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Everything posted by luizopiloto

  1. banido pois se não fosse esse sub-forum não seriamos mod...
  2. sabe pq pararam de fabricar fusca? pq qualquer um conserta, manutenção barata. Dura pelo menos, mesmo mal tratado, uns 50 anos... Não gera lucro para os padrões atuais...
  3. e eu achando q vc iria dizer q via a hora q quisesse no youtube...
  4. Banido pq a Bruxa do 71 perdeu o Satanáz dnovo...
  5. If I get one of those switches... I'll rarely connect it to a TV...
  6. the internal cfgs have a camera offset parameter that was added recently... "kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.02, 0" it moves up the original POV camera. If you have Module Manager installed, you can create a .cfg file and place it inside GameData folder with the following code: @INTERNAL[mk1CockpitInternal] { %MODULE[InternalSeat] { %kerbalEyeOffset = 0, -0.015, 0 } } @INTERNAL[mk1InlineInternal] { %MODULE[InternalSeat] { %kerbalEyeOffset = 0, 0.01, 0 } }
  7. Took some time, but the craft is now updated for KSP 1.2.2... I hope squad don't do any stealthy changes to the aerodynamics for the next update...
  8. feels like FSX if you already know how to use the props. Specially if you use the NAV radio and the HSI for landings...
  9. banido pois um pedaço de Tetris jamais teria a destreza pra cair de pé...
  10. banido pq provavelmente foi ele q me recomendou pra diretoria...
  11. I have made this IVA mod more for myself, but I think some of you will enjoy this one too...
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