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Everything posted by monstah

  1. I was so angry at the click-bait, and yet so amused at the actual content, I don't know whether to yell at @Gargamel in fury or shout in wonder. I got a Cthulhu shirt that came with this beyootiful movie, but I lost the DVD and the shirt is really faded I also got these two from Zach Weiner, because he is awesome. I wear them to work sometimes, and no-one gets it.
  2. I'm trying to turn my old avatar into a smiley, to keep the sal_vager homage, but I don't have a WACOM anymore and doing it with a mouse is aaaawful.
  3. Considering his two barges are named after literary ships, and that he has stated "KSP is awesome", I don't see why he wouldn't at least consider.
  4. Hello there, welcome!
  5. Hello hello, welcome around. I see you're not a spambot!
  6. Hey, hey, people, keep it civil. It's okay to disagree about each others, but remember to attack the argument, and not the person! Some posts have been pruned to remove off-topic content.
  7. When reviewing experiment data on a ship with a lab, there will be a new yellow button with a lab icon. This button will send the experiment results to the lab rather than back to Kerbin, and a right click on the lab will show there is now data stored in it. If you have scientists aboard the lab, you can then click "Start research", and they will slowly turn this data into Science points. Check back from time to time, and transmit the science back home (that's an added Science for experiments, you can still send them the old way and get the Science too).
  8. @DiamondGamerBR Oi cara, bem vindo! A não ser que ele tenha a funcionalidade de scroll com dois dedos no touchpad, não sei não Vê se tem como adicionar teclas pro zoom in e out nas configurações do jogo, todas as teclas são configuráveis (eu acho que dá pra colocar o zoom, por exemplo, num eixo analógico de joystick, deve ter teclas também!)
  9. That underlined part is the most important thing I had missed so far; your explanation is more in-depth than what I knew, tho! And the damned thing weighs like a... well, a huge chunk of quartz. Hahaha! Made my day. Tsoukalos was right, after all, Chinese dragon myths were actually about alien spacecraft! Well, by reading this thread, one important thing I've learned is that NTRs (solid-core, at least) have great Isp mostly because of the ability to use H2 for propellant rather than being confined by whatever results from a combustion (H2O at best?), not because of its inherent engineering or chamber temperature. Kinda puts some brakes on my RPG idea of using CO2 NTRs extensively on Mars. But then, if enriched fissile material becomes more cheaply available after the next step in space colonization, perhaps using CO2 NTRs has economic benefits? The propellant is basically just atmosphere, or even better, lying around frozen at the poles.
  10. Heh. Awesome profile photo.

    You should try to make a semitransparent .png rather than a white background, so it works against your profile pic too.

    1. adsii1970


      I'll do that!

  11. Pebble-bed spits out radioactive death exhaust, right? Nyrath doesn't spell it out on Atomic Rockets, but it seems to me so.
  12. Oh, why, yes, I am. @Hypercosmic, get off the Children of a Dead Earth forums and come join us!
  13. I'm currently waiting over a month for a couple of I2C IO expanders myself, share your pain
  14. Oh, gee, I was summoned! Who would've guessed? @0111narwhalz, time to wake up.
  15. BTW, Harv is Brazilian, so I guess the planet being called "Duna" isn't a coincidence. I'll just shut up and follow the thread from now on.
  16. And so it does. Am I blind or dumb? LOL! It would seem so, but that's actually the translation of the title to Portuguese ("Duna" is the translation of "dune" as a word)
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