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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Desligando em que sentido? Abaixa o thrust, ele fica desativado (tipo antes do staging, ou quando clica com botão direito e "Deactivate engine"), ou nenhuma das anteriores? Se for opção C, eu diria que eles estão ficando sem combustível; ou vc tá com algum tanque com o recurso "travado", ou entre os tanques e o LV tem alguma peça sem Fuel Crossfeed
  2. It seems that @tgruetzm hasn't been around, and this mod has been picked up by the community in this new thread: We're locking this thread to avoid confusion, but should the original author come back, just give us a note and we'll unlock it back
  3. Oh, no, I meant for practice. Doing that with Tylo/Jool, however, has better results
  4. monstah


    Hello back, from Brazil! Nice looking rover! How did you put it on the surface, vertically on top of a rocket? edit: oh no, just noticed the Spark down there. Cool.
  5. "Migração" porque era outro sistema de fórum, trocou pra esse mas quando o backup passou os caracteres acentuados não foram reconhecidos (ou algo do gênero, não entendo muito de TI). Não foi a mesma coisa que aconteceu em 2013, aquilo se perderam posts, mesmo. Edit: você perguntou foi da wiki... sei zero a respeito
  6. Banido por estar correto... ¬¬ edit: tinha um ÓTIMO thread de tutoriais aqui, mas infelizmente houve uma migração do forum em... 2015?... e todos os caracteres "especiais" (ou seja, todos os acentos e cedilhas) foram pro espaço, num SRB danificado. Aí, a seção em português, já viu né Eu e o @luizopiloto tentamos arrumar um pouco, mas HAJA PACIÊNCIA.
  7. Roleplay é interpretação de personagens. Por exemplo, tinha uma thread antiga onde os usuários se faziam passar por donos de empresas espaciais de Kerbin. Infelizmente, gera muito atrito e dá muito problema; as pessoas começam a brigar por causa de coisas que os "personagens" dos outros fizeram, vira uma discussão pessoal e aí já viu... Quanto ao jogo ter um caráter competitivo dentro dele, de programas espaciais diferentes... concordo! Infelizmente, já foi sugerido mil vezes, e duvido que um dia vá se concretizar...
  8. Não curti o novo avatar... :( 

    Eita, óia só, content count 1900

  9. Não, não dá. Regras. Quer dizer, se quiserem fazer disso um jogo fora do fórum KSP, fiquem à vontade. Não tem nenhum problema em criar uma thread aqui indicando como participar e tal, mas qualquer discussão que envolva roleplay de entidades fictícias é proibida aqui no fórum.
  10. That's an awesome image, I remember seeing it on Planetary.org before. Of course it is! None of the examples here show exactly the right configuration, but figure d. is close enough (note: after typing my reply, I noticed all the images show exactly the same gravity slingshot, only the camera reference changes...) : Look at image d. on your example, and imagine that is in Jool orbital space. Jool is toward the bottom of the image; the black dot is Laythe, orbiting Jool, and the sun and Kerbin's orbit are to the top of the image. Jool's orbital velocity (and your ship's, too) is toward the right, but we're in Jool's reference, and since it's faster than your ship at that point, from that point of view the ship is moving left (well, in the image it's also moving back towards Kerbin orbit, so it's as if you captured after going a bit out from Jool's orbit and falling back a bit, but that's not important here). Notice that before the encounter, the ship is zipping by the Jool system; after it, it stops (in Jool's reference), so it's been captured. It's just a matter of choosing: a) the right position for the moon in relation to the planet, and b) the right position for you to pass in relation to the moon. In my opinion, you can practice a lot by using the Mun to help you reach Minmus, then using it again to help brake from a Minmus return trip, which is equivalent of what you want to do (pretend you're coming from interplanetary rather than Minmus).
  11. Oh man, I just now recognized your avatar. IS DAT SUM STROOPWAFEL? Yum. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NSEP


      Cool! I live 30 minutes away from A'dam, i go there at least 4 times a year lol. The last time i have been there was 3 weeks ago, for history class :wink:

      And yeah of course the bicycles. I ride them to get myself to all sorts of places, yet its alot calmer with bikes than in Amsterdam, where you cant even cross the bicycle road XD.


    3. monstah


      You have 1337 likes. I don't want to spoil that by liking anything at the moment XD

    4. NSEP
  12. Oh, look, you're back! And a new name, too.

    1. problemecium


      I got a bit old to still be going by "-kid" xD

    2. monstah


      Haven't we all... :/ 

  13. Oh, yes, I forget! That is correct, your R&D building must be at least of level 2.
  14. Good ole' avatar. May try to turn it into a smile eventually, but soooo lazy... :rolleyes: 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HafCoJoe


      It's funny actually; when I first started frequenting the forum I set it as a goal to become a moderator. Now I see it as a sort of goal to eventually join payroll in marketing :) either that or a summer internship. Would love to run things amongst the community.

    3. monstah


      It's actually a pretty nice "job" :) I got to know the other mods better, and the regular users, too.

    4. Urses


      I personaly don't think that "to become a moderator" is a target that will be reached. It is more a urge (?) to help people to go better along side by side... i think sal_vager get it the best with his Avatar, a moderator is a firefighter who drops himself in as others give up or are self succumbed by the fight.

      I self as outstander only wish the boys and girls strength and piety of a angel for this work.

  15. They're already docked? Good. Right click a tank that has fuel, then alt + right click a tank you want to transfer fuel to. By alt+right clicking, you open a part menu without closing the ones already open (or, you can click the little icon on the top-right of the widow, and it will stay open). With more than one tank's menu open, just click the "In/Out" buttons, and off the fuel (or any resource, really) goes!
  16. Hello, there, and welcome! I'll move this to Support Questions, where it may get better attention from people who can answer, okay? Off the top of my head: Are you using any other mods? If so, you can test them to see if one is interacting with KIS: Duplicate your KSP folder, delete a few mods, open the game and test it (you can leave a ship on the pad for this test). Repeat until it's solved, then the problem should be in the last batch of mods you removed. Did you recently update KIS? It's advised to delete your old version rather than downloading the new one on top of it; some old files might be lingering in the wrong places. Wipe the KIS folder, than install it again.
  17. I've always had the same doubt, and you cleared it very succinctly. Thank you!
  18. I don't know the name, but some song by The Queens of the Stone Age that I learned of from my wife. Haven't even listened to it recently, just woke up with it in my head.
  19. Heh, I do the opposite. X, space bar (engines), slowly shift up, then space bar (launch clamps). I don't play RO, it's just for the kicks
  20. Sadly I have exaclty 4GB RAM available, so 64bit really doesn't matter to me
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