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Everything posted by ABZB

  1. Next project will be to go back over the tank volume calcs, and verify that the volumes are correct
  2. where do the .png files live? they don't seem to be in the github folders
  3. I did. one of the patches in this pack does that: [Moderator removed defunct website link] EDIT: FreeThinker: I notice that the planetary resource cfg files have the OPM planets entered into them - but they are lacking the grayscale maps. I madegrayscale maps from OPM's texture files using XnConvert. Could they be added to the main build? For brevity, I would change the reference filenames in the cfg so there is only 1 resourcemap png per planet, and tweak the scale per resourcetype to compensate... I'll do that through github if that sounds good to you.
  4. i'm at 93% reputation, and still have not been offered any exploration contracts from beyond the Sonnah system. I even tried forcing one using the F12 menu - nothing happened.
  5. I intended slowing down by virtue of the drag incurred by being transformed into a cloud of small-massed particles while traveling through an atmosphere.
  6. I have both mechjeb and KER in my current game, i'll let you know when i get to that tech node. the half'n'half is the fastest way! well, except for the usual lithobraking/pyrobreaking
  7. Fixed now. tested with both MFT & RF. Version 4.0.4: Main Sequence Lynx is now released - - - Updated - - - Just as a note: with RF, all resources should have an amount of 9 times the LiquidFuel amount in the base part, except for xenon (which should be 10 times that) and argon (which should be 50 times that). LiquidFuel should be replaced by Kerosene. With any non-RF install, the only difference from the above should be that Kerosene is replaced by LiquidFuel, in the original part amount. For example, the short fuselage part should have with RF: 3600 all resources except for 36,000 XenonGas & 180,000 ArgonGas. and without RF: 400 LF, 3600 almost everything else, 36,000 XenonGas, and 180,000 ArgonGas. If any of the fueltanks my patch edits do not match the respective thing, let me know. and may God strike down all bugs!!!
  8. hrmmmmm what do you have installed, if any, of MFT or RealFuels? I missed testing on one of them, most likely MFT...
  9. IIRC, the KSP I resources can be added to any non stock planet, they just need their own configs. It's doable. Would be nice to have a randomized auto-generated thing though. - - - Updated - - - I think I'll put one together for new horizons, I am using that right now anyway
  10. The cockpit survived. Any landing that you can breathe away from is a good landing.
  11. should be fixed as of version 4.0.3 - (it is working in my test build with neither RF nor MFT, as well as with them). Can I confirm that this is the case for you?
  12. 4.0.2 - Red Dwarf Panthera tigris (added an amusing-version-name-generator to my excel calc spreadheet) - various engine fixes
  13. I will update those engines when the realplumes for the 'stock' KSPI engines are finalized, then I will produce a new .cfg file for my patch which will apply all those changes if RealPlumes is installed... I will also need to manipulate them to fit the Mk-2 engines properly.... unless the KSPI change actually broke the FX? thanks the engines were modified as needed at time of that patch.
  14. Version 4.0 Changed KSPI part's module radius to 1.965. reflecting additional volume of the trianglish love handles Adjusted reactor & generator powers [upward] to match new radius Discovered & corrected major error in my spreadsheet calculation of reactor properties, all reactors except for the Antimatter Reactor were underweight (by about 4.5 times) and underpowered (by ~2 or ~3 times) from the values they should have been. Note: All reactors and generators are now much heavier and much more powerful, except for the antimatter reactor, which only changed a little. Most of the change was due to the error being corrected, not the radius adjustment. All of the above (in-thread) bug-finds have been fixed as of the interim minor releases. - - - Updated - - - (all multiplicative) Fission Reactor: Heavier by 3.3, more powerful (reactortemp & poweroutput) by 2.8 Fusion Reactor: heavier by 4.5, more powerful by 1.5 FisFus: heavier by 2.9, more powerful by 2.9 antimatter: heavier by 1.12, more powerful by 1.12
  15. That sounds like it might be best to try to figure out a mk2-shaped procedural-parts SRB...
  16. I think it might be advisable to change WarpModuleEnginesFX to ModuleEnginesWarpFX or something - a lot of things currently look for ModuleEngines*, and this breaks some things... for example, in the RealPlumes folder, there is a file that auto-corrects thrusTransform references for the realplumes cfgs, but it looks for ModuleEngines*, and throws an error upon not-finding any such node.
  17. hmm for number two, are you thinking a mk2- form one, or just a regular cylinder? either way, those *would* be nice for not-planes too- generally SRB's are being used in-atmosphere. found science: https://books.google.com/books?id=KEPgEgX2BEEC&pg=PA402&lpg=PA402&dq=solid+rocket+booster+air+augmented&source=bl&ots=isEZ41zcoJ&sig=ANRYOZamk7zRY6VyJirRNN9oFc4&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CC0Q6AEwBWoVChMI_p_y-YnSxwIVwzo-Ch1Pjwl4#v=onepage&q=solid%20rocket%20booster%20air%20augmented&f=falsetr summary: 5-10 times increase in engine mass, around mach 3, 80% of thrust is from intake air, (so has isp be higher at high mach, also higher thrust). sounds useful for SSTO's that might need a boost for LKO http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=28825.0 Soviets did the above for their ICBMs. wiki quote: Advantages[edit] The effectiveness of this simple method can be dramatic. Typical solid rockets have a specific impulse of about 260 seconds (2.5 kN·s/kg), but using the same fuel in an air-augmented design can improve this to over 500 seconds (4.9 kN·s/kg), a figure even the best hydrogen/oxygen engines can't match. This design can even be slightly more efficient than a ramjet as the exhaust from the rocket engine compresses the air more than a ramjet normally would; this raises the combustion efficiency as a longer, more efficient nozzle can be employed. Another advantage is that the rocket works even at zero forward speed, whereas a ramjet requires forward motion to feed air into the engine. wiki page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air-augmented_rocket summary: sounds useful for everything, really. completely plausible, soviet russia already did it.
  18. - awesome! - Fixed (I think). V -miscellaneous fixes, for bugs found by SciMan & Trolllception
  19. The reactor and generator parts currently assume a radius (to calculate the stats based on the interstellar tweakscale values) of 1.561. This is the largest cylinder (using procedural parts) that is contained within the mk2-form parts. This leaves 'love handles' on either side that are currently being ignored. A reasonable calculation of the additional cross-sectional area yields an area equivalent to a circle of radius .808 meters. I want to do something with this extra space, as noted in the poll. If I apply the full additional radius to the reactor stats, the following would be the approximate changes: Reactor temperature multiplied by 1.259 (1st power of scale) Reactor power output multiplied by 2.090 (increases as 3.2 power of scale) mass is multiplied by 1.779 (2.5 power of scale)
  20. You could stick this somewhere: @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Actinides,DepletedFuel,ThF4,EnrichedUranium] { @transfer = PUMP } Issue is that all of those resources have both no flowmode (which does make sense - your nuclear fuel does not generally slosh around as needed) and no enabled pump (so you can't transfer them manually). I put the above into my gamedata months ago, as otherwise EPL-built fission-powered craft tended to be kind of screwed.
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