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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Ei @DiamondGamerBR, só um aviso: as regras do fórum valem para todos os sub-fóruns; isso inclui "sem roleplay". Fazer threads de jogos não tem problema, desde que nos mantenhamos como usuários jogando, e não nos coloquemos como personagens. Marcar territórios no mapa e dar nomes e bandeiras é um jogo perfeitamente OK! Iniciar uma guerra entre países fictícios não, já que isso é uma atividade política interna ao país fictício, feita por políticos fictícios.
  2. Banido por claramente ser um gringo usando Google Translate. @DiamondGamerBR, esse tópico já existe a bastante tempo, e a comunidade aqui se diverte com ele. Ele não spama o subfórum, pois todos os posts dele ficam contidos nele e não espalham pros outros. Ninguém vai estragar a diversão dos outros fechando o tópico só por que você não gosta dele. Fóruns são assim, eles têm mais de uma thread e você posta na que preferir (ou cria as suas próprias).
  3. Post moved to the Technical Support sub-forum, and some not helpful replies were removed. Please, don't troll newbies having questions. @Jack Joseph Kerman as other users have mentioned, it is most likely a clipping issue, but you already said you don't think that was the problem. Did uninstalling the mod solve it? What mod was it?
  4. I was a bit afraid of the n-body predictions, but then I realized the game is mission-based and only tracks a handful of ships at a time - until you launch that salvo of a thousand missiles you mentioned, that is But even so it seems that they mostly travel as a single 'squad' unit, until the actual encounter, during which you probably don't need orbital predictions. I might buy it, I'll have a month's vacation coming and a 30-day KSP marathon will definitely burn me out
  5. It seems to me it's just about precision. The periapsis seems good enough, but the apoapsis could go up a little bit. Try kicking it up a bit and see if it works
  6. Sorry to dig up the old thread, but I have a question. Now that the game is out, and all speculation has given way to concrete gameplay (and the game still looks ugly as hell but I'm still interested), and several of you seem to have bought the game, I must know: how does it compare to KSP in terms of my computer's performance? I play KSP on a laptop, moderately modded - as in, SCANSat, Chatterer and around 20 other mods of a similar or lesser memory footprint, nothing heavy like EVE - and it runs at around 15-30 FPS, maybe 10 during launch. Is CoaDE to be playable in my computer? The graphics seem very simple, and the ship doesn't seem to simulate rigid body interactions, on the other hand the dev blog does mention how railgun performance is calculated by integration of the forces over the trajectory of the slug inside the barrel, so one never knows
  7. I was a major fan when it was on TV (I have the DVD box and I drink my coffee from an X-Files mug to this day), but I stopped watching it on the last seasons. "Recently" I re-watched the whole thing, and man, those last 3 seasons were bad. Boring, bad storytelling, bad writing, no central plot holding the thing together, and Monica Reyes is a bad, bad, recycled character with no arc. In my opinion, the early conspiracy (seasons 1 through 5) was very good, even though it lost some steam just prior to the movie (which would have been an awesome show-ender, instead turned into the beginning of the long, boring end). But then it was ended in the movie and replaced by something that wasn't quite a central plot, didn't go anywhere, and was just plain silly. Then, in the 2016 reboot, it focuses on crackpot internet conspiracy theories from the real life rather than create something of its own like the original series did. The only two passable episodes are the Were-human (monster of the week) and the second one which draws on the very first episodes of the show. I was severely underwhelmed at season 10, and expect nothing better from season 11 sadly. Please, man. Ditch the last part, watch the beginning, up until season 5 and the first movie, then pretend the very last scene does not basically say "there will be more seasons".
  8. What the hell, so am I?!? Along with modding celebrities @magico13 and @pizzaoverhead?!? Wasn't it yesterday, that I got 1k?
  9. I think many of us have! Red has a point that the visibility of a like is not always something desirable for a moderator.
  10. I would play under these restrictions.
  11. You wouldn't believe how loud and dry the noise was; the steam shock wave blew the door open and warped a little part of the hinge (quickly fixable). Me and my wife were looking around startled, wondering just what the HELL had happened, while a friend of ours yelled from the living room asking if we were okay. ...and the mess on the floor, man, the floor.
  12. Ooh, I've seen two swallows chasing off a carcará once, that bird was friggin' huge (once I parked my car at a dirt expanse next to my workplace, but I didn't have the guts to come out because two of them were circling around it, on the floor, and looking at me ) Edit: on the wiki article I linked, there's a photo at the end of just such a thing happening, and apparently that behaviour is called mobbing a predator. MMO players, now you know!
  13. A suicidal eggplant performed a terrorist attack inside my oven last night: That was a pain to clean.
  14. I just want to nitpick over something @Dman979 said on the Isp average: yes, the rocket equation formula works for clusters of engines, and yes, the total Isp is an average of the engines' Isps... however, it's not the simple average (sum(...)/N) but a weighted average (TL;DR math: the formula for the entire ship is Isp = sum(Ti) / sum(Ti/Ispi), where Ti and Isp i are the thrust and Isp of each individual engine). If you're using just many engines of the same type, it makes no difference (total Isp equals engine Isp), and if your engines are consuming roughly the same amount of fuel each, then the math doesn't make much difference, either. But, since the Kraken is in the details: To get there, you have to first use another formula, which defines Isp: Isp = T / (m' * g0), where T is the total thrust (in N), m' is the propellant mass flow (in kg/s), g0 is the surface gravity (in m/s2), and Isp is in s (or you can use kilonewtons and metric tons instead of newtons and kilograms, which are the units the game shows you). That equation applies to either a single engine, or the entire ship. Figuring out the ship's total thrust is easy, just sum the thrust for each engine; the propellant mass flow is also just the sum for each engine, however, that value isn't shown in game. But, Isp is, so you can calculate the engine's mass flow using the same equation: m' = T / (Isp * g0). So, to for the entire ship, T = sum(Ti); m' = sum(m'i) = sum(Ti / (Ispi * g0)) = sum(Ti/Ispi) / g0; and therefore Isp = T / (m' * g0) = sum(Ti) / sum(Ti/Ispi)
  15. Very good use of the cameras and external view monitors! I dig the MkII Pod use, too. I always install RPM, but to tell the truth I use it very rarely
  16. I love you. Huh? <parse error syntax error unexpected> I swear it took me like 5 tries to correctly understand this sentence. But nice, will definitely give this a try when I get home
  17. I've supposed so since I first saw it, and I like it (even if it's just a coincidence; it's nice) Eh, I left the browser tab open and this reply only loaded after mine. I was slow-ninjad
  18. I've been on this forum for four years and I still have no idea who's a teenager and who's of working age (or better yet - retired!)
  19. Yeah, I get what you mean, but I think this is what OP meant by "reactivating the battery", since I used to do that. A shame you can't do that on EVA, either
  20. Actually, they can! Ever noticed that green triangle next to resource bars (fuel, electricity, etc.)? Click it and it becomes a pause symbol, and the resource container is deactivated. I used to leave spare batteries like this on all my probes, but a recent version changed it, so now clicking that button counts as a ship command and will only work if your ship is controllable... which means you can't activate the spare battery when the main ones run out
  21. My impression has always been that the old quake mod had vibrations of a higher frequency, while the stock implementation has this slow back-and-forth ship-like (as in, seaship-like) movement, which lacked that "vibration" feeling even with the sliders up to eleven (so to say). I'm gonna try this out when I get home, hope it improves the experience
  22. Not all was ok, but I cleared the nastiest bits. Keep it family-friendly, guys. It's possible! My opinion, no, they shouldn't hook up, not officially. No kerbal should have an official biography, and the game has no plot or story. Fanfic writers, however, should do as they please. A good, well-written romance is a strong trope in any literature
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