Ok, Yes it was a gameboy, although I was going to accept a handheld ! sorry, not sure who this goes to, Starwhip had it, but someone else already made a riddle.... I am here with you, wherever you go //portable In your pocket, in your eyes, playing with your time //you take it with you, and it distracts you I encourage delay, and in your play //procrastination I am not what at first you supposed //not a smartphone, simple as that To some quite old, to others quite recent //self explanatory I may not be made, but others keep my name //discontinued, but there are other handhelds I do not ring or squeak //again not a phone, nor does it make a different annoying sound But one has made me chirp //recently in gaming news someone created a twitter chip for the gameboy color..... To most I am but a memory //a lot of people would have chucked this by now... now we need to decide the next riddle edit: if Starwhip says so Zekes would have it... Sorry Sun, but you were a *bit* late.. edit2: k either Zekes makes a new one or we solve Lhathron's riddle