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Everything posted by Beetlecat

  1. Ugh. You're not kidding. That's the sign of a good game --that you can just jump right in and play without having to look up all the controls, but maybe looking at them once would have been a good idea a few space plane crashes ago...
  2. Say -- is the link for the tanker broken in the first post? I'm loving your creations!
  3. There is a on-screen controls mod that adds action group buttons... Can't remember the name at present.
  4. Could this be translatable into the inflatable landing systems used by rovers?
  5. By Kerbostationary -- does *that* sattelite have a connection? -- and then does it have an additional dish to point at the active vessel? Line of sight is important. "Point at Kerbin" is good for something a little ways away, since everything in that cone will be picked up/transmitted to. Having your initial satellite ring point generally point at kerbin allows the cone overlaps to cover areas on the "other side" of the planet.
  6. @redde --a minor thing: the RealChutes icon is the same for both on and off (it appears off both ways).
  7. I would love to see something like this to be inflated once at the destination planet/gas giant.
  8. I guess you just have to factor in the same kinds of abstractions that make the game feel realistic, but not distressingly so... I'd still like to plan / build / launch a Mun mission in a short afternoon, ya know.
  9. Thank you for posting this update. Even the next-to-recent version updates have made a big difference. I love trying to fly with just the gauges.
  10. It seems to toggle on and off for me if you select the "A" group (upsidedown A) which shows "all" of the available parts.
  11. Are you seeing any visual cue of connection in map view -- or does the little icon in the top left turn green? (can't find a screen shot) Make sure none of the icons in the lower right display Xs. Even with the standard red+grey antenna, probes and rockets can communicate to KSP if they're close enough and Kerbin doesn't block the line of sight. You only need the dish antennas for 3Million KM + If you do have the mod installed properly, and you do have connection to your probe (and the ability to move it around) then you are likely fine ---but just to be sure, let a probe go behind the planet and see if you can still move it around. If not, your'e golden (and possibly out one probe). I do agree that this mod has a steep learning curve, but once it's clear what is going on it makes the game tons of fun. -me
  12. Seconded! Thank you so much for the update. New versions of the game may throw all of this out of whack, but until then I never cease to be impressed with the creative modding community.
  13. Shoot -- this will be a problem in all manner of space station and planet base scenarios. I'm sure a solution to simulate power generation when a craft is not the active vessel will be discovered. But you're right. At the moment it makes it difficult to use without swapping all around to make sure the active ship is getting power. :I
  14. Excellent! Now we just need everyone else to put their buttons in the toolbar..
  15. That did seem to be the conditions --and I had opened the main parachute far too early due to a staging error. The perceived effect was that horizontal speed actually picked up, with the 'chute nearly horizontal behind the capsule. Beyond this, I'm loving the changes brought by these modifications. If KSP teaches (many of) us the concept of a "Gravity Turn," FAR goes back and shows how it's really done. Thank you for your efforts at making this game a pretty darn good simulator!
  16. Woah -- I just had my first experience with a VERY aerodynamic command pod reentry. The thing was flying sideways and even gained altitude at a couple points --WITH the main chute deployed. Is there something special about the large 3-kerb pod, or did I just get a lucky set of circumstances? I've only played with the mkI pod before, and it behaves far more expected-ly on reentry.
  17. Utterly beautiful. I love the current stage resource indicator. Superb! I can't help but imagine that the resource panels in the final game will look strikingly like these. Thank you so much.
  18. I imagine this mod and the mod experience in general will change greatly once the spaceport is updated. At the moment it's just as efficient to simply keep a spreadsheet of my current mods and version #s/dates since a huge portion of them either aren't on the spaceport currently, or don't update there. Looking forward to the mod scene once this game is fully released. Yikes!
  19. Roady-- make sure missioncontroller is set in flight mode, and not flight test mode.
  20. Having a lot of fun with this -- but I do hope you re-work a 2.0 version for career Kerbals. At the very least the ability to keep parachutes on once they're collected. I find that the only time I really *need* a 'chute is when something happens at re-entry and I lose the main capsule parachutes (due to deadly reentry). At that point -- an EVA to go grab a 'chute from outside is pretty darn difficult. Or maybe it should be considered "Fun" --in the Dwarf Fortress context.
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