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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. It appears that kerbals deaths, and destroyed ships, from reverted flights are being counted
  2. for update version 1.3.10, CKAN is looking for 1.3.9, and returning an error when it cannot find it. EDIT: It has been fixed.
  3. question: how many satellites does kerbin need in the stock game? I am playing with the new horizons mod, and kerbin needs 16 satellites - is that right?
  4. version 1.1 is now up, it should work now: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1080/MK2%20KSPI%20Integration Other than fixing the fuel switch for the stock Mk2 parts (which only is dependent on KSPI being installed) I also changed the fission reactor from the Molten Salt stats to the Gas Core stats, so it should now provide convenient TWR. - - - Updated - - - I concur on the Solar panels - I would love that! With regard to MkIII - for the mk2 I am dependent on a part model from here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121224-1-04-Mk2-Expansion-v1-5-Update-8-9-2015 - when he makes a similar MkIII part, I will do the same for that (He is currently just starting on making his MKIII parts)
  5. working on it - looks like I mis-entered the modulemanager variable reference thing for reading off the volume of each stock tank (that's what I get for working late:sticktongue:)
  6. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1080/MK2%20KSPI%20Integration if anyone is interested. It requires this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121224-1-04-Mk2-Expansion-v1-5-Update-8-9-2015
  7. https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/1080/MK2%20KSPI%20Integration if anyone is interested
  8. well - both are used by that rescue-a-kerbal mission...
  9. Would it be possible to alter the code in the plugin so thermal nozzles can use moduleenginesFX? is there any problem that module was having with it or something?
  10. but what are the relative thrusts? keep in mind that the VASIMR and the other electric engines have thrusts that depend on the available MW (up to a limit). The magnetic nozzle's thrust is a function of the charged particle properties of the available reactor(s). only the vista gives a fixed thrust for a given throttle % (it draws a constant amount of MW).
  11. I notice in the VASIMR config file that there are these two line in ModuleEnginesFX: runningEffectName = run_vasimr_argon_core powerEffectName= run_vasimr_argon_glow are these doing anything right now?
  12. the mass flow remains constant, presumably. all other than mass-per-particle is reasonably constant (I hope). mass per particle (H2) is twice mass per particle (H). ratio of squares of exhasut velocities V(H)^2/V(H2)^2 = 2. Ratio of velocities is square-root(2). total exhaust mass per unit time is same. presumably then ISP is multiplied by square-root(2).... It should be noted that there would possibly not be a thrust bonus from H->H2 reactions in exhaust, as pure monatomic hydrogen REALLY does not like to react with itself to form the diatomic molecule. There might be enough impurities in exhaust or just floating around to make it happen though... couldn't find data on the energy release from that reaction though - it basically never happens. (In early universe, bleeping Helium-4 likely acted as a catalyst for the formation of H2, which was in turn necessary for the primordial gas clouds to be able to emit sufficient black-body radiation for them to cool off enough to collapse to form stars...) nowadays, everything else on the table exists, and likes to grab it up really fast.
  13. looks like hyperedit - presumably to easily ensure that all other factors are constant for the experiment.
  14. On a recent spaceplane with a single MMed mk2 form VASIMR , i notice that both mechjebs smart-as and the stock Sas seem to wobble oddly at times. My spaceplane has about 3 times the torque it should need to offset torque from mass imbalance, based on that VAB RCS balancer mod. Maybe something weird wrt expected thrust vs actual thrust? Or some PID thing due to very small fluctuations in thrust from moment to moment that are smaller than what mechjeb or KER display?
  15. no mod *removes* monoprop, but RealFuels combined with the stock-alike engines pack will basically replace every usage of monoprop with Hydrazine. If you are using CKAN, you will need to install (and update) RealFuels manually, but the stockalike engine configs can be installed via CKAN once Realfuels is present in any event (this is what I do, btw). I would recommend first installing Real Plume, & Solver Engines Plugin from CKAN. The download and install RF from github (link is in its forum thread). The go back to CKAN, and install Real Fuels: Stockalike RF Configs (this adds the engine configs).
  16. Love it! One problem - none of my satellites are being detected as such. I *think* this is either due to my using Kopernicus, which I doubt as all the extra planets are listed in order (although the list spills over the end of the window, and is therefore kind of unreadable) or RemoteTech - are you detecting antennae by the stock module? if that is the case, could you add in an or-check for 'ModuleRTAntenna'? Thanks! EDIT: Found the problem - submitted a pull request on Github with a fix.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/118884-1-0-2-JSeebeckUtils-Electricity-from-heat-gradients-BETA-v0-9-2-May-2015 I think this might be of use for those building power stations near the sun.
  18. in KSPI, there are many kinds of nuclear reactor parts - basically there are seperarate parts for different kinds of nuclear reactions. reactors generate some combination of thermal energy (i.e. they get very hot) or charged particles (protons and stuff moving very fast). the electrical-power-making part is a separate part, there are two - one for each reactor energy-output. A few pics of a craft I built with the preliminary MM patches can be found here: the two reactor parts are respectively a fusion reactor and a direct conversion (charged particle) generator. the ion engine is a VASIMR. at the moment I am working on properly balancing the various reactor parts, etc - I am trying to determine what scale mk2 parts make sense to be (KSPI generators work with tweakscale, presumably mk2 should have stats corresponding to be larger than radius 1.25 parts, smaller than radius 2.5 parts - does anyone have a good cross-sectional area measurement of mk2?)
  19. Would it be possible to instead make a MM patch with a NEEDS[TACLS] that would add a new field to the relevant engines, which would tell it to ignore water etc. in capsules and TACLS fuel tanks? Or allow somewhere to set an amount of water, below which the engines will draw water?
  20. hey - I saw that the newest mk2 release has a [stock] reactor part. I am right now writing for myself a patch that will make make duplicates parts of it, so that I will have one of the fission, and one of the fusion, KSPI reactors, as well as the two different generator parts. I am wondering if it would be possible for you to create a model for a dedicated generator part... I can also just duplicate the reactor part for them, as I am doing now, but it is not quite as aesthetically pleasing - whichever you prefer, I guess. Also, would you like to include the configs I am writing as a NEEDS[KSPI] patch in your release, once I have completed them? If not, I'll stick them on Kerbalstuff & CKAN with you and KSPI as their needs.
  21. In the patches/kspstockthermal.cfg file - some of the radiators at the end of the file have 'upgradedRadiatorTemp' twice, and do not have an upgraded area. for example, the foldingRadMed, the first one in the file like this has: upgradedRadiatorTemp = 840 upgradedRadiatorTemp = 1600 EDIT: Also, the foldingRadLarge seems like the upgraded temp and area values might be reversed, as the upgraded temp is the same as the base temp, while the upgraded area is more than double the base value...
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