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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. The XT-2 rotor engine (the biggest one) has its attach node completely inside of the part. I do love this Mod
  2. what does mechjeb say VAB versus launched? It is most likely working off of the 'default' ISP in the .cfg, 32000/36000 ASl/Vac. The ISP once launched is a function of that .cfg ISP and the specifics of the reactor setup. the dusty plasma supplies the lowest ISP of all the relevant reactors, I think.
  3. I looked at the heat management system mod - it is just a bunch of MM patches using stock stuff. I am going to knock together a similar thing that will tack those modifications onto the KSPI radiators. EDIT: Uploaded to KerbalStuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/850/Stock%20Heat%20Management%20for%20KSPI I added an ablative shielding module to the circular radiator, and gave it 1 unit of LqdNitrogen. It will ablate the LqdNitrogen and cool itself if it rises above 300 kelvin. use fuel lines from a LqdNitrogen tank to supply it. To turn it off, lock the LqdNitrogen resource on the radiator.
  4. I just installed it using CKAN. let me check that all is working. EDIT: Bugging out. when I try to switch to a ship in the tracking station, they fly apart into several rapidly spinning pieces, and the center of mass (based on where my camera focuses) is far away from the chunk of the ship that I am focused on EDIT: EDIT: There are no errors being thrown in the log from KSPI... I will post my log and link to it. This is the thing happening in v 1.16 (i think( https://www.dropbox.com/s/huxwm0ia4bbpog0/output_log.txt?dl=0
  5. The same thing happened to me with a plane landed by the north pole... It happened only to that vessel, which was the only vessel landed on a planet at the time. I am not sure what I installed/updated before that happened... in any case, that plane was early-game - it had NO KSPI parts (the part that remained in place was the cockpit (the root part) and the stuff directly (radially?) attached to it (science stuff and landing gear). the rest of the plane flew upwards steadily. I recovered it from the tracking station, where it insisted it was landed normally (when actually loaded on vessel, it was 'moving over surface')
  6. I saw this the other day, snapped a photo
  7. I don't think you need to modify the ore.cfg - you just need a cfg file with the resource nodes you want to add anywhere inside Gamedata. the Community Resource Pack has a bunch of its own already. for example for carbon dioxide CRP has: PLANETARY_RESOURCE { ResourceName = CarbonDioxide ResourceType = 2 PlanetName = Eve Distribution { PresenceChance = 100 MinAbundance = 95 MaxAbundance = 97 Variance = 0 } } the file also has an explanatory header: // // Community Resource Pack // Resource: // //Resource types: // 0 = Crustal (Stuff you dig up) // 1 = Oceanic (Stuff in the oceans) // 2 = Atmospheric (Stuff in the air, varies with pressure) // 3 = Interplanetary (Stuff you find between planets) // //Express all numbers as percentages 0.0-100.0, not 0.0-1.0! // if you want to modify an existing planetary config you would have to do something like: @PLANETARY_RESOURCE[*]:HAS[@ResourceName[<name of resource i.e. Nitrogen>],@PlanetName[<name of planet>]] { //modify stuff here } keep in mind that you can define a global resource node- then that will be the default for all bodies that do not have a specific config for example: GLOBAL_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Karbonite ResourceType = 0 Distribution { PresenceChance = 70 MinAbundance = .001 MaxAbundance = 10 Variance = 50 } }
  8. That sounds like a line that should be from a fanfic, desperately yelled by a despairing scotty rip-off. EDIT: which, by the immutable laws of internetting, probably exists within an hour or so, if does not already. EDIT EDIT: I wonder if my stating that increased the probability that that statement is true? does this second addendum also do the same? gahhh.
  9. that assumes you are using a transmitter functionally equivalent to a lightbulb. a transmitter that uses a reflector dish or a laser will have more of the energy arrive at the intended target. if you let your energy spread out in every direction, you run into the inverse square law HARD.
  10. are you overheating? solar panels usually require a quite small radiator, relatively speaking. the wasteheat value stabilizes at some amount, but unlike generators, the EC generation of the solar panels does not fall at high WH amounts. If you are sending the craft much closer to the sun, then you might have real overheating issues, though.
  11. Obviously, Oxidizer is really OF2. They hide the true name for tax and insurance reasons.
  12. looking at the ckan file, you need to move the community tech tree and the community resource pack to dependencies - those mods are already in ckan independently. Anything in the 'depends' section will prompt ckan to install those things if they are not already installed. as it is you end up with conflicts. also, if open resource system is being distributed as part of KSPI, then it should be in the install part, with proper paths (unless it is now in the warplugin directory). putting it in depends tells ckan to look for a separate ckan mod with that name, basically. also, there is a third possible node there - 'recommended' (dont recall its format off the top of my head) - put CTT there, that way ckan won't gripe about CTT not being installed (or force-install it)
  13. is kspheat treated like a resource? is the built-in converter module capable of consuming kspheat? I know it can produce heating...
  14. yeah - back in .25, I installed the capacitors from Nearfuture exclusively for that very reason (well, mainly that when the fusion reactor was off, I often had no battery either).
  15. I've been using this, it still works in 1.02 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85926-0-24-BetterTimeWarp-v1-1
  16. That aluminium pulls the stock SRB texture (I think the RT-10)
  17. Ah, OK. I was asking because the MM patch I made isn't allowed to be added on CKAN until its dependency is also on.
  18. i just noticed that the Kerbalstuff page has the ckan-enabled label - I don't see it there though?
  19. double check that you have the model and texture files for those parts?
  20. do you have the new CTT installed? Also: Freethinker, in the current CTT patch, the patch for my magnetic nozzle patch for simian engines is as follows: @PART[Simian_MagneticNozzle,Leo-Simian_MagneticNozzle]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { !PROPELLANT[LiquidNitrogen]{} !PROPELLANT[Nitrogen]{} !PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen]{} //this is the current 'default' fuel PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } } } To match the current magnetic nozzle, could you remove the LiquidFuel patch from that? The new release I am about to upload has the Magnetic Nozzle properly using LqdHydrogen.
  21. If the node has multiple other nodes that feed into it, if that is False, all of those nodes must be unlocked for that node to be unlockable. If it is true, any one of them is sufficient to make that node unlockable. For nodes with only one node that feeds into them, there is no practical difference.
  22. Is there a page anywhere, a github or even a google doc, where the proposed changes being discussed are being stuck? it would be nice if we could make/have a beta version while the final one is hammered out.
  23. With regard to the engine models, at least, you can grab a download I made here. It contains the simian engines pack, which has quite nice engine models with designs inspired by the warp nacells from Star Trek, as well as a series of MM patches [under the name StarLion Industries (because my given name means 'Lion' )] that converts them into the various KSPI engines.
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