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Everything posted by Prismatech

  1. hi little prob in new version, in tool bar is the landing guidance not in . no in setup of toolbar. no in mechjebs menue
  2. with the new modulmanger is the cfg brocken message from him 20 error from near cfg. in far is this too https://www.dropbox.com/s/idvqqno3w5013dg/KSP.log?dl=0
  3. 21 -27 off your time ? i in germany and have open the store and it not with 0$ in shop the fullversion of ccp in itunes. 2 Hours later now loadeble free
  4. any chance a info came for a update or is it compatible to ksp 0.90
  5. a gui that search the kspdir for pic and convert automatik where very nice . mean automatic function that control all dir in ksp: sorry found the function
  6. Fred4106 and please not use ru dropbox with privat . i can not read ru to translate for registration
  7. idee is the new pilot system the problem? no star pilot have no spezial power a 5 star can use all. like a command in cfg all pilots at 0 star can use mj2.
  8. prob core is no compatible info from vac (addon version checker) use 0.9.4
  9. Please post the aktuell cfg file to implant mj2 in all command pods and functional at careere start.
  10. little wish can you make a recolour pack that change the pink tanks?
  11. Little wich a textureplace (not reduce) that the Little Pink Pig tanks recolour a link or other help are nice.
  12. Do I have what Change in the cfg that all pods or probs at careere begin start with mechjeb
  13. please make a folding ladder for the container system, one that goes to the ground and the the storage system bridges. is helpy when storage system under pod like mk1 is
  14. Nice good series . please build for refund parachutes module to set on top a side roket please.
  15. oki . then a wish can you build comm stations arund zero line of kerbin? Only max mun conect with out sat. like the beginning the com system of NASA.
  16. hope you get us a complet link vers 31 version and not only single links at futur for any base.
  17. little wish update please the novapunch .cfg not all have implant realchute
  18. what you make that it so good funktion in german language. by me funktionel not "naechste stufe" its a wrote system? please link your geman cfg as load file . For the fill out funktion
  19. Little wish can you implant the RealChute Parachute Systems mod please
  20. are the stock chutes auto the realchutes ask for contrakt of the stock chutes . or must i work with the stock for contrakt?
  21. ask i it need to implant rt2 in the pods to make a cfg file like mj implant mj2 in the pods?
  22. a little whish can you make a side decoupler with intregratet parachute and separatron for refound sided stages?
  23. in the career are 2 scan tools first the radarscanner and the antenne have a bug atenne resarch but not in vab. sorry for sad english version 7
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