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Everything posted by Acea

  1. Looks nice! In case you don't know, you need to click "Publish this Mod" manually after creating a new mod on SpaceDock, otherwise people would not be able to download it.
  2. We're not planning to add more weapons right now. I've once considered such weapons too, but it's not on the schedule. The plugin has not been updated to be 1.7.* compatible. If you do not need torpedoes/depth charges just delete NAS/Plugins, guns would still work properly.
  3. DO NOT USE CAL ANY MORE I should have mentioned this in highlight. It's obsolete and incompatible now, and it may cause issues.
  4. Update Apr. 1: This. Is. Not. A. Joke. Pushing on the polishing process.
  5. 你可能没有理解这个帖子的意思或者根本没有看1L。这个帖子是“有能力翻译的人来这里为需要翻译的mod提供翻译”的地方,不是我或者管理组其他人来做。 简单来说就是mod必须要遵守原作者或现维护者提供的license(授权协议),要你开源就要开源,要你禁止商用就要禁止商用,禁止你更改就禁止你更改。Hullcam VDS Continued使用GPLv3协议,是强制开源并使用相同协议分发的,你如果没有任何提供源码的意思就编译出来发布当然就是违反规则的,建议在做这些工作之前先了解一下规矩。
  6. 您好,这里是提供翻译不是给你翻译的地方。 还有管理组已经在注意你了,编译dll文件而不提供源码毫无疑问是违反版规的。请看完mod投稿规则部分。
  7. Update Mar. 6: Trying simple constructions, to find out what else we need to add. Completion of all textures are still on the way.
  8. Update Feb. 25 We are still alive! Here's our latest progress. Also testing out FTL module now:
  9. Just a notice that this mod does not really need an update. It should always work as far as basic shaders do not change.
  10. Theme difference is a major issue. I'm not sure if our future plan would fit IXS Warpship parts, also we would have completely different FTL methods, I guess compatibility won't be a choice.
  11. Our programmer is now out on a trip and he was working on moving all codes to GitLab, for an easier project management. New repository would be online after we got all these matters settled.
  12. I've been away for a while, for our new project and I'm aware of the issues above. A temporary fix for 1.6.x could be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wvu4wdv1e6ldqsg/AntiSubmarineWeapon.dll?dl=1 (tested and all core functions work well) Notice that this does not really fix the issue that torpedoes do not explode on impact, we're trying to figure out what went wrong. You may need to manually detonate them meanwhile.
  13. 2019年1月15日更新:更新了去年3月6日论坛规则更新中改动的内容,并修订部分译文与排版。
  14. Moved to Add-on Discussions because this is a request or suggestion.
  15. Update Dec. 22: Loads of new stuff. Apperances may change when released.
  16. Working on structural parts and finishing all the new functions. We'll let you guys know if there's something visible
  17. Not likely. We need to play some tricks on physics and I'm afraid that interacting with other vessels at warp would become a bit dangerous.
  18. Dec. 2 Update: This effect does not represent the final outcome.
  19. Hello but you didn't really publish your mod on SpaceDock, please check twice. You need to click "Publish This Mod" or something else on your page to make it available. Also you need to put your license in OP. Please choose one before the first release.
  20. I guess it's clear enough in OP: Also we're using vessels built with B9HX parts for test purposes, UFS would be easily compatible with B9HX too.
  21. 并不啊,要是好看的东西,不故意使用debug(尤其是以此为傲)的就OK。说明白就可以了。
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