While we are looking at mods, theres anther good one out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60750-WIP-Cacteye-Telescope-v0-1-%282-1-14%29-Modular-EVA-serviceable-orbital-telescope?p=944785#post944785
Does anyone know how to change the popup hotkey from "T" to something else? "T" is already a hotkey for most procedural mods, and it is getting annoying.
FAR is a partless mod... On another topic, how's it comin'? Still progressing on this mod? I am loving career mode with mod, just about to send a probe to fly-by the Mun and Mmunninus(yeah, I can spell) in one go. All dat tasty science.
Year 622: Kerbals decide that the rudder is not effective in space, country to scientist's predictions. Also, the potato was cooked my a runaway SRB, hence the now baked potato.
Could you toss in a download for a version without the aviation lights and self-illuminating lights (That's a mod? Where?!?)?That would be great for us who are all out of RAMs.