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Everything posted by Acea

  1. Moving around? I don't think I've seen related issues, could you please provide more details or maybe a video when it occurs?
  2. As in the picture I shoot the animation of the tower firing appears and the bullets do not come out consuming all my ammunition and the sound of repeated shots Recently I installed only the new mod bd armory in relation to the system of armatures n I know if I can have some connection NAS is not compatible with latest beta BDAc yet. Please use it with the stable release.
  3. Yeah I know and I've been working on this since early alpha phase, while getting our other team projects running. Now things are going on fluently into rebalancing, in which we need to make sure that things are historically accurate while making sense under BDAc mechanics.
  4. 您引用咱那段的时候里面的“国防部”可不是这么说的
  5. 哦那敢情好啊,正愁没人干这个事。建议去这里通报一下进度,包括开工也好完成也好,跟他们说一声,这样好汇总。 另外强烈建议回帖的时候把谷歌翻译给关了
  6. 稍微玩过KSP有常识的就会知道,推荐mod没有任何意义。建议去自己了解下载筛选。
  7. 你听谁说的咱一直在隐身而已【手动滑稽
  8. I'm not sure, your configurations worked perfectly for me, versions look all right too, also I didn't get that exception at all when loading AntiSubmarineWeapons. Or maybe you could try the SpaceDock build? I don't know but it actually works for me and that may help.
  9. We could consider adding an MM patch in next version that would bring Weapon Manager down to start node when having NAS installed. There's some issues with STEN right now, which doesn't seem possible to get settled easily. We would look into that and decide whether we can fix it.
  10. Currently we don't have the plan to make more German guns, but we are actually considering a bit more variety. Also we have got more new features ready, since there would be some more major BDAc updates coming, I guess it'd be better to keep all new stuff for that (which would really save my time working on cfg files).
  11. You don't need C.A.L++ any more since all ammos have become part of BDAc. NKD is not compatible with latest BDAc right now, you can try using an earlier version.
  12. Actually we are considering to release separate nation packs after version 1.0.0, people could choose any nation(s) they'd like to play with. Currently we are (strictly I am) doing the best to save memory usage, but we might consider a more aggressive way? Like all single color textures, but now this is it. You can also manually delete weapons of any power you don't need or don't really like, or compress those texture files with DDS editors, that's all up to yourself. Again thanks for supporting NAS
  13. Modelers always complaint about complexity of NAS weapons, and it would be a pain to do the UV mapping even under current solution. Really I didn't see any convenience of this, only the possibility that I might get criticized for ignorance of technical process and proper workflow by other members. I have tried all ways to reduce memory usage, including compressing texture sizes, using DDS format, reducing model polygon counts, etc. If there's a practical way to further improve the performance I'd love to adopt it, but so far this is all we can do. Anyway thanks for the idea XD
  14. Okay finally we could expect Beardy vs TAPE in an interplanetary scale with BDA again
  15. is there any ways of having a 5, or 6-way torpedo option for the ijn torpedo launchers? i would like to build this super akiziki, but also play around with it....sadly, it only has a 4 way option the 5 way is historically in the Shimakaze class destroyers.... We once considered this too but later that plan got abandoned, it's mainly a balancing issue. Type 93 torpedo is far better in almost all specifications than other torpedoes, which means we need a way to limit its use, and balance the overall level of Allies/Axis weapons. Anyway today we have a new release, featuring a long-requested function and many more: Updatelog (FIX) - "Our Freedom" Updated plugin to adapt to KSP 1.3.1 and latest BDArmory Continued. Retextured Tallboy 12,000 lb Earthquake Bomb. Redefined all radars for new BDAc features (now they consume ElectricCharge). Stopped redistributing C.A.L++ since all ammos have been merged into BDAc. Minor changes in Japanese and Spanish descriptions. Inherited 1-01A Universal Ammunition Box and BDExplosiveTweakScale.cfg from C.A.L++, old users could still use them. FuMO 61 "Hohentwiel U" radar can no longer lock targets. Corrected size of two Bofors 40 mm L/60's (Mark 4 Quad Mount & QF 40 mm Mk I Mount). Added a custom part category for NAS parts.
  16. It will be there tonight, in next NAS release. You can also find that part in old NAS releases. EDIT: updated A modder of our team tried to apply new settings to his own PL-12, details are not clear.
  17. Third-party bug report: Radar guided missiles with terminal guidance would automatically lock and turn backwards to the launcher seconds after launching. Tested under 1.3.1, English version, confirmed multiple times.
  18. Radar parts are ready but I'm now dealing with new damage model, which is already in half way now. IMO a major stable release is much better than several minor ones which try to achieve a complete overhaul, but it'll be okay if that's the sequence, I could wait until all features got settled. EDIT: Checked all cfg files and found that I could release a transitional version, so I am now totally okay with it.
  19. In most situations I'd use an extendable pole antenna for my Pitot tube requirements, but this looks a bit better. Might be a promising BDA extension anyway and looking forward to more new items.
  20. Hello and welcome our new modder! You can surely enjoy yourself here, and fly safe
  21. That'd be okay, since all we've talked about the rules before this was "it should be a WW2 weapon" and nothing else. Anyway thanks for your advice
  22. I guess not... yeah it would be nice to talk something about our rules of choosing new NAS weapons: 1. It should have taken part in at least one naval campaign, or campaign against naval units, between 1931/9/18 and 1945/8/15 (except for some very rare and special examples, but the time should fit); 2. It should be unique enough (in our minds) and at least partially universal (can be used in multiple ways); 3. It shouldn't be a nuclear device. And I don't think a turret specially designed for a submarine (which was sunk in 1925) would fit any of this, so I'm sorry but you won't have it.
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