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Everything posted by sashan

  1. I have a few suggestions: 1. Remove base plate from scanning radar or make it very small - I often attach it to a mast made of girders and that big metal plate looks weird. 2. Rig FLIR modules on Phalanx and CRAM as a radar turret and add RPM camera to it. I did it in my mod I'll release soon and it's really awesome to have image from such camera to be displayed on cockpit screen as it tracks the target. 3. Check smoothing groups on Phalanx - in particular around locking radar hatch and on FLIR. 4. Downscale muzzle brake or whatever that cylinder is on Phalanx - it looks oversized. RPM camera requires a special partmodule and an empty transform with unique name in your model: MODULE //:NEEDS[JSI] { name = JSIExternalCameraSelector cameraContainer = RPMcamera cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam } https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Setting-up-cameras
  2. Wow, awesome. Some guns just ask to be rescaled downscaled tho. BDA seriously lacks small guns, and those ones are over scaled in respect to real ones. For example, GAU-19, that Gatling on semispherical mount and a couple of others.
  3. May I ask what are you going to do next? Because I'm sure everyone would benefit from orbital habitats pack of the same quality. I know we have Nertea's mod, but it never got finished.
  4. Well, it's a nice idea. I use i-beam as a root part but I may make an upscaled version of it. Awesome Comanche btw. Problem it, the ship is very heavy, a couple thousands of tonnes. SO even with KJR modified to support Pwings some slight flex is present. I'm now making kind of procedural armor mod based on pwings that adresses their fragility and ultra high buoyancy.
  5. Nice, making a missile would be much easier now. Could you do same for gun muzzleflashes? Also, how to set up cruise missile that turns with roll like an airplane?
  6. 300 parts without any missiles and with virtually zero small parts like ladders etc. It uses b9 procedural wings as a structural part. Now you see why having all VLS cells as a blocks of separate parts isn't acceptable for me. Also, what you see in that screen lacks structural strength. It bends its bow upwards like a banana, I still need to fix that.
  7. If I reload the turret using KIS then it won't activate and the missile can only be fired manually using its menu. It won't get targeted after that, and flies unguided. I hadn't tried saving and reloading the game after that, it might help tho.
  8. I did that already. I've also used procedural control surfaces as covers. Point it, having 4x2 block in this mod would be awesome, most of larger VLS blocks consist of such ones. Btw, any reasons you've made Compact Oto Melara instead of Super Rapid?
  9. OMG I have to add this to my ships. They are all US and Soviet ones, but who cares... Btw, can you add RPM camera transform to the SeaRAM? https://github.com/Mihara/RasterPropMonitor/wiki/Setting-up-cameras
  10. Just wanted to suggest it. Btw, while your Oto Melara muzzleflash effect is the best one amongst all guns for BDA there's still room for improvement. Watch this: I'm also making a weapons pack, but I'm focusing on fictional weapons right now, like ones from The Expanse. Who knows what I'll do next tho.
  11. Baha, how to add lightning effects to my missile exhaust and gun muzzle?
  12. Well, that'd be better than additional 50+ parts for my ship. Yes, I need that much of them. Also, I'd recommend adding attach nodes on sides of cells, like it's done with missile tubes in North Kerbin Dynamics mod. Just thought, you can try adding animation to simulate missile's "rolling" nature. Would look real nice. Also, a request: Compact scanning-only radar. Probably with average sensitivity, but it's really needed to complement your tracking-only ones.
  13. Can you possibly make a VLS cell block? Would be very good for preserving part count. CUrrently making a real block like on Arleigh Burke will affect performance quite badly.
  14. Goalkeeper and Millenium use that. And you can guess what they do and how they work by reading descriptions of those parts.
  15. OMFG Do those shadows affect vessels? Also, are they present on other bodies? Would be great to have knife-sharp shadows on Mun.
  16. I did it using dds4ksp, and the mod folder shrunk from 60 megs to just 6! I've also downscaled some textures so that none of them are larger than 1024. No point in that large textures as long as you don't have small details in them. As for requests, can you make Phalanx to complement that RIM-116 launcher?
  17. Why are you using mbm textures? You should convert them to dds and save under same names to preserve memory.
  18. Can you make "lock on all closest" button for radars? Clicking on those tiny missiles wastes precious seconds before they impact your ship. You have bomb rack mounted upside down. Missiles are released in the direction of yellow arrow.
  19. How do you set up particles for BDarmory? Once I've added particles with Particle System component and using 6 separate gameobjects the gun immidately became frozen in deployed position, just like when I had transforms set up incorrectly but with deploy animation already played. Oh, and I'm also using mesh renderer mode. Quite difficult to make proper muzzle effects without it.
  20. Thanks, got it working. Now it's time to make animations, effects and a proper texture. Btw, how to add more than one animation? Like deploy and firing. Also, how to setup lookat constraint? I have a set of pistons that need it. I remember bdarmory having such module? Btw, an chances you share some of your particle effects from the mod for us weapon pack makers? OR you can just share Unity files for one turret so that we can reverse-engineer it instead of asking countless questions.
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