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Everything posted by Prismatech

  1. Yemo blow it out a mod pack before what is good with 32 bit sparks like a good fit with your reblance. is it Snacks compatible i hate tac (make rockets to big) love snacks ( is more realistic and rockts look loke rockts)
  2. funktion the new jets with near to? sorry hate far most explosion my space ships and use not deadly.
  3. alt +tab and back repair this littel bug by opengl. Please Universal Storge parts : core quad(1,25 Rockets) , Decoupler small and core Hexacore (2,5 rockets) transfer in the basic zone are needed to use the universal storage tools like monigoo ore snaks or batteries and please snacks implant
  4. i use seti have 50 mods on like b9,nova,sxt,KOS,usw use no aktiv textur but use opengl wits dds Compresion the tool that all pic in dds convert.
  5. nice that you make a progressions tree based on mods the pic from the lite version looks very nice, hope that you good balance the needed science point that work as no grind version. The start ist most to grinde on the way like minmus landing on other prog. trees.
  6. have problem withe the fairings off the engies Vesta vr -1 and wildcat -v .The Fairings when 1.25 m decoupler (stock) is to small think is the 0.6xx version think that kw must be updatet.use the last version of kw
  7. a button for Toolbar to hide Window would be nice.
  8. thanks for this mod pack but please make a part list what you use from what mod. think is good too see and over thinking self need i the orginal mod too .t
  9. hello nice and very good idee. whisches : 1: list with mod that use backprossing. 2: a mm config to implant self the backprossing in solar stock and mods 3: a mm config to implant self the backprossing scansat and karbonitescan (kethane when updatet too)
  10. nice decoupler with integratet sepratron thanks.
  11. next try .sorry for bad english. i will use Remotetech 2 with the cct tree and your setibalance . The problem is that remotech 2 probs with unmanned tech activate .your used probe is at start but rt2 is not aktivate at that tier.
  12. little wish a function to save the actuelle installed addon list. Like a backup. save the list in a old install. then can i it load in a new install then automtik reinstall all addons from previus install
  13. sorry not compatible with novapunch 2. engine aka ta 30 have a gap between tank and engine.Use the tank that at start at careere is. Edit: Forgot the textur changes found i very nice the mk1 capsule is top . the Rcs cap please make a better lock on the mk1 . at top see the yellow fromm mk1 1 top.
  14. can this mod pack work in co opertion with the orginal mods .or is it better too use it alone.
  15. very nice is ckan but miss 2 things . first over write funktion on wish and delete all off a mod when dir is not ... . and what is AD?
  16. First gratz for relase nice manger. What is the update cyle for ckan when mods have a update . mean when mod update on kerbalstuff is and last update off ckan little before kerbalstuff update what time must go that ckan find it out.
  17. And a good guide to go rigth way to activate the ccp in ksp. at moment ask i me what must i do . ccp self connect or in ksp press first connect. must the app on pc run when use ksp ccp .wrote the correct way to use ccp with your plugin to aktivate.
  18. have the control towers a funktion for communicate? Think to use earth relay grund com system to relase.
  19. dear stupid can you change the chut is first at min version for first pod size is. at 2 step can in the new career the chute size edit in the vab.
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