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  1. @psvialli Yup, you can. All the mod's mechanics can be tweaked / turned off at the Space Centre screen, click the USI LS icon there.
  2. After directly referencing the bn_upperJaw01 bone via debug for the props, they equipped properly on the female kerbal in the new suit. For male kerbals they work as is. Kinda strange. The mod describes the parts in such fashion.
  3. Hi, @IgorZ I've run into an issue while using the glorious Kerbal Hacks KIS addon. When trying to equip anything head-related (like glasses, headset etc.) on female Kerbals, sporting the new suit, KSP throws in log 'Error: evaTransform not found' and nothing happens. With the old suit everything works as designed. Hand-held items work with both suits. For male Kerbals everything works with both suits as well.
  4. Nvm, was too long away from KSP and should've read changelogs. Keep up the great work.
  5. Ow, yiss. Fair enough, I guess. Using more than a year-worth amount of depleted fuel to produce less than the smallest xenon can fit is not a very utilizable mechanic though.
  6. @Nils277, drill for dirt cfg has a wrong path for the model (in 1.5.3 at least). Btw, would you consider adding base-size KIS containers (10k large and 5k small), since to produce something kinda big - like a drill - one have to rely on third-party containers. Also, what about adding small xenon output as a by-product for reactor operation?
  7. What if introduction of the EVA navball itself was also a bug in the first place?
  8. Nah, that's not long. The very best inflammatory topics used to get tens of pages in a day. Lack of any explanation for the point, made by the OP, however, makes me suspect the same.
  9. Finally, a mod crucial for my gameplay. Thank you, sir. UPD. @Enceos, Mic headset is missing a category in cfg.
  10. Many ITT are badmouthing Flying Tiger, that's not fair. FT should get some credit. When SQUAD announced making ports for console, the community was really sceptical about it. While some were outright hostile, waving around "PCmasterrace" agenda, and others expected an outright fraud, the majority was sceptical about the very possibility of porting KSP to consoles. The modern consoles are nothing more than a really average PC with restrictions and licensing, and such a complex resource-hungry (and not very optimized) game like KSP is not the simplest stuff to port. So, KSP console port was expected to fail and fail miserably. Flying Tiger however managed to pull off the port kinda well. Yes, the port failed as expected, but in a good way. A couple of game breaking bugs is really far from the expected full-blown disaster.
  11. Cheaters will rejoice? Or there's some deeper meaning?
  12. I like the upgrade feature, hopefully it'll make into stock. It'll definitely add depth for building craft series and generations. Since it's tied to .craft file, there's no problem with craft-sharing too. Some decals (like a letter in the model number or smth) for upgraded engines would be nice though, to cut the guesswork on the screenshot - whether it's a simple LVN or 'Legendary LVN of Mighty Thrust'.
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