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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Yeah it was too easy before... But I'll take that action. I'm gonna use IR though
  2. I assume it's either because of anonymous videogate from last round, or because this challenge is so hard having 3 teams increases the chances of someone actually accomplishing it.
  3. here's the handle https://www.sendspace.com/file/gmysxh
  4. http://theoverlookedonlookers.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/what-a-twist-caption1.gif And this challenge calls on my only weakness. Doing anything in space
  5. It's really just a cylinder right now. But I could send it to you if you want. What file format? I'm down to learn new stuff, I just taught myself blender and unity for my zoids, I just don't have a whole lot of free time right now
  6. Well I guess i could give it a shot. I thought the particle sword looked cool though. Like what a plasma sword would look like I found this which should help private LineRenderer line = null; protected override void onFlightStart() { base.onFlightStart(); // First of all, create a GameObject to which LineRenderer will be attached. GameObject obj = new GameObject( "Line" ); // Then create renderer itself... line = obj.AddComponent< LineRenderer >(); line.transform.parent = transform; // ...child to our part... line.useWorldSpace = false; // ...and moving along with it (rather // than staying in fixed world coordinates) line.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; line.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero; // Make it render a red to yellow triangle, 1 meter wide and 2 meters long line.material = new Material( Shader.Find( "Particles/Additive" ) ); line.SetColors( Color.red, Color.yellow ); line.SetWidth( 1, 0 ); line.SetVertexCount( 2 ); line.SetPosition( 0, Vector3.zero ); line.SetPosition( 1, Vector3.forward * 2 ); } protected override void onPartFixedUpdate() { base.onPartFixedUpdate(); // As our part moves make the line point downwards to planet's center. Vector3 gee = FlightGlobals.getGeeForceAtPosition( transform.position ); line.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation( gee.normalized ); }
  7. I totaly agree it got more views because cupcake posted it. Just keep in mind that there is no link to the vote on that page. If someone saw that, and felt the need to vote, they still had to go to the reddit or forum link to vote. And all of the videos are avaliable directly above the link.
  8. Beam Sword This is my attempt to build a custom lightsaber for my Gundam Mech, which I believe I pretty much accomplished. The beam is slightly transparent, glows, and disappears and reappears. The collider disappears as well, which means it won't bash into things when the beam is turned off. I have yet to program the beam to cause damage to objects it comes in contact with, but it is still fun to bash things. I also used the technique for a beam cannon. This animation turns on, then off after a few seconds. Beam Cannons How I achieved the beam saber, the technique was kind of reversed for the cannon. In blender: -Create the object with the beam where it should be when toggled on. So I created the handle with the beam fully extended. -THen I added a 1 frame LocScale animation where the beam shrinks down(really, really shrinks down) and moves just above the handle. I didn't want it to touch it because if damage ever gets added I don't want it destroying the handle. In Unity: -I loaded it into unity and gave the handle and beam convex mesh colliders. -For the beam I used additive particles and played with the colors to get the pink glow I wanted. .cfg -Give the part and animateGeneric module and you should be set to go. cb
  9. Everything about this is fkn sweet. Reminds me of this guy I built back in the day
  10. Yeah I told him the only way we stand a chance of winning round 3 is if he flies here to milwaukee from new zealand. So ya know, keep that in mind as you all vote. Don't make his trip for nothing
  11. Cupcake was on a plane and I tried my hardest at the bar last night to set up a new youtube and download his video on my phone but I just couldn't do it. Anyone who pays even the slightest attention will recognize his craft though
  12. Is anyone good with the particle emmiter in unity? I've dabled with it so I know this is possible. But when I was playing with it for my zoids I just made it look like a bunch of little balls. And then it was constantly going, I couldn't turn the animation off in game.
  13. The man has simply dominated the mech game for too long. Him and parallax. So now I have to give it a shot. I did adopt his, "absolute sht ton of SAS" technique. And it's workig out pretty good. As for the gundams. I've always loved those things. I only ever remember waching the one with the wing gundam zero when I was little. And I had no idea what was going on, but the big robots where bad ass. Then later there was one where Gundam fights were competitions. And the pilots wore like spandex suits or something to contol them
  14. Walking test 2. Also, flying. The video is slightly sped up
  15. Rebuilt the whole upper body. Smaller shoulders now too. Still gotta fix some stuff in the chest piece to make it look better. I need to install the navlight mod for the cool green eyes too
  16. This is the MRK II. Smaller, way lighter, takes like a quarter the thrust to get off the ground. I plan on making it walk too using m1's "sht ton of SAS" technique.
  17. I apologize for not voting for you guys. I was sure the modder team made this one with custom parts. Thats how good it looks.
  18. Yeah. "Hey we have a game with an entire solar system in it, here's the launchpad."
  19. I made it through so the hyperEdit rant really isn't needed. People really liked the orbit one which is cool, they figured out what the people wanted. Even though it was a building competition......
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