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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. they can MM'ed into 1.0 stock compatibility in any case - - - Updated - - - I already did so for the DRE inflatable one, for myself
  2. Tech tree modding is now doable via stock. the stock techtree file is at: \Squad\Resources\TechTree.cfg MM FTW EDIT: look at \Squad\Resources\Ore.cfg - stock support for by-biome resources. looks like it will integrate (hopefully) seamlessly with Kopernicus, too.
  3. I am about to upload an update to the star-trek style engines on kerbalstuff - I saw that you (Freethinker) has a CTT patch for it in the KSPI download. All the engines are now available as just the nacelles, so there are new partnames. if you want to leave that patch with KSPI (i think that is better, so if the KSPI techtree changes, only one place needs to be changed) the new patch would be as follows: //** Simian Engines Patch *** @PART[Simian_MagneticNozzle,Leo-Simian_MagneticNozzle]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = advNuclearPropulsion @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { !PROPELLANT[LiquidNitrogen]{} !PROPELLANT[Nitrogen]{} !PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen]{} //this is the current 'default' fuel PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } } } @PART[Simian_Arcjet,Leo-Simian_Arcjet]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = advIonPropulsion } @PART[Simian_MPD,Leo-Simian_MPD]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = plasmaPropulsion @MODULE[ElectricEngineControllerFX] { @upgradeTechReq = ultraHighEnergyPhysics } } @PART[Simian_ThermalJet,Leo-Simian_ThermalJet]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = improvedNuclearPropulsion @MODULE[ThermalNozzleController] { @upgradeTechReq = advNuclearPropulsion } } @PART[Simian_Vista,Leo-Simian_Vista]:NEEDS[StarLionIndustries]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @TechRequired = fusionRockets }
  4. I think this is because tweakscale is only scaling the resource volume. the tweakscale config [the one in the warpplugin folder] needs to have the following lines added to scale the volume and mass multipliers: TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = InsterstellarFuelSwitch volumeMultiplier = 3 massMultiplier = 2.5 // not sure if these numbers are what are desired for balance and realsim in the end (this is volume as cube, mass as 'square and a half' (like the other interstellar part mass scalings) }
  5. - I mean that the utilization keeps oscillating around the current needed MW, and at higher timewarps tends to bias towards net too little, and I end up running out of MW and EC entirely. - I had sufficient capacity to gather both more water and more LqdHydrogen and LqdOxygen - the dropoff is steady even at no timewarp
  6. The reactors are now running only to current usage - they don't try to fill up the MJ storage capacity - is this a new feature or option that I missed the notes on? Even when I have more than sufficient MW production capacity, the reactors keep running at too low %s, especially at high time warps When I select any refinery option (either in the reactions menu or a resource to extract) the rate of the reaction or mining drops constantly to 0, for no apparent reason (for example, if I select 'extract water' and 'water electrolysis', the rate of each drops towards 0 by about .01 units per second per second. when the mining rate drops to 0, the refinery turns off that extraction (the menu option goes back to'extract water' and will start the proccess again if selected).
  7. I noticed that in WARP_PLUGIN_SETTINGS, the PartTechUpgrades node lacks the new tweakscale-intended reactor parts.
  8. My thermal turbojets suddenly developed the always-firing-in-VAB thing On another note, for those using RealFuels with KSPI, you might have noticed that there are radiator parts for use with cryogenic fuels (to keep them cold and avoid boiloff (they are very unrealistic)). To avoid part bloat, I made a MM patch that adds that module to the KPSI radiators. I assume that the heat flow rate of the part that comes with RF is that of the smallest folding radiator (based on size of part in VAB). The rate for all other radiators is scaled by: [convective_bonus(Radiator X [if any]) * area(Radiator X)]/area(Small Folding Radiator) @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FNRadiator],!MODULE[ModuleHeatPump]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleHeatPump heatTransfer = 50 heatDissipation = 1.0 // High rate of dissipation heatGain = 1.0 // To handle the heat this part will be gaining heatConductivity = 0.0 // And it won't try to spread the heat around to adjacent parts anymore. RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01666667 } @heatTransfer *= .01 @heatTransfer *= #$../MODULE[FNRadiator]/radiatorArea } } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[FNRadiator]:HAS[#convectiveBonus[]],@MODULE[ModuleHeatPump]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleHeatPump] { @heatTransfer *= #$../MODULE[FNRadiator]/convectiveBonus } }
  9. This might be of interest https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/640/Star-Trek%20Style%20Engines%20for%20KSPI
  10. My log is spamming: [LOG 14:38:46.084] [ORS] Loading atmospheric data from pack: InterstellarAtmosphericPack Is there a reason this might be happening?
  11. I use it. It works, as far as I can tell (I only use the storage/retrieval function, and then only for antimatter). I haven't used it recently, I have been playing a hard-mode career with Kopernicus, still a looooooooong way from antimatter.
  12. Has anyone been experiencing phantom forces? All craft that use ion engines get randomly 'pushed', both while burning and not burning. I think I have it narrowed down to this or RealFuels... Does anyone here have any corroboratory experience?
  13. That is true - it has a quite short half-life, and has to be intentionally bred in nuclear reactors (much like tritium). It is EXTREMELY useful in RL for any probe/rover that can't afford to rely on solar panels. In RL, this is a gigantic problem, as production ceased completely, as it was only produced as a byproduct of breeding aimed at WMD isotopes. I made a MM .cfg that converts the stock RTG to use the KSPI radioactive decay module to convert Plutonium-238 into electricity. ATM, it is not balanced (i think) - I think it might last too long for the timescale on which KSP operates. In any case, link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g74fcjr7f7ps4dn/better_RTG.cfg?dl=0
  14. I found a possible error in the tweakscale config: @TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS[FNModuleCryostat]:FOR[WarpPlugin] { @PowerOutput = 3.2 @upgradedPowerOutput = 3.2 } Based on context it might be supposed to be modifying: TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = InterstellarFissionMSRGCsmall radius = 1 PowerOutput = 3.2 upgradedPowerOutput = 3.2 partMass = 2.5 } and not: TWEAKSCALEEXPONENTS { name = FNModuleCryostat boilOffRate = 1 powerReqKW = 2 fullPowerReqKW = 2 boilOffAddition = 1 } It looks like it doesn't actually matter (unless this interacts with some KSPI module or something). - - - Updated - - - While we're talking ISRU - would it be possible to implement a floating-window panel for the resource extraction, like there is for reactions and reactor info? The list of extraction options in the stock menu is long enough that I have difficulty maneuvering the bottom few onto my screen.
  15. fractal is on a hiatus, I believe, I know of no planned return date.
  16. Keep in mind that per-mol of Urea you decompose, you have insufficient O2 to make all CO2 - you're going to end up with extra C that has to go with something - unless we let pure C dust be an intermediate resource (like alumina) and let it be used for various reactions noted above. It could also have synergy with the life support mods (to be used in the greenhouses?)
  17. That depends on the density and ease with which urea can be stored compared to the ammonia. also, CO2 is a usable electric propellant. You have extra Oxygen then - Is NO2 a viable electric propellant? I assume O2 is a poor/unusable electric propellant due to its high reactivity or something? The final evaluation boils down to: 1) are there reasonable ways to make use of all the components of urea? 2) for a given mass of urea, does the total Delta-v (fixing all other variables at convenient numbers) outdo that of the NH3 method?
  18. I built a comm relay for remotetech, intended to end up in a solar (kolar?) polar orbit, built and launched from my Munbase... and right around two kilometers up after launch, Kerbin eclipsed the sun! I ran out of power and lithobraked.
  19. I'll take a look at them tonight - Can I confirm that you have Smokescreen and MP_Nazari's FX pack installed?
  20. Excellent! By the way, I uploaded the star-trekky thing I mentioned earlier, with KSPI configs (SimianEndeavors is under the share-alike CC licence, yay!). https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/640/Star-Trek%20Style%20Engines%20for%20KSPI I'll update the Magnetic Nozzle one Sunday (since it no longer needs the stack-attach hacky fix - obviously that update will break saves using it...).
  21. I too just noticed the plasma thruster problem (and am running RF latest version)
  22. I have created parts as I suggested above. I have posted them to my dropbox. The file includes : -cfgs that create a single part using various of those models and a stock fuel tank, for: Attila Magnetic Nozzle MPD Thermal Turbojet Vista -a MM config removing the original engine cfgs https://www.dropbox.com/s/ualws8vtu28czxw/SimianEndeavorsKSPI.zip?dl=0 You need to also download the Simian Endeavors engine pack, linked in the above post. MP_Nazari's FX pack and Smokescreen are dependencies.
  23. Forum thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75625-WIP-Simian-Endeavors-v0-3-2-May-23 (he has not updated in quite a while) Download link: http://www./download/ixqw1db1m1d39h9/SimianEndeavors0.3.2.zip Author: BobsYerUncle It just occurred to me that it might be possible to use that welding mod to make a single part module consisting of (essentially) a barrel with each respective pair attached (thereby giving it regular stack nodes). EDIT: I am currently working on doing just that. I have been using the following two FX's (needs smokescreen and MP_Nazari): MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { name = flameThermBlue modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flameion transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.05 1.25 emission = 0.75 1.50 emission = 1.0 4.00 speed = 0.0 1.98 speed = 1.0 1.50 energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy energy = 1.0 1.25 // Same for energy size = 0.0 .2 size = 1.0 .6 fixedEmissions = false } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { name = flamethrust modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamenuke transformName = thrustTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.37 0.00 emission = 0.67 0.33 emission = 1.0 0.55 speed = 0.0 0.75 speed = 1.0 0.97 energy = 0.0 0.50 // Same for energy energy = .25 1.20 // Same for energy offset = -0.15 0.0 size = 0.0 2.0 size = .5 2.0 fixedEmissions = false }
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