Hello Nate!
I've been playing KSP since the first public release, and really enjoyed it - to this day I still play KSP1, usually with the RO modpack installed. I have so far enjoyed 2, but I am currently waiting for more content before diving back into it. (Can't wait for science!)
If I might make a suggestion that would perhaps blend the community's desire for non wobbly rockets while still allowing for some wackiness, why not tie those (somewhat) wobbly joints to decouplers?
Say you've got a rocket stack - maybe something like an SLS, for a reference - and you slap it together with a couple of decouplers for the boosters. If it's possible, we could have that core stage welded into one physics entity, unaffected by wobble, but the decouplers still utilize joint physics, and thus the boosters can wobble. So an actual Node connection should be as solid as steel (or aerospace grade aluminum) but lateral decouplers could be subject to wobble. Just a thought!
Thanks for the dev team's hard work!