I use a ssto spaceplane for up to 40 tonnes payload weight that fits in a Mk4 fuseladge and 3-4 stage rockets for payloads that don't fit in the plane.
Going up to meet my spacestation on a 150 km orbit. I eyeball the launch window and when i get to 150 km orbit I see my station comming to me at 20 km out. I just had to accelerate to mach velocity and dock. From launch to docking it took less the 10 minutes.
I made and tested 3 FAR spaceplanes. A 1,25m cargobay with 10t max payload to 150x150km orbit, and a HL and MK4 cargobay with 40t max payload for 150x150 km orbit. And mobile cranes for loading these planes so that they will only get refueld using KAS, loaded with the cranes and off we go to orbit.
I have seen a Whackjob video of a rocket with more than 3000 seats (that's all possible kerbal names used). I think it went boom on the lounchpad but you should try to find it for inspiration. I think it was named "kerbal genocide" or something like that.
I used only 4 struts on 2 variants. 1st one is an in-line connection with a standard docking port and a pair of struts in the middle and at the end, the 2nd one is a docking port jr. in the middle connecting to the floor with a pair of struts on the ends. Here are the pictures of the cranes i made, the smaller one has 2 satellites on it back to back on a seperatron. Eureka. The one in the dark is the latest iteration. It works like a charm. The problem was Jeb standing on the girders. Now I have a rotating crew cabin with a small crane for a mission impossible Jeb to connect the struts, the docking port goes straight down. It only turns rather sluggish but that is another story.
Problem solved but I would still like to see your loading solutions. Original post: I have started to practice for 0.24 cost and recovery things. I am trying to make splaceplanes using mainly B9 parts and with ground personnel to service them so no returning to the SPH for refitting. Here is where the trouble starts. I can't find a good design for a loading crane. If I try to winch the cargo using KAS and just drop it in withouth docking a lot of times the cargo disappears as I close the cargo bay doors. If I dock it it hangs on the other end throug the fuselage but if I secure it with KAS struts the whole ship starts to bounce around. So, what are your solutions for loading spaceplanes? I would like to see your designs. I will post pictures of my own when i get to my home PC.
Or if all that is to compicated get mechjeb, set up rendezvous and watch what happens. After a couple of times watching mechjeb do its magic you will feel confident enough to try it out yourself. I learned that way and once you get the hang of it it's not that complicated.
I glideded my spaceplane from 100 km half a planet away and landed on the runway. No fuel, just enough rcs to get pa to 40 km. And i have FAR installed.
Thanks for the answer to my question. Now if you could enlighten me what i did wrong with the imgur link i will make sure that i never make that mistake again.
Sorry for reactivating an old thread but I have a problem with FAR. I am trying to recreate the Skylon in carrier mode and since FAR is "what work in RL works with FAR" I came to a wall in my design process. Every time I reach speeds greater than Mach 1 the plane AoA keeps getting higher up to the point when it just flips on its tail. I know that my CoL goes back when going supersonic but no matter how much i change the wing positions it keeps flipping. The fuel drains from the front and back tanks at the same rate so it can not be a fuel imbalance problem. I presume that it has something to do with the red numbers on the FAR stats but i have no idea what do these numbers mean. Is there a tutorial on the graphs & stats, preferably that keeps it simple like: if X is red then add moar control surfaces to this and that part of the plane etc. Please help me. Here are the pics.
Was it the system when you watch the planet in the lower orbit and when it, sun and planet in higher orbit make a right sided triangle you launch tward it? Depending on the place you want to go the planet in higher or lower orbit is your starting location.