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Everything posted by BagelRabbit

  1. Personally, I don't think that the latter decision is very good. Better be safe than sorry, because this is arguably one of the most important launches that has occurred in years.
  2. Dang. Stuck valve sounds like conditions for an abort for the day... but you never know. Best of luck Orion spacecraft!
  3. Dear GregroxMun, Here is your new favorite thread of all time. On The Rocketry Forum, user Daddyisabar is creating a bona fide train model rocket! It takes off vertically! It has questionable stability! It has that classy '30s Art Deco styling! ...and yes, it will fly soon. Here's an image of the completed train. It is the closest thing to a Hype Train that I have ever seen. Should I ask the Daddy if the KSP Forum could use it as the official Hypetrain? -Upsilon
  4. I built this little guy, once. It had enough fuel to get from the runway to the Helipad! (Read all about it!) Anyway, nice small VTOL, there... put a small docking port on the bottom and you've got a reusable MMU for use in space! Buzz around your space-station with ease!
  5. Good Moderators: On December 1, I posted a topic called "Dear KSP Forum..." on the General Discussions. The thread was a statement saying, in effect, that I would love for my YouTube channel to reach the 1,500-subscriber mark by Christmas. It included a link to my YouTube channel, but it did not showcase any individual videos. Thus, on the top of the thread, I wrote this in size-1 font: Two days later, on the 3rd, the thread was moved to the Mission Control subforum, the description of which is this: As I wrote on the thread, Can someone either move this back to the General Discussions forum or send me a PM so that we can discuss this further? That would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Alas. I feared that this would eventually redirect to this subforum, where there are fewer viewers and commenters, and thus where this thread would not be of as much use. I never wanted to post a KSP video or stream on this thread, and I tried my best to make that clear. I only included a channel link, and did not mention a single video I made by name, in stark contrast to every other thread posted on the 'Live from Mission Control!' subforum. My intent for this thread was a sort of public-service bulletin, to state that I would love to have a couple more subscribers. Putting this thread here means that it's more of a mismatch than it was before. General KSP is for all the threads "on topics that do not fit the forums below," which I think applies to this post. May I inquire who moved this thread so that I can send him or her a PM? That would be much appreciated. ~~~ I'm not entirely sure why I'm so enthusiastic or have so much energy... I don't drink large amounts of caffeine or sugar, and I'm normally practically bouncing around the room. It's interesting. Anyway, thanks for the subscription and for being nice Wow! 1400 subscribers! Thanks y'all, I really appreciate it. You should really fly some rockets, it's even more fun than you may have remembered it. I would recommend lurking about the Rocketry Forum for a while, it's become overrun with ads lately but there are still plenty of interesting and really cool designs to look at. Hopefully that will spark your interest again... Hmmm. With all of this talk of voting, I'm thinking of making a KSP Video Awards competition for the entire forum. Maybe I could borrow the name of that one competition in the Challenges and call it the Oscar-B? Of course, that thread would very likely be moved, as well, so maybe not. -Upsilon
  7. H'm. I wish I knew who he is... and why is his name red instead of blue? Did he do something wrong? Welcome to the Group HarvesteR, you deserve it far more than I do. I originally named it the "Light-Green Group" because members of the Group have light-green +Rep bubbles, instead of the regular green ones. There is a method to my madness... I promise.
  8. Imagine the Space Center really does conform to the terrain of Kerbin, and is thus at a constant altitude above sea level. Then, everything on both the East and West side of KSC would be pointing straight up. Now, take a butter knife and lop off a bit of the surface of Kerbin, so that you have a flat plane where the center has a slightly lower altitude above sea level than the sides. On the side of KSC facing the ocean, the angle of a rocket pointing "straight up" isn't 90 degrees, it's true. It is angled, westward. An easy way to visualize this is if you chopped Kerbin in half and then built the space center right at where Kerbin's center of gravity is. A rocket launched from the Launchpad would be at nearly a 90 degree angle to Kerbin's center of gravity. The rocket would fly westwards, towards the center of gravity, far more than up. It would likely crash into the VAB or some other building if the TWR wasn't high enough. There's your explanation. See if the same effect takes place on another body with an atmosphere, such as Laythe or Eve. I'm betting that's not the case. In other words, The_Rocketeer, you're right...
  9. I'm up about fifteen subscribers, once again proving that the KSP Community is the best in the world. (Sorry if I'm being repetitive here.) ~~~ Alas, too few people have felt the joy of building in KSP. It's a shame, really. Thanks! I do my best to make my videos short, to the point, and fun-to-watch. I'm not sure how well this has worked, but judging by this thread's responses, I'm doing something right. Wow! Thanks, my good sir. I feel as if I should say Merry Early Christmas to you, too... after all, you've already broken out that festive crown! I made a Video Wednesday with one of my rockets pretty recently. It was very gratifying (read: One of the coolest things that has ever happened to me). I'll PM you some pictures and details on my real-life rockets sometime this week, if I don't forget. If I do forget, you have the right to send me a "Where's the stuff you promised me?!" PM. Again, wow! I've always been extremely impressed with your videos (especially loved the one that everyone loves, the Constellation Mars Mission one) and it's a real pleasure to have you here. Don't worry about Pinto. We see each other in person every week, and we've got a long-lasting friendship going that involves a lot of good-natured ribbing. Oh, and I keep telling him that if he plays KSP more, he'll get better... but does he ever do it? Nooooooooooo... Aww, thanks Thomas988. As I said in the original post, everything helps, and that's a great way to help. I hope that you enjoy any of my videos that you end up coming across! Creating the soundtracks that I've done so far was difficult but a really rewarding experience. I'm glad that you enjoyed the music I made, and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. Interestingly, you're not the first, second, or even third person who said something about DUNA being a bit like the Firefly soundtrack. I haven't watched any Firefly (though maybe I should) but a lot of people seem to like it, and its soundtrack too. Maybe I should listen to it for some inspiration... ~~~ Again, thank you all so much for subscribing, and for saying such unwarranted nice things about my channel! This made my day. I am grinning maybe a little too widely right now. -Upsilon
  10. Wow, loads and loads of comments! I'm not used to my threads exploding like this. I'm liking the idea that the people with their +Rep counts artificially inflated (SQUAD, Bill, Bob, Jeb) are included at the top of the list, but that the #1 spot is moved down. One question though: Was Cap'n Skunky's +Rep artificially inflated, or is he the actual #1 spot? I'm thinking that the former is the case, but I'm not 100% sure. About three-quarters of the +Rep I've received is for doing creative things. First it was the Debris Series, then the stock KSP dragon, then the plugin songs I've been making... I've gotten fewer than 100 points for being helpful or clever with my posts, believe it or not. I also don't give out +Rep nearly as often as many of the other members of the Group. I would say, do what you do best, and lots of it... and be sure to be a nice and productive Forum-goer. Pipes aren't good for your lungs! (Don't smoke, kids!) ...but care for some '72 Cabernet Sauvignon, Zekes? It's a good vintage. This forum, so far as I can tell, has not a single non-KSP-controlled account in the Light-Green Group that has had their +Rep artificially inflated. All members have a minimum of 500 posts, and have done some very neat stuff. As for a "Thanks" post, it's much like Red Iron Crown said: Giving +Rep is a great way to show thanks, express appreciation, or just say hi without cluttering threads. If it hasn't already been said, welcome to the Light-Green Group Mareczex333! Good to have you here
  11. To really enhance your building capabilities, I would recommend making replicas of existing aircraft or spacecraft. How high-fidelity can you go? If you think you can do that, you can try one of the most challenging things to do in KSP, more so than doing a Grand Tour IMO: making craft shaped like animals that behave properly, in stock KSP. This sounds silly, but it's a worthy challenge that will get your brain spinning, and help you make things with different construction techniques than you may be used to. Here's a video of a bird I made, and there's a link to a dragon I made in my signature. It's harder than it looks, and requires you to think outside the box. Best of luck with any and all future KSP adventures! -Upsilon
  12. Note to Moderators: This thread is not meant to showcase any particular video or stream, and thus is placed in General KSP. However, if you think that this thread needs moving, feel free to do whatever you want with it. *ahem* Dear Residents of the KSP Forums, It's now December. Less than 25 days until Christmas. How time flies. I have a little YouTube channel called 'Bagel Rabbit.' Almost 100% of its videos now are about KSP content, and some of them show off design ideas that you may have never considered before. I love making VTOLs and detailed little craft. I have a lot of fun making and posting videos. For Christmas this year, I would love nothing more than getting 'Bagel Rabbit' up to the 1,500-subscriber mark. I'm not too far away from my goal, right now. I have about 1,370 subscribers and get about 150 new ones every month. But I am a little worried, as I'm not going to post many videos until my college finals are over, on December 8. I would be the happiest guy in the world if y'all could help me get to this goal. If you watch my videos and don't want to subscribe, by all means, you don't have to. If you want to subscribe, now would be a wonderful time. And if you really like my videos, consider sharing them with friends. Everything helps. I don't use my channel to make money; I haven't made a cent from YouTube since I started nearly two years ago, despite the fact that I could be making about $3 a day. I don't use it because I want attention, either. I make videos because I want to make other people happy. This is the reason I would love to grow my subscriber count: it could make more people happier, around the world. Please consider watching a couple of my videos, and let me know what you think. Here's my YouTube channel link. Thanks for being the best community in the world! Best, Upsilon
  13. Behold! I have a new thing to play with. It's called Fresh Paint and it's a lot of fun. I'm doing a bunch of great things with this app. One of my favorite things to do so far is to import a picture, and then give it an almost-abstract background. Here's the Star-A Concept Shuttle landing in the desert: (Note: This was originally an all-stock screenshot. Clouds are made by blending colors.) I'm also making a short video in this program, and I'm thinking of using it for the Debris Series in the future. -Upsilon
  14. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to "Report" someone for being misleading, but if I would, I could. This is a project done primarily by HatBat, not Macey Dean or Suestra. It even says so in the credits. I'm not entirely sure what you're intending to do by spreading misinformation. I would strongly recommend asking the mods to close this down before you get too many replies like this one. -Upsilon
  15. I make music! My computer has a decent keyboard attached, with some good textures (the usual - regular piano noises, plus pads and synths). Am I to compose my bit myself, harmonizing off the melody you set up (which would be fine) or are you to give me a sheet of music to play (which would also be fine)? Looking forwards to this! It will be very cool. -Upsilon
  16. While we're throwing techniques out there, I generally mount the rear landing gear on the tops of wings and then rotate them 180 degrees so that they're facing downwards. Because I'm a spoiled brat when it comes to replica aircraft, I feel obliged to say that the plane's rudders appear to be upside down. (Not sure if this was intended.) Also, the rear wing looks a little thick...? Nevertheless, nice job making a quality replica aircraft. I should try to do that more often. -Upsilon
  17. Frozen 2 is coming out. (source) While Frozen wasn't bad, it did not deserve the hype surrounding it, nor did it deserve the popularity... ...and now, Disney has once again proven that profits are far more important than doing pathetic things like making good original content. I should have lost all respect for Disney a long, long time ago, and yet some shred of it remains. Maybe this is because I really liked the classic Disney videos as a kid... I'm going to go yell at the universe now. Be back in a bit.
  18. I would love a near-feature-length video much like this one, showing the versions progressively getting better and telling a story throughout... That would be cool. (Of course, Nassault made this. All credit to him.)
  19. So am I. Sorry for not posting any progress reports, but to be honest, not a lot of progress has been made. I'm still hovering at around the 1:30 mark of the video. I did do some rendering, some more drawing, and began work on the script, but that's pretty much it. Here's my latest image. ("DREAMSCAPE14") It's one of the better images to flash across the screen for a second or two. I give myself five minutes for each DREAMSCAPE, because there are a lot of them. I'm making all of the art in the free Windows app 'Fresh Paint,' by the way. It's a good program for this sort of thing, even though it was not designed with animation in mind, and I have to then plug in all the pictures into my nasty video editing program. It's slow work, but it's coming along alright.
  20. Thanks! I was going for a 'cute' look, because turkeys aren't really all that cute in real life. Maybe if they were cuter, Ben Franklin would have been successful in his declaration that they were the national bird. "For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison [to the Bald Eagle] a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America..." -Ben Franklin (source) I already had enough trouble last holiday with turning the telescope into a pumpkin, decking the Mun out in holiday spirit, etc. so I think I'll pass. Thanks for the suggestion though
  21. To make a long story short, I made this in about ten minutes. It looks like a turkey, so I named it... Turkey! I lack creativity. Orthogonal View. Front View. I'll post a .craft if anyone wants it. It's only about 50 parts, it weighs less than two tons and it stands without assistance, so you could probably take it somewhere, if you wanted. [EDIT - I just realized I'm about to leave, so here's the .craft file, whether you want it or not.] This guy seems to have already made a turkey, which is awesome, but I did mine before checking the spacecraft exchange. No ideas were stolen this day. Let me know what you think! I hope you enjoyed looking at this... thing. -Upsilon
  22. Coming from a guy who made the Daily Kerbal three times (sorry for bragging, I'm just rather proud of the stuff I do): Submitting a PM (private message) to a guy named Rowsdower definitely helps. There's a chance that the KSP staff will find your stuff on their own, but it's not all that great, especially if you're new and not that well known yet. Let me know if you need help submitting a PM. Also, what fantastic creation(s) have you made? -Upsilon
  23. Progress Report, 11/25: Sorry, can't write too much right now. I'm not supposed to be on the computer in the first place Anyways, I've got the pictures 75% done and the first minute-and-a-half of footage recorded, though I still need to add in voice effects and tweak some things a little. Overall, I'm happy with what I have down so far. See you tomorrow! (why is no one commenting here?)
  24. My favorite Quantum Phenomenon is the "Quantum Delocalized Toroidal Cloud." While this phenomenon isn't quite as easy to replicate thanks to the absence of Small Control Surfaces in 0.25, it's still a hoot... Essentially, you take an infiniglider (probe core, SAS module and 24 control surfaces in three groups of eight) and stick it on the top and bottom of a mass of toroidal springs, depleted of fuel. Once you boost the thing into the air, it will begin to act unstable... and then time-warp up and why, Physics?! The Quantum Toroidal Springs can also be used to Quantum Tunnel through Kerbin's upper crust, as seen in this video. Fantastic! And more-than-slightly terrifying.
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