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Everything posted by Mighty1

  1. Does Dawn have any cameras that could point at the Earth and not have it blurry. http://static.tweakers.net/ext/f/8E0fim1f5ODNRqf5g7LWz8Xy/full.png Earth, Venus and Jupiter are quite close in the Ceres sky riht now
  2. Interesting. I supose the Dawn doesn't have anything that would give a nice picture - or does it?
  3. Are you realy saying that the FSM is all made up. What is this blasphemy. May you swim in the stale beer volcano and all your stripers have STDs when you die.
  4. When we are talking about versions is there any info on future plans after 1.0.3? Will that be it until Unity 5 (version 1.1 or 2.0)?
  5. I know I read somewhere that the Soviets built the Burans because the Americans did it, and your arch enemy can't have something that you don't have. But after the first flight there was some head scraching in the soviet ranks because they couln't see the efficiency in space planes. Rockets were better. Now, this could be just soviet propaganda as to why they didn't do more flights but maybe there is some truth in this. The Americans pushed on with the shuttle because it supported a lot of the jobs assotiated with it even if it cost 500000 mil. $ to launch one (or was it 1 billion)
  6. I like the idea of growing a tree on top of your biodegradeble coffin. Especialy if the burial would be done somewhere where the soil is poor so my body would enrich it. If that would be done on a much bigger scale in a generation or two we could have real "haunted forests"
  7. I see KSP crashes a lot during reentry for you. Did you hit F10 to disable temperature gaudges? They cause a large memory leak which result in a game crash.
  8. There is just that in the KSPI-E Your solar pannels generate "Waste Heat". The more you have the more heat you have and have to use radiators too cool down. If the heat reaches maximum then the electronics shuts down. It is quite a big mod and if you don#t want to use all of its features just delete them from the mod.
  9. For translation just pitch the craft. When using TCA it will keep your hight by balancing engine trust. If you want to stop just click on "stop horizontal movement" and it will automaticly pitch in the oposite direction to stop.
  10. You could try with this mod if you want complicated or this if you prefer to keep it simple.
  11. There is also a "temerature gaudge killer" mod that saves you from pressing F10 all the time.
  12. I made a 100t payload for extremely large payloads using TTs Mk4 fuseladge (not the new one from Nertea). I never had any use for larger payloads so no need to make anything larger but I am in no doubt that even larger crafts can be made if neaded. Sadly, that monster has gone the way of the dodo because the Mk4 does not work in 1.0.x
  13. I know that I have seen on youtube someone make a ion lander with a 2,5 m one. Science, kerbal, engine, power - all in it, and the dors are used as a landing gear. But it seems that I can not find it now.
  14. On the top of my head i think you get 1,5 to 2,5 science per experiment for every building + launch pad, runway, crawlway and flagpole.
  15. Someone commented about KSP on space.com and I had a look at it. I downloaded the pirated version 0.18 and played it like mad. When 0.19 came out I decided that this game, that a small "no name" company in Mexico is making with a small budget, is more awesome the any of the games from the big studios and I shouted at Humble Bundle: "Take my money"
  16. Well, you could try to get out and push. You have an unlimited amount of delta-v if you do that. Other than that you could send a rescue for the two of them
  17. Thank you. Then I'll just be extra careful for now while launching unitl the properties of Kerbins atmosphere change in a couple of days
  18. I am not sure if this is a DR or a FAR question, but I believe that my problem fits better with DR. During lunch I have to keep my TWR at maximum of 1.3 as I approach the sound barrier. If I go any stronger my tanks (the empty ones) heat up and explode. Only when I get to 25-30 km height when the temperature starts dropping I can throttle up. For temperature display I use Critical temperature gauge My question is: Is this normal behavior or am I doing something wrong?
  19. Early career to Minmus. Only bateries with no solar and LV-909 to generate power. Guess what: the 909 doesn't have an alternator. The end result was a roasted kerbal.
  20. There are also procedural parts and procedural wings.
  21. I am aware of them both but is it really necessary to install a new mod and clutter the VAB with more parts if we have radiators with KSPI-E. And too put 2 different kinds of radiators - 1 for "waste heat" and 1 for "heat" is just dumb.
  22. That the radiators take away (siphon) the heat from the part they are attached to. They would be very useful for the LV-Ns or the stock drill.
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