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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. r4pt0r

    Kung Fury

    How can you post the offical trailer and not post the music video for the movies lead track?! ITS GOT THE 'HOFF
  2. I keep checking the poll results to see if the Dev's or main Squad account vote for "Change it to Xenon" lol
  3. Yeah wow thats a great quality. I'll have to use that. Thanks for testing!
  4. 11 6hour kerbin days till release?
  5. Would you mind posting your results with that here? I might consider using that too sometime.
  6. I get to the interplanetary stage, few missions to jool and duna, then they start talking about the next update and I stop playing and wait for that. The issue is I stop playing months in advance. but I think after 1.0 there should be no save issues with future updates, and no big changes to the core game, so I can carry the same save onwards forever.
  7. STAHP QUOTIN' MEEEEEEEEE! I had just read that recently, what with it being in the news due to the anniversary of the sinking. I read up on that and while I dont believe it at all, it is an entertaining theory.
  8. r4pt0r


    Oh no.... no no no..... please no...
  9. I clicked 'other' and am obligated to specify I wish for EVE and Chatterer to be made stock. That is all.
  10. I just finished playing "The Evil Within". That whole game makes me facepalm.
  11. People realy should look at the suggestions board more often lol http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/115621-Do-you-think-Squad-should-leave-the-Round8-Toroidal-Tank-alone
  12. my only point was that every week in the devnotes there is talk about clouds or smoke or somethingorother, and its never for the game itself. Also 1.0 should look like a 1.0 game.
  13. completely reasonable, all games have settings. I had to disable clouds on my old PC to play IL-2. So hopefully 1.1
  14. Why not limit all craft to less than 75parts? Not all of us own great computers, amirite? Those who are riding the bottom of the recommended specs shouldn't slow the development of the game for everyone else. The game needs to be prettier, and graphical upgrades like clouds will add to that 'finished game' polish.
  15. Ah but does Squad care about the opinion of the Majority?
  16. I want this thread to continue, dont attack others and make the mods mad
  17. EVE and Chatterer, and I could be mod free once again...
  18. I get it, but why don't they import their cloud work into the game? people have been asking for clouds for a long while.
  19. As upsetting as it is, I believe so. I don't know why they have a spot in the devnotes if all they work on is essentially a commercial for the game.
  20. Mods, you are welcome for the occasional free workout
  21. Im imagining a montage of some of the absurd things you can do with stock aero, set to the 'runners up' music from the show "America's Funniest Home Videos".
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