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Everything posted by diomedea

  1. I am one of those that arrived to KSP with a rather solid experience in Orbiter (since 2002). Almost any maneuvers I make in KSP, I did with Orbiter years before and practiced many times, therefore I must say yes, Orbiter allowed me to play KSP with ease. I am still using in KSP a similar approach as I had with Orbiter, so to plan in advance and make any maneuver to the utmost precision, though KSP allows greater margin for errors and its simplified universe is easier to navigate (just move KSC far from the equator and tilt the rotation axis of each body, to imagine how simpler it is).
  2. Spero che i tuoi studi non ne risentano. Di sicuro ci sono molti ingegneri (o studenti di ingegneria) nella comunitàche trovano KSP molto stimolante, ed alcuni sono anche ottimi modders. Se te la cavi bene con l'inglese, lo avrai giànotato (e in caso contrario, fammi sapere se ti possa servire un aiuto). Poi, se quei tuoi amici che giàconoscevano KSP non si sono ancora iscritti a questo forum...bene qui li si aspetta, magari aumentiamo di numero .
  3. Very nice, thanks for sharing (makes me wonder, should we have a forum section for "abysmal failures", too?). Definitely there is a reason if true life launches are done from a distance or protected.
  4. I sincerely hope that feature will become a reality soon. This mod is awesome, but I had to uninstall it because of the amount of RAM it takes, due to all the nice sounds and music loaded.
  5. I am all for realism, therefore if you like to implement that WAAS et similar option (and that does not kill performance in KSP, though I can't see why it should), please do. Talking of realism and accuracy, there is however also to consider SPS against PPS, I mean if the accuracy you make in with Figaro is already equivalent to GPS/PPS, there is not much more to add.
  6. Benvenuto tra di noi. Molto piacere nel notare che il primo post lo hai voluto fare sul nostro thread nazionale. Ci racconti qualcosa di te, e di come sei venuto a contatto col mondo di KSP ?
  7. Grazie per il chiarimento, e nel senso indicato sono perfettamente d'accordo con te. Sicuramente il sub-forum italiano è l'area specifica sulla quale vado ad operare (vi sono aree comuni sulle quali lavorano tutti i moderatori, altre sono riservate ai global). Certamente evitiamo una proliferazione di thread simili. Saràanche mia cura cercare di chiarire come meglio usare quelli stickied, che d'altronde servono anche ad evitare che lo stesso argomento sia suddiviso in più thread disparati. Fermo restando che ciascun utente può aprire un nuovo thread, ma sarebbe meglio evitarlo se non ci sono differenze sostanziali rispetto a qualcosa giàesistente. Anche per questo, come appunto hai accennato, servono gli stick.
  8. Non so se intendi che sia tecnicamente impossibile (io non saprei perchè) oppure che non sia accettato avere altre sezioni. Di fatto, nessuna delle sezioni dedicate ad altre nazionalitàha ulteriori divisioni, solo threads (giustamente, stickied quelli importanti), pertanto anche fosse fattibile non credo ce lo farebbero fare altrimenti. Comunque, quando parlavo di ulteriori suddivisioni in futuro, intendevo definire altri thread con argomento specifico, più che ulteriori sottosezioni. Forse dovevo essere più chiaro. Hai anche ragione che siamo pochi, al momento. Ma qualcuno di nuovo ogni tanto arriva, ed un thread di benvenuto che possano subito trovare sarebbe loro utile.
  9. Ottime idee, brusura. Non penso sia un problema che siano parecchie, anche perchè in effetti (prendo in prestito da Argo753) possiamo fare partire un thread separato per ciascuna, e vedere come si evolve. Dove saremo più "prolifici", vedremo per un'ulteriore suddivisione. Penso che per qualche tempo si possa dover riadattare gli argomenti, fino a quando vedremo su quali ci si stabilizza. Fornitemi spunti, se ritenete opportune iniziative sull'organizzazione della sezione: sarò felice di poterne discutere con voi tutti prima di agire.
  10. Since MCE version 0.54 (also with 0.54.1) I am having a killing issue. As soon as I enter flight scene (with anything), KSP debug window erupts NullReferenceExceptions like hell, no ship is displayed but the reference frame seems to be way out (depending on what I selected to fly, it seems to be somewhat initially centered on the mainbody the ship has to orbit, though fixed in space). Editor scenes are fine. Now, I have a ton of mods installed, so very possible this is tied to some nasty interference. But my game works fine with all of them and MCE ver. 0.53; turns crazy changing just MCE to ver. 0.54 or beyond. I have the output_log.txt here and hope that may provide some idea on what could cause this. Would like if you could give a look at that, and in case you find something interesting connected to your mod, suggest how best to proceed to isolate the issue.
  11. Ragazzi, sembra che la mia candidatura sia stata accettata. Quindi a breve saràanche realizzata la sezione italiana. Datemi un attimo di tempo per vedere come fare. A proposito, avete idee di come vorreste fosse organizzata la nostra sezione?
  12. Ciao, Army. Cosa ti sembra KSP? Sei subito partito a razzo (spazio interplanetare...): sei giàsbarcato su Mun?
  13. Si, anch'io ho inviato la candidatura.
  14. Thanks both Greys and Majiir, your posts are clear enough. Of course who did not participate in discussions or development about Kethane has no knowledge about those points you wrote about. Yes, Majiir, I saw the screenshot in your other post: but that alone does not convey the full story. With what you wrote above, yes, that is clear now. And that is really what I was asking about. Thansk again.
  15. My opinion may not mean much. But I want to say, that is absolutely right from your side. This is your mod, and you are not obliged to go after anybody else's to make the two work together. Even more so, knowing how helpful you are and always have been, so that any issues with other mods will find you giving a hand to try to solve. (of course, let any good soul here have your support to tap from the MCE API and fix things accordingly).
  16. Majiir, that is a very important point. The 3D display of scans from kethane is one of the finest in the KSP world. But, may I understand from your post, that Kethane may allow displaying 3D data outside of the (nice, but limited) cells used with your fine mod (including those even finer and nicer triangular cells in that WIP stuff)? ScanSat, I am sure you know, makes for different swaths with each sensor; and data on its maps has finer granularity than the cells on a kethane 3D overlay allow (be those hex or triangles) (I have no hard data, but ScanSat maps seem to be 1080x540 pixels wide, quite a lot more than the kethane cells are). Not that I am suggesting to increase granularity even further with Kethane, I am sure it is fine already. But, IMO, it would not feel as good to see maps with ScanSat where the elementary unit scanned is as large as a kethane cell. Therefore, I would like if you could shed some light about that support kethane may offer. Drawing 3D SCANSAT maps on map view would be something glorious, if they can retain the granularity they have now.
  17. Stat? what stat ? (of course you're right). And you're right to consider whatever it would take for other users to do that, even if it is a simple easy step. But I believe most people on this forum to be bright and fine, so at least a good number of them may actually do that additional step (or two), if that helps. BTW, if donations are needed to help keep your server online, I must admit that is very well hidden (can't find coordinates for a donation anywhere).
  18. It is possible to use your site to generate the ribbons, but then each user may save the image and upload on another host. This would minimize the traffic load so, I believe, not requiring you to change plan or provider. But, would you agree on a similar solution?
  19. The above is even better, thank you so much. Very nice trick that I had no knowledge about.
  20. About timezones. IMO, you have got what I mean. The change is really simple code-wise, more so if one goes to use the local time (astronomical) tied to the exact longitude of a place; barely more complex if one goes to use the timezone time, as it also requires to convert longitudes to what is the one for the central meridian of the timezone. You say it is unintuitive if the longitude is to be given in a entry box, and certainly having a graphical way to input the longitude (as your nice example with MechJeb's landing autopilot) would be much nicer. But, I guess most of the users with KSP have pretty good knowledge with longitude, and where to read it from one of many tools that show it; therefore for them it would not be unintuitive. I would say, it was certainly less intuitive and clear the kerbinrotationfactor. Those users who don't care to see other places than KSC, may well leave the longitude default for KSC and never use that entry. Wanna know about the 106,5 days for Kerbin's year? Take the 9,203,544.6 sec it takes for a revolution and divide by 86400 sec in a standard 24 hours day = 106.5225 standard days in a year. Of course, because Kerbin is said to have days of 24 hours, while instead it rotates 4 times faster. Counting standard years of 365 days with Kerbin is totally off; it shows that, while creating KSP, some concepts were left behind. So yes, the game clock is totally wrong, and a much better way of counting years (as revolutions around Kerbol) could instead be offered with this mod.
  21. That is a very interesting solution. If I understand correctly, there is no such module already defined for Docking Ports. It should be possible to have that added (by modulemanager) if a proper config file for those Docking Ports existed within the RPM install. If such a config file already exists, I am not able to find it. Now, following your example, I may try and create that file for myself; but shouldn't this file actually be a part of RPM?
  22. @ brusura: congratulations for having done it! A good part to start, good modeling skills you have (even if you tell you're still learning - I'd like to be as good as you).
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