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Everything posted by Mighty1

  1. @sarbian - I think the more reasonable option would be that the author posts the RAM footprint on the default settings of the game. I would be like a guideline, not a rule at the amount of RAM it takes. For the rest of the data like when using OpenGL, ATM, or an uber graphics card there would be a separate entry. I have a spreadsheet in mind. Maybe I will try to make one but it may take some time. I don't have much free time in RL.
  2. Speaking of R&D why do I have all MJ options on a pure, fresh, stock game with only MJ installed. I am in career mode and when i get to "Flight control" and the first unlock i get everything. Does anyone have the same problem? Edit: note to self: "first read some pages back, then post." It apears that I am not the only one
  3. I got a tiny problem with MJ. In my fresh stock install while in carrier mode all MJ options are available from the start. No progression in options as you go up the science tree.
  4. I tried the new heat and shield system in stock and all i can say is that i am looking forward to the release of this mod. I thought that it would go obsolete but no, it is hanging on with awesomeness it provides.
  5. I loved this mod in 0.xx versions and this may be a stupid question so bash me if you like but... With the new 1.0.x heat and heatshields how will DRE be different from stock? Is there a valid reason in installing it?
  6. There is "Antena range" which uses stock antennas but gives them max range for transmiting and my favourite "Remote Tech 2" where you have to have LOS to mission control or relay satelites to transmit data or to control probes. No connection means that a probe is withouth guidance and uncontrolable. With that mod you get a couple of new antennas too. While RT2 is a little bit complicated it gives you so much realisam that I refuse to play withouth it. Oh, and there is even lag for commands given to probes because of the light speed limitations
  7. This leak has nothing to do with temperature bars. When im in the KSC view I get a couple of kb leak but when i launch a craft then it goes to 300-400 kb/sec. I tried scatterer with pure stock and it leaked away as soon as the plane was on the runway. And if I Alt-Tabed then there was a wooping 30 meg increase.
  8. I was wondering if anyone experiences memory leak problems. I zeroed it in to scatterer 0.14. With it the RAM footprint just grows, without it stays stable around 2.614 MB. The only other visual mods that I have installed s Distant object enhancement and planetshine. When i remove them the leak is still there so i must be this mod. Anyone got an idea how to plug the leak?
  9. Does anyone have problems with carrier mode or is it just me. I get all the MJ features on the 1st teer.
  10. Fellow kerbonauts, keep calm. If Bac9 has to read and answer around the forum then he has no time to work on the most awesome mod ever made. Keep in mind that this is a game and real life has its priorities. It will be done when it is done. Until then play with stock.
  11. I know I was terefied of going FAR but after reading about the unrealistic souposphere i decided to force myself to install it. Yes, I had plenty of my rockets doing flips and then i learned something: how to do a propper gravity turn. Pick up some vertical speed (100 m/s) and pitch to 85-80 deg. and the rocket flies itself. All you have to do to control you drop to horizontalit is to play with the throttle.
  12. It's simply the problem of money. Humans spend 1.7 trillion dollars just to kill each other more efficiently and quickly. Think what we could achieve with that kind of resources on the planet and beyond if it would be used in other areas (climate, education, production, space exploration). When we start to look out instead of in then a new golden age will start for humanity. The problem is that human nature is not like that. We like killing each other. Even in KSP, which is a nonviolent game, there are mods which sole purpose is destruction.
  13. Of course it's a kind of virus. It takes away all your free time, forces you to dream about it, and you computer is always missing a few gigs of RAM.
  14. First impression: "Wow, that loading time. Any faster and it would go back in time"
  15. It appears that hollow modular girder segments made of steel are more buoyant than closed cylinders full of air. It is working now. I just hope that the bouyanci revamp in 1.0 will not mess it up.
  16. I just got home from work and I estimate I'll have to wait some 6-8 hours for the release.
  17. Imadgine that it is sunday (you took a day off anyway) and tomorow it will be avaible anyway. Also, for the next update I expect Squad to move their offices to Tuwalu.
  18. That new updates won't be so big for me that I have to start a new game.
  19. SPACEEEEEE No, seriouslynow , it's the SPACEEEEESHIIIIIIIIIIPS
  20. *Raises space drinking bag* (if raising is possible in free fall) And now BOOM BANG straight to the Mun.
  21. And if it can SSTO I'll be even happier http://i.imgur.com/7gfvOKf.jpg May the gods be with you.
  22. That pic. WOW. There are so many great moders out there and so little RAM avalible. Oooooh the agony of reaching your RAM limit.
  23. This creature is on the right track. It eats some veggies and doesn't have to eat any more its whole life. It takes the chlorophyll from the plant and incorporates it in its own cells then uses it to produce energy. http://phys.org/news182501672.html
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