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Everything posted by Jiraiyah

  1. Hmm there can be an easy approach for the ordering of the settings, how about adding two buttons beside each config in the loading screen of RT in the config window in game? one for moving that config higher in the list and one for moving in down and then the order would be bottom to top? this would solve any prediction needed and each player would need to set the order properly at the start of the game and hit a "Recalculate" button in the same section so that RT would read the proper order now and set everything? after all this would be one time only setting per new game?
  2. O~k, i tried this in 1.2.1, well, the menu options are there, they are working for me but, for fuel tanks, if you put the fuel in it and change the dimensions after that, the gui won't reflect the proper amount instantly, you need to start dragging slider for each fuel type and that is when it will update the proper max levels, i think there should be a method call to recalculate these stuff when you use buttons or sliders in gui that would change the volume ?
  3. no problem, i have all those tools available let's hope there is nothing special about the parts that i can't figure out myself
  4. got you, well, i was just moving the part around and it was rotating around the attach point, question, what if that part has more than one attach point on it? because i am planning to add more than single attach point there
  5. @linuxgurugamer Hi is this an intentional behavior? when i move the part around that wall, the more i get toward the out line of the wall, the more that rtg rotates around the vertical axis ! also help this noob, what is the short key to change that 15 degree setting to other numbers?
  6. hmm you may need to pm me a pack with the fbx models + unity projects because if i am gonna add the textures for bump map and possible emmisive ones, we would need the fbx + unity projects
  7. normal maps are textures that are responsive of reflecting the light on the part in a way that fakes the bumpiness on the part better than simple grayscale bump maps, for using them you would need to change the material of the parts in unity to ksp's bump one, if you want to i will fork the source with everything from git or any repo you may have and change the materials and put the textures and send it back to you see the bumpiness on the central part? that part's face is totally flat and that is the result of normal maps
  8. Yah i looked at the textures, what i was meaning was something like what i have on the cube's outside, you know, something more sci fi looking. and yah same quixel suite, very bad ass photoshop plugin when it comes to normal map generation
  9. so you basically mean that everyone should close their mouth and don't ask anything or mention anything?
  10. hmm a question, https://github.com/icedown/KSP-ProbeControlRoom/blob/master/ProbeControlRoom/ProbeControlRoomSettings.cs#L25 isn't ksputil deprecated? then how does this line work in 1.2.1?
  11. Umm, why did you got irritated? he was just stating a proper fact about crediting JPLRepo. also, if there is a fix for something we do, it would be nice to take it with smile on face instead of getting angry. I love your work and will use it for sure when i get comfortable with IVA stuff. but still, i can't understand why did you got angry
  12. can i give you a suggestion? changing of the textures as a whole? i mean, the look on that golden outside is nice but still, something with looks of electrical instrument and maybe emissive texture (without an animation, just full emissive from start) would look nice, also, the gray and black look almost vanishes when the sat is complete. I know many many people say they love stock alike textures, but trust me, there are many sci fi panel and wall texture available online that will go nicely with ksp and people would love to see them. problem is, many developers are not brave to give them a try. if you need to i can provide you with normal maps using quixel suite. anyways, thanks for reviving this mod
  13. I love Octosat, that was one of my favorit mods, that would be a nice addition to the mod's list for sure, gives variety for satellite designs for sure, it is modular and covers most of the needs for any sat orbiting home planet. as you said it is nice complement. last time i looked into it, it didn't hadve that many modules and the hollow design was not there for sure. thanks for reviving it. still the thing is that some of the sat mods out there limit you on your design, for example if you want a sat for deep space com, electric charge would be problem and you need more rtg and batteries on it and with designs like octo sat, those additions either would make your sat look too big or it would make it look stupid, that is why i went with this design, on 2.5m you can easily fit near 10 batteries each 1k in it without anyone seeing it, or another example, enough fuel tanks for your sat to become stand alone upper case for geosync one
  14. please, tell me if you need any special part, but the idea was that with many mods available these days, there should be 0 need for any more rcs, sas, etc parts
  15. Thanks sir.
  16. photoshop mojo? i have dds plugins for photoshop, was going to open both and merge them with layer blending, never heard of photoshop "mojo"
  17. Grrr suggesting something that i don't have any idea about it? sir you are not a good boy please a link and walk through what you talked about
  18. Yah they are, and i think from kerbal galaxy, that is why i use the configs for scaterrer from your mod, else, there would be a nasty memory leak but with your configs, somehow there is no memory leak, any other problem i may encounter?
  19. Nice, now i have GPP, OPM, Kerbal Galaxy and the extra solar that tweak done all the trick Sigh, now only if squad would fix the flashing lines in the station Woot, this is how a galaxy should look like in ksp (ahem having 32 GB of ram has it's own merites ) such a "Sunny" day
  20. kk. Thanks. wow, it was not that hard to change the whole system around, although, here and there i had to manually type numbers for SMA because hyper edit's periapse had limit but wow, that was easy
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