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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. I would really like the ability to request user input via command line - for example, in my launch script, I would like to be able to set the acceleration that I want to maintain, or alter the steepness of the launch profile, without having to open the file and re-set the variables each time.
  2. It seems that Sonnah rotates at a speed that is very different than any orbital speed near it - so re-entry is at several thousand m/s. I tried disabling heat mechanics (checkbox in F12 menu) right before atmospheric entry - I survived, and decelerated from about 14000 m/s to about 1500 m/s in only several seconds. I think that some combination of the atmospheric properties and the rotation speed of Sonnah might need to be redone.
  3. That's basically what I'm working on now I'll post that snipett in my morning (gmt-5) SET MaxAcc TO X. //how much acceleration on top of 'negate gravity' replace X whatever you want. does not take into account air resistance [yet] LOCK WantThrust TO (SHIP:SENSORS:GRAV:MAG+MaxAcc)*SHIP:MASS. // determiness how much thrust needed to accelerate to that. LOCK THROTTLE TO MIN(WantThrust/MAX(SHIP:MAXTHRUSTAT(SHIP:SENSORS:PRES),1),1). // throttle to provide that acceleration. if not enough, thrust at max. the MAX prevents division by 0. the MIN prevents throttle from trying to be more than 100%
  4. Is there a method to reference the total thrust of currently active or in-stage engines? I had also tried vessel:maxthrustat(PRES) and the console gave an error: undefined variable name 'vessel'
  5. I have a line: SET ThrustPercent TO WantThrust/MAXTHRUSTAT(PRES). and the console is returning an error: undefined variable name 'maxthrustat*'.
  6. What is the correct syntax for the thrustat... commands? I seem to be misunderstanding the documentation
  7. Opposite. He added the KSP radiator module to the stock radiator parts using MM - - - Updated - - - I have a MM patch onot kerbal stuff for adding the stock radiator stuff to KSP radiator
  8. The version I have in the .zip from Github is 1.73 (according to the properties right-click menu, 3rd tab.) The other mods that include it have that version field lsiting 1.75. I do not know if that is the same as the version coming through CKAN, due to that CKAN thinks it conflicts with the InterstellarFuelTank.
  9. The current release seems to have been compiled with KSPAPIExtensions version 1.73 The current version of KSPAPIExtensions is 1.75, and there are conflicts between the version RF needs and the others. Would it be possible to re-release the current version of RF with the newest KSPAPIExtensions? Thanks!
  10. I looked through my GameData: ExtraPlanetary LaunchPandas: 1.75 RealFuels: 1.73 (I just overwrote with the 1.75, am loading to see what happens) Procedural Parts: 1.75 TweakScale: 1.75
  11. Well, that's convenient. I just looked into that, and apparently, that is the very thing the semi-major axis is! It is measured from the center of the Orbited body, so the average altitude above the sun is the semi-major axis less the radius of the sun.
  12. That's the one I uploaded, I think. Just delete the line !PART[ELRecycleBin*]{} (it should be line 37 or so)
  13. proposal for naive model for solar energy for transmittal: assuming in an orbit around the sun: 1) ALT = average orbital altitude to kerbol 2) EC_FLOW = sum of max EC flow per solar panel at ALT from kerbol 3) S_TORQUE_EC = total EC/s of reaction wheels at full power 4) EC to transmit per second = EC_FLOW - S_TORQUE_EC this way, it kind-of simulates EC use to maintain proper orientation to kerbol using reaction wheels. maybe also have a penalty for 'insufficient torque'. all of the numbers are constant while not focused on the vessel, so the EC to transmit per second only has to be determined once, and then could be stored in the microwave transmitter module on that vessel, so the marginal computing load should be low.
  14. Do you still have the DRE folder in GameData? You might have a MM patch somewhere that is changing maxtemps - those usually have NEEDS[DeadlyReentry] or something, and that foldername being present will trigger them (that happened to me at first, figured that out by happenstance).
  15. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/944/ExtraPlanetary%20Launchpad%20Simplifier.
  16. ABZB

    Bloomberg news

    This Bloomberg News article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-06-24/elon-musk-first-martian-a-serious-conversation-about-the-future-in-space linked to our forum to explain delta-v! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60189-What-Is-Delta-V I think the once and future King of New York City [it's a new-york person joke, just ignore that, if you will] likes us
  17. Kerbalstuff just acknowledged that 1.0.4 exists, so KSPI and stuff should appear back on CKAN once you tell it its good there.
  18. yeah - it was fixed a severe new bug with the VAB or something
  19. On my save from 1.02, in-flight ships with RF engines are acting as the 'default setting' written into the ModuleEngines node. I looked in the quicksave file, and the Realengines node with the correct settings is still present... I note that KSP is reporting KSPAPIextensions is non-functional, presumably we are pending an updated release of it for 1.03
  20. The hmmm - not even a bicoupler - one that splits to two of the Mk-2 shaped engines?
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