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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. The first Mun landing that I can very vaguely remember ended in disaster...I think. That was nearly two years ago, and the next Mun landing for so, the successful one, is much more vivid in my memory.
  2. Could you link the video anyways? I think it may be fine if you don't embed it and give a profanity warning. Also, I searched those images in Google Images and nothing turned up, unfortunately. (
  3. D: EDIT: I should actually put some substance in my post. Honestly, I love the new aero to death. Flying feels so much smoother than what was possible in the old pudding of an atmosphere previous versions had. It's challenging for both rockets and planes, yes, and I can't get many large rockets into orbit anymore, but KSP is about challenge and overcoming these obstacles is where I find all the game's fun. Thing is, KSP is may not be primarily made to be realistic, but there should maintain high levels of realism in the most critical parts of real rocket flying. Aerodynamics is one of these aspects. However, I do think there should be a mod for the old aerodynamics. Anyways, I don't see a very good ending to this thread, seeing how the many of the other "I don't like 1.x" threads got locked.
  4. The only way to play KSP, am I right?
  5. :hailsatellitecontracts:
  6. So much purple! Very nice job, Coldfinger!
  7. I didn't think of it until now, but I didn't give my craft a name! I hereby call it: the Guppy!
  8. Nope. If it were "cheating," then Squad wouldn't have put it into the game.
  9. I've never done a challenge here on the forums before, but I thought I might do something different today. Name: The Guppy My F-117 has met the following criteria: carry one crew member (100), have a CH-J3 Fly-By-Wire Avionics Hub (50), have two engines (100), have a wingspan of 13.2 m. (10), and be unflyable without SAS enabled (10). This totals up to 270 points. Pictures:
  10. I'm just curious. What causes mods to not work properly most of the time when a new version of KSP is released?
  11. Reputation as is pretty useless as it stands, so something like this would be fantastic for career.
  12. I raced my friend to Minmus a couple years ago. We both forgot parachutes.
  13. Both, but more realistic. I find getting into orbit way too easy now, and I'd like the option to up the scale of the solar system. Plus, realistic terrain would make for much more rich exploration. In Space Engine, with the best terrain you will ever see in any video game ever, every little bit of land could be explored for hours on end.
  14. I want better terrain. What KSP currently just does not feel very interesting (such as Duna and Moho, in my opinion). I don't know how Squad could create high-definition terrain, but I would certainly kill to have it. I'd also ask for full-scale planets, but that would be better off as a toggleable option or DLC.
  15. I'm surprised this wasn't added into stock already. There are already those tanks lying about the KSC, and I would like more reason to be careful and not destroy them, since then your fuel quantity would decrease. Squad, you hear me?
  16. Wow, you've done a lot in KSP! Nice! Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy it here.
  17. I don't care if it's inaccurate, I loved it!
  18. That's certainly better than nothing! Glad to see you're back, Yukon!
  19. I am actually really good friends with Kyasarinn, and earlier this week she contacted me on DeviantArt and asked if I could render her Ted Kerbal in Blender. This is what I made!
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