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Everything posted by Daveroski

  1. In my case, I would use tweakscale except that the last time I tried it, it made a number of my kerbals sit in the dark. Their portrait lights went out. When I uninstalled it, normality was resumed.
  2. Shouldn't these radiators glow before the core heat of the reactor goes above 1000? The reactor doesn't seem to be transferring it's core heat to the 4 medium radiators. Only one drill is in operation here. I tried using 4 of largest radiators and the results are much the same. The core heat just keeps going up.. this isn't an image of where it stopped climbing. The radiators never seem to get much of a higher cooling percentage.
  3. Since when is pointing out a flaw which fundamentally changes the the way I play the game not helping? Are we to assume then that all bug reports are not of any help but are in fact individual requests? Out of several bugs that bother me, this one affected me the most and so I reported it. Roverdude politely explained that it probably will never be fixed. That's fine. His mod, his decision. Your attitude to those who make such reports is out of order.
  4. It just feels wrong somehow, the kerbals sitting for days or weeks at a time (let alone months or even years) in the dark like that. OK.. it's silly.. but it makes me choose a different pod with added life support modules. Heavier and more expensive but at least then it feels like the kerbals can do their jigsaw puzzles. After all, adding life support to the game is about keeping your kerbals happy and comfortable. As this would otherwise be the pod of choice, I look forward to a speedy fix.
  5. Any idea why the Kerbal portraits are so dark in the Salamander pod?
  6. So if I have a farmer, geologist, biologist,technician,quartermaster and scout all in Hitch-hikers in a base on a planet, will they still get the Planetary bonuses or do they have to be in the relevant parts related to their skills for the Planetary bonuses to accrue? If the former then I can work with that. If the latter, having a 'crewed base' at each resource site while may be entertaining if you plan no further than Kerbin SOI but the personnel logistics and habitation timers when looking at other worlds and minimum-time-of-assist... every site where people are would need a staffed 'psychologists office' to reset the timers. Going from outpost to outpost tending to crew would become tedious for me. I try to work on minimal life support for each mission as this takes up most of the dry mass of the mission. I currently send unmanned miners and converters to sites and let them crack-on with the idea that; if I have all the main ingredients in PL before a crew arrives on site I decrease the chances of failed colonies due to the lack of a given resource. Colonisation still takes a long time. eg. First Launch Window : send Surveyors and communications. No point in sending anything else until we know what bounties the world holds. Next window Send Automated miners and converters. This can still mean several launches and 'clumping' can become a problem. Once all are established I can proceed with the next phase. Next window Send Infrastructure. Farming and Industry. Once all are established I can proceed with the next phase. Next window Send Habitats and Crew. Will also try to launch any 'ground construction' designs which may be built on site at this time. The problem with 'ground construction' is that by the time you can *do* it, you don't *need* it.
  7. I tend to make as much use as possible of the Planetary Logistics so I don't have any large stockpiles at bases. I aim to make the bases as automated as possible with as little need for personnel as possible. I still don't really understand these 'bonuses' how do they work?
  8. So that's a 'no' then. As I tend to get more of the regular crew than I can reasonably use from 'rescues' and the specialised types don't provide anything over and above it seems a bit pointless forking out for the other guys.
  9. Is there any situation where it is better to have any of the other classes than one of the main three? Is there any situation where a kolonist is required or better at anything than any of the above?
  10. Back in my day, I was in my local fish and chip shop and watched the run-up to the first moon landing. Oh how I wanted that to be me. I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. My sleeping dreams were made of this. I almost forgot to get salt and vinegar on my chips.
  11. Any reason why mechjeb would try to land on the exact opposite side of the Mun to that targeted?
  12. I sent the Rescue/Runabout GriffamusMk5 to Mimnus to rescue some downed Kerbonaughts. And added a new module to the Mimnus Station. New pic when it gets to Mimnus.
  13. Alas, as I have been fortunate enough not to experience this problem I can be of no help. I seem to recall it being suggested in previous pages that the 'constellation' download is available on get-hub, that everything in it is current and up-to-date. I don't know if this is true for every incarnation of KSP but if there was a version of this 'constellation' for my version of KSP, I would probably try downloading that.
  14. So if I drop an unmanned Hitch-Hiker with a power coupler and then turn on the habitat, the 'habitation' it provides will be shared with the base?
  15. If you had read from my first post you would see that I am ignorant of many things. Which system are you using? manual or Ckan? Ok for example.... I land within 150m of a base in a tin-can with no on-board L/S or habitation. Will this craft share the L/S and habitation of the base?
  16. Would the lander have to have local logistics ability in and of itself or some other specialized module?
  17. So if I land a guy with the lightest possible lander, it should show up in logistics as having the same 'habitation' as someone in a module with a hab-ring 200m away?
  18. Suggestion: Could 'habitation' be made to act in the same way as local logistics? Ie. guys within walking range of 'habitation' would have access to it. This would enable one to build bases which do not have to be physically joined to share habitation. Bases could then be simpler yet larger without worrying as much about kraken attacks.
  19. After a successful launch... Sentinel 01 is now on it's way to an orbit near Eve to clock some asteroids. It will double as a relay sat.
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