doing just what Chad was doing just now [Editor's note: this was Thursday afternoon, and Chad Jenkins was in the process of livesteaming his creation of a flying rocket-powered surfboard, killing two-dozen Kerbals in the process] . That ridiculous contraption he was doing, just trying to see if he could make it to the water, just shooting it on a rocket. If you make it too technical, it's certainly possible to calculate it. But it's like giving the answer to a puzzle sometimes, and I don't know if we want that. The same applies to showing how much burn time you have remaining. I think there's always this element of tension of trying to calculate in your head how much fuel you have left and if you're going to make it. It's like filling out the crossword puzzle for you."
  8. Well the sig stays then until this grievous error has been rectified! Welcome aboard! lend your voice here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108318-Do-you-feel-KSP-is-ready-for-1-0
  9. I've reported this too. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/106248-What-is-this-site
  10. Welcome to 3rd place! I see what you did there. stop it you
  11. That puppy RC? I just flew my first plane of 2015 yesterday!
  12. Also, there are full development teams working on total conversion mods like , Europa Barbarorum 2, Third Age: Total War, and so many others I dont even know about. These Teams can consist of just one man, or can rival actual developers in size. All working on a mod, pouring thousands of manhours into their project.Right now they walk a fine line even having a donate button to cover server costs, the threat of a cease and desist letter hanging over their heads. If teams like that could eventually start charging for their work I would have no problem with that. What Valve has done is an ok trend by my book.
  13. It wouldnt be perfect but using a probe core and a boat-load of sepratrons we could try this in ksp.
  14. Boogie2988 has some good insight on the pros/cons.
  15. I've gotten 14 +reps in the past week alone, I'm doing just fine. Should hit my 4th light green bar before too long
  16. The value of human life depends on the culture and individual. Human lives can be thrown away or deemed priceless by various religions, or bought for 2 grand in some southeast asian countries. Revered as priceless by the media when its a celebrity, ignored by the media when its just a child in the inner-cities. Hundreds of thousands Have died because one man wanted to rule an empire. Millions upon millions died because one man wanted to take over the world. The history of humankind is paved with slave labor, bodies dragged off when their use has expired. As to your poll, no, I don't think all human life is valuable. All human life has the potential to become valuable, and some lives start with more value than others, but at the end of the road, some people have no value. And that all also depends on who is weighing the value? A plantation owner viewed human lives in dollars and cents. A teacher sees infinite value in front of them every morning. Your question is too broad for me.
  17. This is not at all a good precedent. Games used to be released when they were finished. Now developers use post release patches as a crutch. Heck, the 'Master Chief Collection' had a 20gb day-one patch, and still has broken multiplayer. Games like Skyrim are almost unplayable out of the box and require the patches out of necessity. That mindset that we can just ship a broken product and fix it later is so wrong. What happens 20 years from now when someone buys 'retro' 360 or ps3 games, and the servers with the updates have been off-line for years? My PS2 games will still run perfect, but the 7th and 8th generations of consoles and their games are in trouble. /end rant, its not a rant about Squad, I look forward to Monday ect.... sorry about the off topic.
  18. KSP won't be 1.0 for me until clouds are stock. It still looks unfinished.
  19. [Reference to removed post removed.] As everyone knows "Men Are from MarsDuna, Women Are from VenusEve", so my Eve/Gilly missions will be entirely ♀
  20. Heres a question. What does the OP mean by DLC? Every patch/update so far has technically been DLC, but I dont consider that 'DLC'. To me DLC is stuff like expansion packs, new maps, extra content that is independent from the main complete* game. for example, multiplayer should not be DLC, it should be part of the base game. Multiplayer should be added through an update or patch. My previous comment in this thread about clouds was sarcasm, clouds should also be part of the base game. what does this mean? we might potentially have to pay for 1.2(or whatever # it is)? We need to distinguish the difference between an update to the game, and extra content DLC.
  21. The quality of conclusions being drawn is directly proportional to your ability of showcasing new features. Don't blame your customers, we're discussing what you've shown us. It's almost as if we haven't been having this exact same discussion for the last, what, two years?I ask again: Why does Squad choose the ugliest pictures to share? Between the first fairing picture and the confetti picture, they could have shown us nice round fairings and x2 or x4 clamshell separation, but they opted to show us blocky fairings and confetti. Show us what your features are capable of, not the worst they have to offer. Its like you are trying to set the bar low so you cant disappoint anyone. Your fairings video for example. The part with the fairing ejection at the end was incredibly sped up so it would be hard to tell it was still that confetti junk. If you are proud of the work you have done, don't show us its worst potential.
  22. by the nine.... I just need to see something from the media team. soon. the fact that the 'fairings' clip was so sped up so as to hide the broken ejection system they decided on is distressing.
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