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Everything posted by monstah

  1. Leonardo and BEAM? Man, that's one pretty replica there.
  2. Of course, which is why my last sentence there was "or just need a cheaper lifter"
  3. Um, yes. I should have meant 'they both break, but only one brakes'
  4. I've noticed that too; my guess is that something in the physics fails to keep the ship in the same orientation; in orbit it's hard to judge what's moving since everything is moving in relation to everything.
  5. So, the fixed steerable wheel is the one you're using? Well, that one doesn't have brakes The two lowest-tech landing gears are to be used together: one breaks, one steers.
  6. Need more fuel on your small-ish ascent stage, but the single Swivel can't lift anything else? Throw a couple Thuds in, replace the Swivel for a Reliant now that you have the Thud's vectoring.
  7. Hello, there, and welcome! Moved your thread to the support subforum, hope someone helps with your problem soon.
  8. Hi there @Wrench Head, and welcome! I'll just have to ask that you edit your post, and add what license the mod is. I can see it says there on the spacedock page, but we require that on the forum too See you around!
  9. Oh, wow! Lots of users here I hadn't seen before, even a few lurkers! Well, hello, and welcome, all of you. Good to see we have a strong community in China too, it seems to me you all know each other already? We ask that users speak in English on most areas of the forum, yes, but there is an International subforum if you feel inclined to talk in your native language. Feel free to hang around!
  10. And, soon, we will have new content! It's a win-win-win situation! Seriously now, welcome around Do poke around and ask questions, we have specific sub-forums for mod development.
  11. http://monstah.deviantart.com/art/Madness-From-The-Sea-2701075 That's from... 14 years ago?? *sigh* I don't know why is it, but I never again felt the hots for drawing like back then. I even tried to revive this deviant account after some three years not using it, but the drawings were sloppy and I never quite felt the rush again. I still doodle, but I haven't really drawn anything since I was 20 http://monstah.deviantart.com/art/Xenomorph-Ninja-39149944 Ahhh! I loved this one! 2011, judging by the comments? Originals are probably still around somewhere, gathering dust... edit - Hahahaha. Oh man, I feel just like Jesse Pinkman going through his old notebooks. These are awesome! Check this one out: ugly-ass self protrait from 15 years ago, complete with one of those crappy titles your teenage self finds ingenious! Actually, my whole gallery is filled with crappy teen titles. So self-anthropological. Don't ask me if I'm colorblind I'm not, but I always had terrible taste for coloring drawings. I even knew it, back then, but well, I tried. Later ones are better, the ones I made 100% digital rather than coloring over ink.
  12. VÉEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI! Minha mente explodiu nesse momento.
  13. Exactly. Ships should be built for what they need to achieve. If all you have is a small payload, and all you need is to achieve orbit, there's no reason to beef up TWR. In fact, in @Spricigo's example, not only the probe has more DV, but since it is lighter the lifter itself will have more DV, so that it can go even farther (or just need a cheaper lifter).
  14. I'm reading these and now I think I want to write one, too...
  15. This, too. When the smallest engine available early game is the Terrier, I'll dial the thrust limiter way down on my Mun science landers, for example, until Spark is unlocked.
  16. In truth, it's because he tricks the other pilots with promises of fake snacks, then boards the damned ship when no-one is looking...
  17. Slow day at work, slow day at the forum...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monstah


      I could nap if I didn't sit where everybody can see.

    3. legoclone09


      I'd find a nice Discord server or something to hang out in. That's what I do when I'm bored.

      In addition to being slow on the forums here it's been slow on airsoft society as well. Must be a generall lull in activity or something, a few Discord servers I'm in are kinda slow today as well.

    4. NSEP


      Well, slow timezones too!

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