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Everything posted by likke_A_boss

  1. Hey Bac, could you make some .craft files of your beautiful prebuilt crafts? I Love them, but I love reduced textures, too. Also, those new part pictures? Those are amazing! Absolutely prefect.
  2. Thanks for giving me the link! However, I am having the same problem: Once it finishes downloading, I get a message saying decompression failed.
  3. Yeah, The Largest tread will refuse to attach to anything.
  4. Ok, so, does this work with probes from mods? And the MMSarbianExt.dll is outdated, will it still work? I get this when I have it installed….. Then my debug menu spams up.
  5. Gettin us excited for release! When's will it be? I hope squad is watching this project once it is released.
  6. The Power button……. Is not fusebox, 'm not sure what mod. I think it is KSPI.
  7. On my toolbar, this doesn't have an icon for some reason, jut a blank slot. This causes my debug menu to explode, and eventually leading to crashing. Oops, my stupidity strikes again. It was a misdownlaod.
  8. I just want to let you know that the reduction will not work on the squad parts. I will add more details in a few hours.
  9. Oh, no, thats not what I meant. I just wanted a thread to be able to subscribe to and be able to follow your Mod's progress.
  10. Any Chance you can help kill the lag when selecting mods? It's pretty bad for people like me. But then again, you probably have no control over that, and I am totally ignorant.
  11. This! This is one of the most useful ideas I've seen in a while. You are gonna have a ton of requests for compatibility Good Luck! I'll go ahead and request one: Space Station Science! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54774-0-22-Station-Science-%28third-alpha-Zoology-Bay-added%29
  12. Errmmmm, you are kinda spamming this thread with your own stuff.....maybe you could make a page for your mod? I would love to check it out.
  13. My bad, I spoke much too pre-maturely. I great to know that you are here. Can't wait for the new version.
  14. How does one go about downloading the DEMV's? The links are still to Kerbal.net………. I do see the other post's, but only the MK3's are in the spaceport.
  15. Multiwheels in the spaceport are not working it seems almost every mod on here is left. I hope he comes back soon. I really want those multiwheels
  16. Belive it or not, this mod still works fine in 0.23! I love it, so fun to use!
  17. The Pwings seem to hate everything I try to attach to them. Boosters, intakes, lander gears, everything. It just kinda spaces and points the object sideways, and once it is leveled out used shift + WASD, It floats under the wing.
  18. Missed that. Great, I already PM'ed him with that error. I hope someone will come take over, then.
  19. Jeez, and no can take over unless he gives permission.
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