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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. I see that now. Well, if everything is working, I'm just going to shrug for now. - - - Updated - - - Good - that is my intent. Not my credit - I am just copy-pasting his stuff into an appropriate MM node. Hmmm - maybe I'll go back to them myself, then.
  2. From the look of it, they changed how the flightglobals are loaded, I think that they might need to be specified in the .cfg files again...
  3. no problem - I did the exact same thing for myself with the toroidal tank.
  4. It's available on CKAN. to kill the part bloat, I deleted all but one of the toroidal hubs and toroids from my gamedata folder, and added the magic of tweakscale
  5. ok. are you running modular fuel tanks, or real fuels at the moment? - - - Updated - - - If you are updating from a very old version, it might be better to delete the old folder. since version 2.0 or so, any updates made have at least all of the files in the previous version, so an overwrite should be no problem. I *would* recommend using CKAN if possible. - - - Updated - - - Thanks, added. - - - Updated - - - Version 3.1 Updated KSPI RCS Module cfg with the newly released features. It now supports an unpowered (i.e. stock) mode, as well as the MJ-consuming one. KSPI RCS now also supports many more fuels - including IntakeAtm, quite usefully for spaceplanes Fixed problem with fuel switch cfg. (It seems that I performed an unwise Ctrl+replace-all)
  6. Get rid of %...default line. If that is needed in parts that previously only had default, write two separate config nodes, for each case.
  7. oooooh - I had assumed that they had a MM to add it to all fuel tanks - turns out it only hits a specific list (just peeked in the folder. will change now. - - - Updated - - - In other news, Mk2 Integration is now on CKAN! (keep in mind that it can be several minutes or so before CKAN grabs a new version after I upload a new version). - - - Updated - - - Version 3.0 - Added a tank option set that applies when only InterstellarFuelSwitch is installed, it has: LFO, LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, MonoPropellant, & XenonGas options. - Added ModuleCrossFeed to all the parts so modded, in order to allow use of fuel from the wing-parts
  8. Version 2.7 is up: Fixed issue with non-RF tank Added ArgonGas & XenonGas to the tank options (inserted in alphabetical order). Integrated 01010101lzy's RF patch, with his permission.
  9. I can add a Xenon tank to my patch EDIT: Tanks now have also XenonGas and ArgonGas as of v 2.7, now uploaded to KerbalStuff.
  10. parts on craft that are already built and launched at the time of unlocking the new node can be upgraded from their right-click menus, for some amount of science per upgrade. any craft launched after the node is unlocked starts with the upgraded part at no extra cost. A couple of parts (the warp drive and the AI probe core) do not have an upgrade tech, and every instance of them must be individually payed for w/ science if the upgraded form is desired.
  11. Found the problem - I had an extra resource-volume field that had no tank-configuration to match to. It is fixed as the next version, which will be posted shortly.
  12. Could you let me know if that worked? I myself have a lot of other stuff installed, I have not tested that configuration myself.
  13. My mod will add LqdHydrogen, among various other resources, via fuel switch if at least Interstellar Fuel switch and Community Resource Pack are installed. (the other stuff only activates if WarpPlugin is installed).
  14. I currently upload to kerbalstuff myself - it is very easy, but only because I am managing exactly one mod consisting of 5 cfg files. If I do anything bigger, I will have to get more comfortable with github... kerbalstuff does integrate with CKAN - it is not bad.
  15. what errors are you getting? if you open up ksp.log (in the same file as the exe), and ctrl+F for 'error' a few times, you should get to the lines where it says the error with some MM action. 30 sounds like two problems per part, so if you could copy and paste one example each of the two errors, that would be good. thanks!
  16. OK, that helped. The patch that puts in LiquidFuel instead of Kerosene was hitting every part with IFS, not just the ones I had modified. This is fixed as of V 2.6, to be uploaded within a few minutes.
  17. Could you copy & paste one of those error lines? the number makes it sound like their is a single thing happening to each part it tries to modify. Can I also confirm that you have version 2.5? I'll see if I have similar on my end. Do you have either ModularFuelTanks or RealFuels installed? The patch should play nicely with them, but it is possible that there is an error in one of the NEEDS[] blocks that is not triggered in my game.
  18. If I remember correctly, the B9 procedural wings have a built-in patch for MFT - but not for RealFuels. Also, the way it is set up, the MFT patch ends up deleting itself if RF and not MFT is installed. To fix this, in the B9 folder, in patch.cfg, at line 7 IIRC, change MODULE:NEEDS[modularFuelTanks] to MODULE:NEEDS[modularFuelTanks|RealFuels]. There is not currently Procedural Parts support for Fuel Switch (that I know of), so I cannot implement for them at this time. - - - Updated - - - Version 2.5: Changed internal names of the modified engines to avoid conflict with Real Engines Configs patches on the same. To avoid breaking modified saves, open all .sfs files and craft files, and Ctrl+replace as follows (some editors, like Notepad++ will allow a replace across all open documents at once): M2X.IonEngine => Mk2VASIMR Mk2PLUTO => Mk2Vista ESTOC => Mk2PlasmaThruster M2X.AtomicJet => Mk2ThermalTurbojet Mk2Turbojet => Mk2MagneticNozzle [*]Fixed IFS not being added to some tanks [*]Liquid Tritium is now 10% volume and does not require cryogenic power. [*]Liquid Helium 3 is now 10% volume and does not require cryogenic power. [*]Miscellaneous edits to the fuel config to make it a bit more efficient to read & run [removed link to defunct website]
  19. Not a bad idea... EDIT: Will be implemented as of version 2.5. Assuming that the density of the cryo is maximized [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_storage#/media/File:Storage_Density_of_Hydrogen.jpg] and presurized is minimized, I feel 15% is justified. - - - Updated - - - Already implemented - as of version 2.2 any part whose only resource is LiquidFuel will be so modified (this also includes the wings with small LiquidFuel-Tanks) Edit: On further inspection, I failed to remove some of the old MM code, so mk3 parts, and many others, were being missed. fixed as of 2.5
  20. In career, I never do anyway - I would be filling it from mining or tritium decay. In the absence of Philotical's module working, I have a small complex of fuel-tanks on my Munbase to store the various resources en-mass. Also, some of the tanks now being modified are quite small - so for those tanks the amount of LqdHe3 is reasonable in any event.
  21. That's exactly what I am going for - to assist in stability control, not VTOL. It's especially useful at high altitudes & velocities - when control surfaces don't have enough torque (or send one into a death tailspin from too much drag...)
  22. yeah - that's what I'm thinking. I was using a RF patch of my own making that added IntakeAtm as a RF fuel option for the mk2 RCS parts, but as that does not allow in-flight switching I would have to use a second set of thrusters for vacuum operations... this would be much more convenient. your module will be added to select mk2 rcs parts on my next update in any event.
  23. Would it be plausible to change the Atmosphere electric propellant to type = 31? is it a plausible resource for the electric RCS? It would certainly be useful... In either event I will be adding it to the mk2 RCS parts
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