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Everything posted by theend3r

  1. Actually it's been confirmed that the U5 upgrade should be x64 from the start:
  2. You can use Reflector + Reflexil and just edit that part of the code to return true or w/e. I do not recommend this though and if you do then don't post any bugs to this thread at all.
  3. Is it possible to give Kerbals more friction so they don't skid for minutes after falling? Being able to use RCS in ragdoll mode would be useful too.
  4. BV141 and all the other asymmetric aircraft:
  5. That's not a realistic represenation though, the heightmap is exaggerated to better show the structure of the surface. I think it's at least 2x smaller irl.
  6. Except action groups. Also selecting parts in flight has no elegant solution that I can think of.
  7. Also that work wouldn't be for nothing. I still haven't tried 1.0.x because I wait for B9
  8. True, athough the ranting and bad, unconstructive criticism became significantly more prominent after the 0.90 -> 1.0 jump where people (imo rightfully) disliked the lack of proper community testing of such a large change in mechanics. Sure, it's Squad's game but when people try so much to help you (for free on top of that) and you don't let them, their feelings are going to be a little hurt. Are there any statistics showing how many sales are new compared to the pre 1.0 ones? To know how many "veterans" and newbies are there?
  9. I still think MP should come either after the rest of the issues are solved (+ features added like clouds, planets, eva activities) or never.
  10. I also enjoy playing strategies, shooters and other more control-complex games on PC and playing racing, fighting and HnS games on consoles. I probably wouldn't try to play a fighting game on a PC or a strategy on a console though.
  11. , E.V.E., B9 Procedural Wings, Distant Object, Trajectories, Strip Symmetry, SCANsat, Smart Stage (this one's really good, saves lot of time).
  12. Maybe they'll finally add clouds since the PS4 version can't be modded.
  13. Touring and rally for me. Formula racing was far more interesting than both of those in the past but I find it very boring now.
  14. I unfortunately have this syndrome that has ruined Gravity, Interstellar, even the new Star Trek (the old ones are fine for some reason) and many others for me. There are some movies that don't take the sci of sci-fi too seriously (like Star Wars) where I don't mind but when the producers want to make something realistic and believable, those mistakes really bug me.
  15. Yeah but 1m^3 = 1000L or 1dm^3 = 1L. The conversion is easy. I just don't understand Fahrenheit. A scale derived from temperatures of brine and human body? I'm not sure even americans would be able to define 0°F.
  16. Thanks a lot, exactly what I was looking for.
  17. Since the new Sketchfab feature arrived I've been wondering if it would be possible to export the model into, say, 3DS Max so we could do some nice renders. I've tried to do it using other means with moderate success but having a program/plugin to do all the work would be really great. It's possible to rip borrow it directly from Sketchfab with some work but I would be grateful for a better solution.
  18. I vote for radiators. Some inflatable parts from the USI Survivability pack would be great too but that seems rather unlikely.
  19. This. Resources and MP are fine extras but not nearly as important as debugging, clouds and overall balance (aero, heat and parts associated with them). Clouds should've been in the game ages ago. Now transition to Unity 5 is the most important thing and everyone should focus on that and making the game 64bit again but after that clouds should come fast.
  20. Has anyone done a single-stage-to-another-body with refinery which would allow you to travel e.g. to Moho and back to KSC without staging? I'm still waiting for 1.0.3 to iron out the know bugs and for B9 to update so I didn't attempt it myself yet but I'm curious if it's possible (I'm sure it is ) and if anyone's done it yet. If you have pictures of such a craft, please share them. I'd post it as a challenge but we all know you should complete your challenge first before posting it. Edit: I see there is a similar challenge, I've been too hasty. This thread can be locked/annihilated I guess.
  21. There is no reason for it in singleplayer but it would be great in MP. Just playing with BD Armory and flying in F22 lookalike while dodging bullets from ground sentries is a lot of fun.
  22. This minus the metal. Otherwise any way is fine but it should be quick, no medical research (unless I die from some rare cause), no organ donations (selfish but that's the way it is), no dissection of any kind.
  23. Seems suspicious. Anyway, looking through the persistent.sfs it seems that the experience is computed in-game from the CAREER_LOG under ROSTER. You'd probably need to construct imaginary flights in there like this for example: 0 = Flight,Kerbin 0 = Suborbit,Kerbin 0 = Orbit,Kerbin 0 = Escape,Kerbin 0 = Orbit,Sun 0 = Escape,Duna 0 = Orbit,Duna 0 = Escape,Ike 0 = Orbit,Ike 0 = Suborbit,Ike 0 = Land,Ike 0 = ExitVessel,Ike 0 = PlantFlag,Ike 0 = BoardVessel,Ike 0 = Suborbit,Duna 0 = Flight,Duna 0 = Land,Duna 0 = ExitVessel,Duna 0 = PlantFlag,Duna 0 = BoardVessel,Duna 0 = Escape,Mun 0 = Land,Kerbin 0 = Recover I've never done it before so I'm not sure but you can try it.
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