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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. @linuxgurugamer sir I failed to upload that 3GB of game data, but i think i found what is the problem, take a look at this line of code in your repo : https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/JanitorsCloset/blob/master/JanitorsCloset/ModFilterWindow.cs#L142 now, when you get null point exceptions like this, the important thing is not to find the problematic mod, the point is how you can solve your mod. why am i saying that? well, let's say we contacted that mod developer and he solved the issue on his side, is there any guaranty that another person won't have same problem on his mod again? ok. so what is the problem in your code is this : for some reason, some mod is giving a part to the game that is null ! maybe bad MM patch or something but it's beyond the scope. in that loop, right from start you are assuming that the part is not null. ok the log won't cause any problem because I am not playing in debug mode maybe. but the next line after that log, you are calling a class and it's constructor, giving the part and assuming that the part is not null. THAT is exactly what is causing the problem here, a null point exception. If you ask me, even before the log, simply do this : if (part == null) continue; why that can solve this problem? because if there is a part that is null and loaded, well, do we still really need to keep it in our partInfos dictionary? answer is no and that would solve this null point exception i think. as a side node, never do assumptions in coding for games, always do sanity checks.
  2. take a look at it's config file, there is a line saying EnableSignalDelay, if it is set to false, then there won't be any signal delay, set it to true to have the signal delay back
  3. believe it or not i set the file into my google drive last night and it's still uploading ! bad connction on my side, as soon as i get it there i will inform you, the zip is 3 GB !!
  4. the thing is that, on my side, even the 'r' key is not working !
  5. That cube thing is my own mod, but i tried remote tech + stock ksp and it's the same, you can easily reproduce the problem : 1- use a sat core (anyone you like) 2- put stock RCS tanks 3- put any stock rcs 4- you can use antena for orbit or because the prob core has internal antena, you can try it on the launch pad 5- launch the vessel as it is 6- try activating and using the rcs, it will fail because it happens in stock + rt, reproducing it is really easy and because my instance of the game is heavily modded, i don't think that log file would be as easy as you guys trying this on the stock yourself ! also that wierd cube thing, is my mod called JSat, only a part mod u know
  6. @TaxiService or @neitsa or anyone that is working on this part of the mod, take a look : http://prntscr.com/dcxuk7 tried both first release of 1.8.1 and now 1.8.2, none of the probe cores with built in antenas allow activation and use of RCS (no matter the fuel or rcs part, stock or not, all the same) neither in orbit nor on launch clamp !
  7. evite? evite? Ok, i deleted the previous folder of janitor closet, also deleted the part catalog from root folder because i know sometimes it interfered with problems, then installed the 1.7 and ran the game, the problem is still there. here is the log file https://www.dropbox.com/s/ssa7dca82ghh2e3/output_log.txt?dl=0 O~K @linuxgurugamer an index out of rang exception sir : IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range. at JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow+PartInfo..ctor (.AvailablePart part) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow.InitialPartsScan (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 loadedParts) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at JanitorsCloset.ModFilterWindow.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  8. That didn't solve the issue sir, I'm sure there should be a conflict with some mod in that log file. It started from 1.5 because before that I had all these mods and it was working perfectly, now every time i visit VAB, the filter window is open and the window size is not correct !!
  9. @jamespicone Hi sir, no news i guess from squad part? Damn this mod is a must have for heavily modded ksp playing :/
  10. will wait then, and that version can be the main issue there, thanks sir, will wait and get the next version. did you know that YOU ROCK ?
  11. oh as many as updated for 1.2.1 and some that didn't update after 1.2 and still works in 1.2.1 but there is a problem with my RCS not getting activated and I am pulling out/In some mods to figure which one is the reason so some of the mods are not there but the problem on your mod is still visible, also, the moment i go into VAB and put any root part, your filter window pops up !
  12. first, I tried it in a stock installation and everything was ok, but when i use it my heavily modded version the result is the same as what i gave you, here is the report, I am sure there are tons of exceptions and errors in it but they are harmless because the game is working. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ssa7dca82ghh2e3/output_log.txt?dl=0
  13. @linuxgurugamer sir, after installing of latest release i have this http://prntscr.com/dcp9hv the window is too small and not resizable?
  14. well, for time being, i am using the options before filling the tanks, when i am happy with the looks, that is when i go for the sliders, that way i will be sure that i have the correct amount
  15. i have a question, does anyone know if ksc+++ (or as a mater of fact kerbin side itself) work in 1.2.1? thanks
  16. it can be the bug on kopernicus, there is newer build that solves this but i remember that it had some issues with RT so if you have stations on the ground ignore the solars for time being until this conflicting problem is being solved
  17. that is too much work for my lazy .... oh well, they have to live with it
  18. Oh sorry i didn't see that post, so it's just ksc view? I can live with it although it would be a bit weird to record videos for online sharing, is there any fix for this?
  19. take a look http://prntscr.com/dbz1c8 going to ksc http://prntscr.com/dbz1sz two seconds later : http://prntscr.com/dbz1y4 @Sigma88 Ok, tried this in stock clean installation take a look at this folder : http://prntscr.com/dbz3l2 as you see, there is nothing other than Kopernicus, sigma binary and this mod, and still, the fast transition between day and night in ksc view is there, so @Galileo it's not about any planet packs
  20. no sir, looking at the op page, I saw that it supports GPP, this problems accured right from start when i have GPP + Galactic neighbour + Kopernicus, and OPM, no other planet pack was there, if you want to i can try it on a clean install to see if the problem is still there or not
  21. @Sigma88 or @Galileo Sir, Something is happening in my game and I don't know how to describe it, I have added most of the planet packs in the game, but even before that, just using this mod + kopernicus + sigma binary + GPP, when i get into ksc view, the lights go off from day to night in a second or two and it stays at night for all the time, when i go into tracking station, i see that it should be day and lighten up, coming back to KSC i see it's day but again in a second it gets night and i see night sky box, it's like for some reason the scene can't keep track of day light cycle or speeds it up drastically? unfortunately, there is nothing in the log files to send simply because it's a visual lighting in the scene, also, as if it is normal, all the buildings are having their night lights on !
  22. Yes, for some reason if you have scatterer, this mod will cause huge memory leak until your operating system freezes and game crash
  23. Yes I have tested it, either for time being, use the 1.8.0 first release and wait for the 1.8.2 release or ask the developers on how you can add ground stations with the new test release and tweak the settings yourself
  24. @MatterBeam and @RealGecko Thanks, Both of you for what you guys are doing for the community
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