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Everything posted by VR_Dev

  1. Dude that's awesome, you should check out mine with rotating engines, based of the f35. thread
  2. Yeah dude I don't know either. All I know is http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83034-Kerbin-Cup-Unofficial-Team-Blog-for-Unofficial-Teams/page7"]team clown_baby, 2014
  3. Team clown_baby So we don't have a team name or a cool video. But my 3 team builders are fantastic at building and I'm not too shabby myself. I'm sure you've seen some of our work, and we could do a hell of a job representing the fourm. So ya know, vote for us. Team clown_baby(for now) Cupcake... Parallax Mareczex333 and your's truly
  4. I suppose we'll take Mareczex333.... Dude might come in handy if we have to build a rally car, or the prettiest plane humanly possible
  5. Well our team is set. It's cupcake, parallax, Mareczex333 and me
  6. Makes sense, I assume it's exactly the same as trying to pilot two planes at once. Works until one gets too far away
  7. you can see crafts on the ground, but not when they're in the air
  8. I have no idea how this was achieved, it seems like you can't see other players in atmosphere. At least Kinkodoyle and I couldn't
  9. you gotta download the newest version. It got updated today. also I'm in the NYC server. Also thanks a lot http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp-serverlist/ that. is. awesome.
  10. F-22 Raptor MRK VThree Variants Available, Upgrade Soon F-16 Fighting Falcon MRK II Two Variants Available F-35c Lightning VTOL One Variant Available, Upgrade Soon F-15J Eagle Two Variants Available, Upgrade Soon F-4 Phantom II (Two Variants Available) Raynos Zoid MRK VI Development/Testing - Available Soon Mobile Gundam Suits Three Variants Available
  11. Hey I'd love to be on someones team, else I'll start team 8. I just asked yUnohave and I assume he'll wanna start a team with me.
  12. One last try. I wish I would have seen this thread earlier. But I'd love to be on someones team. Here are some of my creations Or I could form a team if there's still room. I'm sure I could talk yunohave into being on a team if he isn't on one already.
  13. Yo I'll be on someone's team. Either side. Hit me up, I build good
  14. Well the cycleless version is done, so no more pictures til I release it. It's easily the coolest plane I've ever built. So now onto the motorcycle version. I have some emails out to get a custom built cycle that I could load into the game just like my zoids. It would operate just like that critter crawler thats been floating around reddit
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